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Craig's POV

I shut the door behind me and soon ran off, smirking.
Sure, that was an asshole move, but she'll thank me later.
I looked up as I walked.
The stars shone in the dark sky and it reminded me of one night with Tweek.
He insisted on staying at the park until dark to look at the stars, even thought being out at night scares him.
I offered to walk him home, but he was being stubborn and wouldn't leave and I couldn't leave him there alone.
Long story short, we looked at the stars until at least one in the morning.
I cracked a smile at the memory.
Tweek and Ruby are the only ones who really make me smile, genuinely at least.
Even if Tweek and I weren't together anymore, memories and thoughts about him were enough to actually make me happy.
A big gust of wind came by and took me by surprise, making me realize how damn cold it was.
The weather never really bothered me much, but it was way too cold that night.
Hopefully Ruby would decide to spend the night with Karen.
Soon, I made it back to my house.
As I approached the door, I heard the sounds of shattering glass and soft sobs.
I opened the door, curiously yet cautiously, and saw my mom sitting on the floor, sobbing with glass all around her while my dad stood in front of her angrily.
He was holding a few suitcases, they seemed overpacked.
"I don't have time for this bullshit. I'm done." He turned to the door, seeing me standing there.
I stared at him, confused.
I didn't know what was going on, but I sure as hell didn't like it.
"The fuck...?" I muttered, whispering slightly.
He scoffed and walked past me, nudging my shoulder harshly as he left.
I turned around and watched as he put his things in the back of the car then drove off.
I turned back to my mom who still sat there, crying.
I ran over to her.
"Are you okay? What happened?" I asked, kneeling down and placing a hand on her shoulder gently.
She looked over at me.
Her eyes were red and puffy and she had small cuts from what I assumed was the glass.
"I-I tried to make him stay but h-he wouldn't l-listen..." She choked out.
At least that bastards gone...
"I- um... y-you should get up and go clean up those cuts... I'll take care of the glass." I said, standing up and offering her my hand.
She hesitated but soon took it.
I pulled her up gently, noticing that she had been shaking.
She smelled of alcohol, as usual, but it didn't bother me at the time.
She stared at me for a second before pulling me into a hug, sobbing into my shoulder.
I hugged back, trying to give her some sort of comfort.
Once we parted, she wiped a few of her tears away and headed toward the stairs.
As she went to clean her cuts, I took care of the glass.
I didn't know what had been broke, but it left a shit ton of shards scattered across the floor.
A shit ton.
It took me nearly twenty minutes to get it all cleaned up, mostly because I kept noticing pieces out of the corner of my eye, even though I swore I checked everywhere.
Once I was certain that every piece was cleaned up, I slumped down on the couch.
Well that was pretty fucked up...


"Alright, alright, I heard you. Damn." I said, groaning as I slammed my hand down on my alarm.
It was the next day, and honestly, I was actually ready to go to school.
Crazy, I know.
I assumed it was because I actually got some sleep instead of lying awake at night while my dad screamed at my mom.
Fucking asshole.
I sat up on the edge of my bed, rubbing my eye lightly as I yawned.
I soon stood up, stretching my arms out as I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and slowly walked over to my door.
As I walked out into the hallway, I was greeted with silence.
Usually, I'd hear my dad yelling at Ruby and I to 'get our lazy asses ready' but instead, it was quiet.
I walked down the stairs, checking the time on my phone even though I already knew what time it was.
I woke up half an hour early, sense I decided I needed a shower before school.
Usually I'd wake up at 6:00 and hurry to get ready, which would result in messy hair and disheveled clothing, but I decided to be productive today and actually take fucking care of myself.
I walked into the kitchen, wondering what I was going to eat, because I was hungry as fuck for some reason.
I walked over to the fridge, opening it hoping to see some good ass food, but was faced with practically empty shelves.
I sighed.
Guess I'll just eat that gross shit at school.
I walked back into the living room and sat on the couch for a few minutes, turning on the tv so I'd have some background noise while I messed around on my phone.
I was going through random apps when I got a text from Ruby.
She hadn't come home last night so I guessed she spent the night with Karen.
I checked my messages.
'Hey, you up, dork?'
'Yeah, surprisingly. How'd it go with you and Karen? ;)'
'That's none of your damn business. And FYI, I'm still pissed off about that.'
'Yeah, okay, you can yell at me on the bus. Gtg lil bitch.'
'See ya on the bus, jackass.'
I locked my phone and turned the tv off as I stood up, deciding it was finally time to shower.
I walked upstairs and into my room, getting some clothes before heading into the bathroom.
I showered quickly, even though I knew I wasn't wasting any time.
Once I got out, I got dressed into my black t-shirt and jeans, slipping on my coat soon after.
I brushed through my hair quickly.
I never realized how much of a difference it would make, honestly.
I put my hat on and headed out of the bathroom, wondering what to do next sense I still had time.
Ehhh I'll just sit around until the bus gets here, I guess.

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