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Craig's POV
Tweek and I stood in silence for about ten more minutes.
Once his parents' car pulled up, his dad rolled his window down.
"Hurry it up, you two. The shop opens soon!" He yelled.
Tweek and I walked to the car.
He got in on the left side first then I got in on the right side.
"Tweek, remember, you need to work, so sense your little boyfriends gonna be there, don't get too distracted." His dad said with a smirk.
"G-gah! Dad!" Tweek yelled, both of our faces a little red.
"I was kidding." His dad replied with a chuckle.
"But seriously, you gotta work." He said, making his tone more serious.
"I will, sheesh..." Tweek said as he looked out the window.
Being called Tweek's boyfriend was... oddly nice... ugh stop it, Craig. You've only known him for a month...
I stared out the window and zoned out, Tweek seemed to do the same.
I placed my elbow on the door and rested my head on my hand, Tweek just laid his head against the window.
"You two look depressed as hell." Tweek's Mom said, snapping both of us into reality after we zoned out.
"Why don't you two actually, oh I don't know, talk?" She added.
Tweek and I both shrugged.
"Jeez, you'd think after being friends for a month you'd at least talk to each other more." His dad said.
I shot a glance at Tweek.
He shrugged slightly then continued to look out the window.
I did the same.
The awkward silence bugged me some but I tried not to think of it.
I'm usually quiet anyways, so why does it bug me now?
I mean... I do go on and on about some things with Tweek so maybe that's why...
But around his parents it just seemed weird...


About fifteen minutes passed and we had parked outside of the coffee shop.
Tweek and I got out of the car.
I waited by the door of the shop while Tweek's dad told him a bunch of shit to do.
After a bit, his parents left and Tweek met me at the door.
He pulled out a key from his pocket and opened the doors.
We walked in and he switched the sign from "closed" to "open".
"Welcome to my boring ass humble abode." He said as he went behind the counter.
He went into the back for a moment then came back out in a brown apron.
"Just to clarify, if you want coffee, you still need to pay. You don't get any free shit." He said as he leaned on the counter, giggling a bit.
"Damn, I don't even get one free coffee? Terrible service!" I said jokingly as I slammed my hand on a nearby table.
"Sir, cool your jets." He replied with a small giggle.
"Mcfuck you, get off my dick." I said, fairly loud.
Tweek couldn't help but laugh.
I joined in a bit.
Once his laughter died down a bit, he groaned and laid his head on the counter.
"Ughhhh! I don't wanna work!" He whined.
"Get to work, coffee boy." I said jokingly as I walked around the counter and stood next to him.
"But I don't wannaaaaa." He whined again.
"Sounds like a personal problem." I said as I patted his shoulder a bit.
He just rolled his eyes at my reply.
"Imma go snoop around in the back, you can work, barista boy." I said as I walked to the door.
"Those nicknames better not stick!" He yelled after me.
A small smile appeared on my face as I wandered into the back.
The back smelled of coffee.
I was taken aback at how strong it smelt.
"Fucking coffee shops and their coffee smells" I said to myself jokingly as I looked around.
There wasn't much in there, but there seems to be a small corner with a blanket or something.
Probably where Tweek samples the coffee, like he told me a few weeks ago.
"No wonder Tweek's addicted to coffee, he samples it almost twenty-four seven..." I said to myself.
I decided to walk back to check on Tweek.
Once I walked through the door, I saw Tweek hustling around while a few people waited for their coffee.
Some talked at tables and others waited in line.
"Don't wear yourself out, Tweekers." I told him jokingly.
He just scoffed and rolled his eyes at me as he gave a man some coffee.
"How about you put on an apron and help me out some if ya don't want me wearing myself out." He said as he started making another persons order.
"If you say so" I shrugged.
I wandered into the back and slipped on a brown apron.
I walked back out and Tweek suddenly stopped in his tracks when he saw me.
"I didn't actually mean it, but at least I have help." He said, looking away for some reason.
"Now, get to work, bud." He said, coming up behind me and pushing me forward toward the counter to take orders.


It was three hours later when the shop was finally closing.
The last two customers left and Tweek switched the sign from 'Open' to 'Closed'.
He let out a tired sigh as he leaned against the door.
"Today was the busiest day I've had" He said, exhaustion in his tone.
"I don't get how you can do this practically every day." I said as I leaned over the counter.
"I guess I can manage most times." He said as he shrugged.
It was silent until I heard a small 'ding' come from Tweek's pocket.
He pulled his phone out and unlocked it.
"God dammit." He groaned.
"What is it?" I asked.
"My parents can't pick me up for another hour and I don't wanna walk home because I don't know who or what's out there waiting to get me!" He said, sounding anxious.
"I could stay until your parents pick you up, plus I don't really wanna deal with my dad. He didn't know I was coming to the shop with you.." I said.
Tweek didn't reply, he just gave me a worried look, knowing that my dad will give me hell when I go home.
I looked down to the counter.
It was silent until I heard footsteps come up next to me behind the counter.
Tweek rested his arms on the counter and leaned over it.
He looked over to me, though I didn't look at him, I just stared down at the counter.
"You're... gonna be okay, right? When you get home?" He asked, his voice slightly shaking.
I don't even know...
My dad hates when I don't tell him things, and he especially hates when I lie about it when I get home.
I don't want him to get mad at Tweek or anything for my decisions.
"I... I don't even know, honestly..." I replied, finally looking up at him.
I looked into his green eyes.
I stared into them for a few minutes, getting lost.
"Craig? Helloooo." Tweek said, snapping me out of my little trance.
"You were staring at me for like two minutes straight." He said with a small laugh.
I looked away quickly, my face turning red.
"Is there anything you wanna do to pass the time?" He asked.
"What is there to do?" I replied.
"Ooh, I have an idea!" He said excitedly as he stood up straight and grabbed my hand, pulling me into the back room swiftly.

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