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Warning: mentions of abuse and self harm.

Third Person POV

Craig and Tweek had arrived at Craig's house.
Ruby said bye to Karen as the three got off of the bus.
Thomas and Laura didn't know about Tweek coming over but then again, why would Craig tell them?
They walked into the house, being greeted by Laura, who, surprisingly, wasn't drunk.
"Hey, kids. How was your- wait a second..." She said, noticing Tweek.
"Craig, who's this?" She asked, standing up from the couch which she was sitting on.
"I-uh... I-I'm Tweek. I came over to help Craig study.." Tweek answered for Craig.
"Study, huh?" She said with a smirk.
"Okay, well, I wouldn't want to interfere with your 'studying'. Proceed." She said.
Craig and Tweek made their way upstairs, Craig had facepalmed many times.
They went into Craig's room and he locked the door while Tweek sat on his bed.
"So... your mom seems nice..." He said with a small chuckle.
"Yeah, sorry about her...." Craig apologized as he sat down next to Tweek.
He took his backpack off of his back placed it by his feet, Tweek did the same.
"So, wanna start studying now?" He asked.
"Sure" Craig replied.


"Ah, screw this." Tweek said in a pouty tone.
Craig laughed, though it hurt him to laugh sense he has that bruise on his stomach.
"I'm too dumb for this." He added.
Craig gave him a face that basically said "bitch, stop."
"Well, it's true." Tweek said, not needing Craig to say anything.
"No, it's not. I may have only known you for a day, but I can tell you one thing," Craig started.
"You're not dumb. You're most likely smarter than half of the people in school." He said.
Hearing Craig say that made a light shade of pink flush over Tweek's face.
He had to admit, he didn't know Craig all that well but he was pretty certain that he liked him.
Craig felt the same, though he didn't want to admit it.
He wasn't one to like someone upon meeting them.
Though he liked Tweek, he tried to deny it but to no avail.
Every time he'd deny it, his mind would always tell him that he does like Tweek.
It's not that he was embarrassed by it, it's that he had just met him.
They hadn't had a strong enough bond for a relationship yet.
Without waiting for Tweek to reply to his previous statement, Craig went back to doing homework.
Tweek say there, looking at Craig, admiring him, wondering if he should say something.
"Thanks.... Craig. For.. Ya know..." He said as he put his hand on the back of his neck.
Craig looked back up at him, locking eyes with him.
"No problem, Tweek..." He said, shooting him a warm smile.
He doesn't smile much unless he's around Ruby, even then it's rare, so smiling at Tweek was a surprise for Craig.
It wasn't a fake smile that he had to force.
It was a genuine smile.
About two minutes passed and the two had finally realized that they had been locking eyes the whole time.
Tweek looked back down to his homework quickly, his face red.
Craig did the same.
"So... w-wanna move on t-to history?' Tweek asked as he twitched a few times.
"Y-yeah, uh, sure..." Craig replied.
The two boys grabbed their history homework and textbooks out of their bags and started working.
Tweek looked back at Craig while he stared at his homework.
He wanted to ask about the bruise on his nose but he didn't know if he should.
"H-hey... uh, Craig?" He said, deciding to speak up.
Craig looked up at him.
"Yeah..?" He replied.
"I-if you don't mind me asking... what h-happened to your nose?" Tweek asked.
Craig let out a small sigh.
"I-it's nothing... I could ask the same thing about those scars on your arms but...." Craig replied.
The last part caught Tweek off guard.
"Shit... that came out wrong..." Craig said as he rested his face on the palm of his hand.
"Sorry..." He added.
"I-it's okay..." Tweek replied, not realizing that he had hidden his wrists since Craig answered his question.
"But... are you sure you don't wanna talk about it..?" He added.
Craig sighed.
"I-it was my dad..." He said, looking down at his homework.
Tweek was silent.
"He just gets... mad sometimes..." Craig added.
"Craig, I-I'm sorry..." Tweek replied.
"It's fine... it happens..." Craig said.
Tweek looked at him with a look that said "It's not fine." but Craig didn't see it.
Croat let out a small sigh and Tweek checked the time.
"Oh shit, I gotta get home, I'll see you tomorrow at school." Tweek said as he frantically put his stuff in his bag, twitching a bit.
Craig noticed this and couldn't help but smile at how cute it was.
"Tweek, calm down. You'll be fine." He said with a few small giggles.
Tweek took a few breaths then zipped his bag up and headed toward the door.
"Bye." Craig said as he waved.
"Bye, see ya tomorrow." Tweek replied as he opened the door and left.

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