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Tweek stood in the bathroom while his moms horrified scream came from the doorway.
He shot his head over to her, he didn't notice her come in.
She had a hand over her mouth as tears slipped from her eyes, which were fixated on Tweek's bloody wrists.
He stared at his mom with wide eyes, instantly regretting everything once he saw her.
He had tried to kill himself, he just felt like there was no other option.
But once he saw the look in his mother's eyes, once he saw the shocked and hurt look on her face, he realized that he had something to live for, and that was his family.
She rushed over to him and pulled him into a hug, he wrapped his arms around her, his wrists smearing blood onto her shirt.
The blood was still coming and it wouldn't stop.
She pulled away and examined his face.
Soon, his eyes slowly closed and he began falling to the floor.
She tried to hold him up as she sat down.
She reached for her phone in her pocket, her hands shaking madly.
She called 911 quickly.
Once an ambulance was on the way, she sat down next to her son and held him as she dialed Craig's number.
She sat there, shaking as she rocked back in forth slightly, hoping for Craig to answer.
Once he did, she let out a quick sigh of relief then began talking.


Craig rushed into the hospital, his heart still beating as fast as it could.
He looked around until he saw Tweek's mom standing by the receptionist's desk, biting her nails anxiously.
He ran up to her and she turned her wide eyes to him soon after.
"Is Tweek okay?" he asked, concerned.
"I don't know... he blacked out before I called 911... I guess I should tell you what happened..." She sighed as she prepared herself to go over the events.
Craig listened as carefully as he could, making sure not to miss any details.
Once she had explained everything, he looked at her, slightly wide eyed.
"T-this was all my fault..." he whispered to himself, averting his eyes from her and onto the floor.
"Hm?" She hummed, shaking slightly after talking about what happened.
"I've got to see Tweek." He spoke up.
She looked at him, slightly confused, but then responded.
"Hopefully the doctor will come talk to us soon... in the meantime, I-I guess we should sit down for a bit." She walked over to a chair slowly, sitting down.
Craig followed soon after, sitting down in a chair to her right.
He sat with his head in his hands while his thoughts whirled around in his mind and consumed him.
He replayed everything Mrs. Tweak had told him.
Tweek had tried to kill himself, but she didn't know why.
He didn't have a note in the bathroom or anything, so she was clueless.
But Craig knew why.
And he blamed himself for all of it.
He wondered what he was going to say to Tweek once he saw him.
"Hey, sorry for being a jackass and hitting you."? Nope, that's not gonna work...
Think, Craig, think...
An hour passed and he still hadn't figured out what to say.
Whilst he was still thinking—and cursing himself slightly in the process— the doctor finally came out.
He approached Tweek's mom and let her see him first, sense she was family, after all.
This gave Craig more time to think, not that it would help.
He just needed more time to prepare himself.
Though, after a few minutes, he had gotten tired of waiting.
He sat anxiously, his right leg fidgeting slightly as he looked around to see if Mrs. Tweek had come out yet.
Once he saw no sign of her, he hung his head with a small inaudible sigh.
He really wanted to see Tweek, to apologize, to talk to him and to just hear his voice.
Though he didn't know what to say, he figured it all come to mind once he saw him.
It needed to, after all.
About twenty minutes later, Mrs. Tweek had finally come out.
She approached Craig, wiping her eyes slightly.
He looked up at her.
She gave him a sad smile and a small nod, signaling that he could go see Tweek.
He stood up slowly and began walking to the room, beginning to freak out slightly on the inside.
He approached the door.
It wasn't too far from the waiting room so it didn't take long.
He reached for the door handle, then stopped as his breathing hitched.
He shut his eyes and focused on his breathing, just like he told Tweek to.
Once he had calmed down slightly, he turned the handle.
He walked in and saw Tweek laying in the hospital bed.
His arms were bandaged up and he was lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling.
Once he noticed Craig walk in, he looked at him.
His eyes widened slightly then he turned his head in the opposite direction.
A frown appeared on Craig's face as he slowly approached he side of the bed.
It took a few moments before he spoke up.
"Tweek I... I'm really sorry... I know I broke my promise... and most importantly, I know I broke you... I wasn't thinking when it happened, and I wish I had been. You didn't deserve that... and I'm really really sorry..." he sighed and hung his head.
Tweek could feel tears welling up in his eyes, but he soon blinked them away.
Once Craig had figured out that Tweek wasn't going to respond, he started heading for the door.
He reached for the handle, but stopped to say one last thing.
"I hope you'll be okay... I love you, Tweek."
And with that, he opened the door and left.

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