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Warning: mentions of self harm.

Tweek's POV

"Tweek, honey. Get up. You're going to be late for school." I heard my moms voice say.
And with that, I quickly jerked up in bed with a loud 'GAH'.
"I-I can't be late again!" I exclaimed as I jumped out of bed and frantically looked for something to wear.
"Oh god, too much pressure!" I said, forgetting that my mom was in the room.
I picked out my usual clothes; jeans and my beige button up shirt.
"Honey, you'll be fine. Just stay calm and remember, it's not too bad if you're a few minutes late." My mom reassured me as she stood up from my bed.
She walked to the doorway.
"But hurry it up, mister." She said as she left the room, closing it behind her.
I quickly got dressed.
I tried to button my shirt but, as usual, to no avail.
The buttons were in the wrong spots as they always were.
I quickly grabbed my book bag which was hung on the foot of my bed.
I ran out of my room and ran down the stairs.
My dad and mom weren't in the house so I assumed they were waiting in the car.
I sneakily got a bit of my dads coffee that he had made and poured it into a mug.
I chugged it quickly, it didn't burn sense it was made a bit ago but it was warm.
Once I had chugged it all, I set it down on the counter.
I ran to the door and slipped my shoes on and ran out.
I locked the door behind me and saw my parents in the car.
My dad in the drivers seat and my mom in the passengers.
I got into the back and buckled up.
My dad started to drive and I looked out of the window.
As I stared at the scenery of the mountains and trees, I saw a boy in a blue hat that had a yellow puff ball thing on the top and he was wearing a blue jacket.
Some of his black hair hung out of the top of his hat.
He seemed to be new sense I had seen everyone in this small town.
He was probably just wandering around and checking the place out.
He was heading in the same direction that I was; toward the rest of town, of course.
Where else would he go?
I caught a glimpse of his eyes as we drove by.
They were a hazel-ish color.
In my opinion, they suited him pretty well.
To be honest, I did think he was kind of cute, though, I didn't get that good of a look at his face.
I wonder if he'd ever be going to my school....
Most likely, sense basically every kid in South Park goes there.
I honestly don't have any friends there.
I mean, I've talked to some people there and tried to be friends but it never worked.
Butters and I were friends for a few weeks until he got together with Kenny.
Then he was all over him and never left his side.
Our friendship ended and fast as it started.
I tried to be friends with Eric, Kyle, Stan and Kenny but usually they'd all insult me, especially Eric.
He was the one who gave me the nickname "Twitchy" which isn't really clever but he got everyone in the school to call me that, even Mr. Garrison calls me that from time to time.
Eric also made fun of me for my scars.
Calling me 'weak' because I couldn't handle pain so I 'sliced myself up'. His words, not mine.
I hate when people describe cutting as 'slicing yourself up' or anything along those lines.
One day, he even told me to just go 'all the way'.
When he said that, Kyle backed me up.
He rarely ever did.
He told Eric off that day but him and I never became friends.
So, that friendships out the window.
I tried to be friends with Pip but Damien kept him away from me and I never knew why.
Long story short, I don't have any friends.
"Tweek, we're here." My dad said, causing me to snap out of my thoughts.
We had arrived in front of the school.
I frantically made sure I had all of my things then got out of the car, not saying bye to my parents because I usually never do.
I ran inside, knowing I was a few minutes late.
But, the good thing is, I got there a few minutes before my first class starts.
Once I go inside of the school, I immediately got glares from almost everyone.
As I walked passed everyone, I studied their actions to keep myself occupied.
I looked over to Butters and Kenny.
They were sitting on the floor in front of some lockers, Butters had his head laying on Kenny's shoulder with his arms wrapped around Kenny's left arm.
I looked at Kyle and Stan.
They stood next to each other awkwardly.
Kyle looked down to the ground with a light shade of pink going over his cheeks.
Stan was leant against a locker, his hands were in his jean pockets and he was looking around, the same shade of pink flushed over his cheeks.
Cartman stood next to Stan with Heidi.
They had gotten back together for at least the tenth time this month.
I looked to Pip and Damien.
Pip was going on about something while Damien went through his locker, still listening to Pip.
A few moments later, I heard the bell ring.
I looked ahead of myself and ran to Mr. Garrison's classroom.
I got there first sense I ran.
I walked in, slightly out of breath.
"Wow, you're the first one in here for once, Twitchy." Mr. Garrison said to me.
I hate the name Twitchy...
I silently walked to my seat and sat down as everyone else made their way into the classroom.
Eric, Stan, Kyle and Kenny all took their seats.
Eric sits in front of me, which honestly sucks ass.
He always bullies me when everyone else is paying attention to Mr. Garrison.
Speaking of which, as Mr. Garrison began the lesson, Eric began to bully me once more.
"Listen here, Twitchy. Kyle may have stood up for you that one time but just know, he won't ever be your friend, fag. Oh, also, I meant what I said when I told you to go all the way." He said to me, trying to be too loud so no one heard.
I sighed and stared down at my desk as he turned back to face the board.
Why can't he just leave me be?
A few moments later, Mr. Mackey walked into the class.
"Children, I have an announcement to make, m'kay. Tomorrow, m'kay, we're getting a new student, m'kay? He just moved here yesterday, m'kay, and I need all of you to be on your best behavior, m'kay?" Mr. Mackey said.
Sweet. That guy I saw today is coming to my school.
But... I doubt he'll even talk to me, though...


