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Craig and Tweek sat on the couch, Tweek was flipping through channels on the tv while Craig was on his phone.
They were waiting for their food to arrive, knowing it would only be a matter of minutes before it came.
"Ugh, I can't find anything to watch." Tweek groaned as he turned the television off.
He was laying at the end of the couch, his legs slung over Craig's knees while Craig sat upright.
"Oh well." Tweek added with a small shrug.
A few moments later, the doorbell rang.
"Food!" Tweek exclaimed excitedly as he jumped up from the couch, earning a chuckle from Craig as he ran to the door.
He opened it, greeting the delivery man with a smile.
He paid for the pizza with the money he had already slipped into his pocket when he was upstairs.
The delivery man left and Tweek made his way back to the couch, shutting the door behind him as he walked.
He sat down next to Craig, holding the box on his lap.
Craig set his phone down while Tweek opened the box, revealing the delicious looking pepperoni pizza.
He picked up a slice and handed it to Craig, then picked up a slice for himself.
He shut the box and set it on the coffee table in front of them.
He got back in his regular spot, slinging his legs over Craig's as they ate their pizza.
"Sooo, were just gonna forget about the whole kiss thing?" Craig asked curiously.
"I dunno... do you wanna forget about it?" Tweek responded.
"Answering questions with a question only raises more questions." Craig said.
"Okay, now I'm confused." Tweek said with a small laugh.
Craig laughed a bit as well.
"But like, really. Are we gonna forget it, is it gonna go somewhere or is it just gonna be something that happened?" Craig asked again.
He was genuinely curious, he wanted it to go somewhere but he wasn't sure if Tweek did.
Same goes for Tweek, though his anxiety got the best of him and now he's convinced that Craig doesn't want it to go anywhere.
"Well... I want it to go somewhere but... I'm not sure if you do." Tweek replied, hesitating a bit mid-sentence.
It was silent for a moment as Craig tried to figure out how to respond.
He honestly didn't know how to.
The boy he's liked since meeting him just practically told him he wanted a relationship, he didn't know what to say.
"Hello? Earth to Craig." Tweek said, sitting up and waving a hand in front of Craig's face.
Craig snapped out of thought and looked at Tweek, locking eyes with the twitching blonde.
They stared at each other without speaking for what felt like hours.
The silence made Tweek nervous and he kept contemplating whether he said the right thing or not.
His expression became saddened as he finally convinced himself that he said the wrong thing.
Craig noticed this, of course.
"Whats wrong?" He asked, not hesitating.
Tweek didn't answer, instead he just looked away.
He let out a small sigh as he shut his eyes, silently hoping to restart the day so he could undo everything.
Of course, that didn't happen.
They sat in silence for a few moments, though it felt like an eternity.
'What the hell do I do now?!' Craig thought to himself.
The silence made both of them fairly nervous, as they both didn't know what the other was thinking in that moment.
Craig took a deep breath before taking his hand and placing it on the other boys chin, gently turning his head to face him.
At this point, Tweek's face was getting redder with every second.
They stared into each other's eyes once more for a moment.
Craig slowly leaned in and their lips connected.
Tweek was caught a bit off guard, though he wasn't complaining.
He eventually melted into it, feeling a bit relieved to say the least.
They pulled away, Tweek's face was still somewhat red.
"I want this to go somewhere, too." Craig said with a small smile.

Okay soooo
I couldn't make this one as long as I wanted because I actually had to take a few breaks near the end because I was fangirling too much, even though this is my fanfic 😂

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