It was a few hours later and everyone was crowded in the cafeteria.
I had already gotten my lunch and I sat down in a dirty corner of the room, like I usually do sense no one will let me sit with them.
I began to eat my lunch.
I saw Eric start heading over this way with his friends.
I hoped he wasn't coming to pick on me.
To my surprise, he turned to the side and continued walking to their table.
I let out the breath that I had been holding in.
I continued to eat.
My mind wandered to that guy that I saw.
Now he'd be coming to my school tomorrow...
I wonder what he's like...
What his name is...
Who he is...
Something about him just intrigued me and I don't know why.
I shook the thoughts out of my mind and finished eating.
Once I was finished, I threw the paper plates we use into the trash can next to me as I stood up.
I decided to leave the cafeteria sense I have no one to talk to and class is starting soon.
I walked over to the doors to the cafeteria and left.
As I entered the hall, I only saw a few students.
Wendy, who seemed to be putting something in her locker.
Gregory stood up against his locker as he talked on the phone with someone.
I walked past him to hear what he was talking about, because I'm nosy as hell sometimes.
"Uh huh, yep, alright, see ya later, Christophe." He said as he took his phone from his ear and hung up.
I should've known he was talking to Christophe.
He usually does all of the time.
He put his phone back in his pocket then proceeded to open his locker.
As I walked down the hallway, I spotted a few more students.
Jimmy, who was standing in front of Timmy, most likely trying out a few jokes on him.
They became best friends when the school year started and now they're basically always hanging out together.
Next to them was Rebecca, who was just standing against her locker for some reason.
I continued walking, not seeing any more students along the way.
Wait a second...
I stopped in my tracks.
I've been heading the wrong way this whole time! I'm gonna be late for class! Shit!
I began to run back, running past any and all students and teachers.
I wanted to stop running but I couldn't.
Class would start soon and I didn't want to be late.
Gah! Too much pressure!
A few moments later I got to the classroom.
I ran in and the bell rang.
Then I realized, lunch was over, which was why the bell rang.
Class started in like ten mins.
I sighed to myself as I decided to just take my seat.
The teacher didn't really care.
I sat down and tried to catch my breath from running.
I wish school was over already.
I sat there in silence, wondering what to do next.
I put my elbows on the desk, laying my chin on my hands in boredom as I waited for the next bell.

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