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Tweek's POV

I sighed as I stared at the board in front of me.
None of it ever made sense to me, which was a problem.
I always get bad grades on tests and I always get blamed for not paying attention in class or not looking at the board and taking notes.
I do all of that, yet it never makes sense to me at all.
Good thing my parents barely look at my report cards...
I started wondering about Craig.
School was almost over and I only saw him at lunch.
Maybe he went home to get some rest, sense he didn't get any sleep.
I hope so...
I glanced at the clock in the corner of the room.
We only had fifteen more minutes before school was out.
I looked down at my desk.
I had my history textbook open with a few papers on top.
You couldn't even tell what they said because my hand writing is so shitty from my shaking.
My mind began to wander to what happened when Craig walked me home..
You're so fucking stupid, Tweek...
Why the hell did I even lean in in the first place?!
Craig probably thinks I'm weird now...
After that, I felt really anxious, because I was afraid he didn't like me anymore after that...
You're an idiot...
I let out a small, quiet sigh.
A sudden pain in my stomach made my eyes widen.
It had happened a few times after I headed off to my first class.
I was late because of Cartman...
I got pushed to the ground and kicked in the stomach multiple times.
After he left, I laid there, tears streaming down my face as I help my stomach.
I was ten minutes late for class...
I got some shit for that, but I didn't get sent to Mr. Mackey.
Thank god...
The rest of the day, Cartman actually left me alone.
Kyle and Stan even came up to me at lunch and talked to me for a bit and they even asked if I was okay.
My response was "I'm fine" of course.
After a few minutes they went back over to their usual table and I was alone again, until Craig had finally came to lunch, for a few minutes at least.
He didn't talk much at all.
He didn't really do anything.
He barely ate, he didn't talk...
Hell, he barely even looked at me.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about him throughout the whole day.
He's running off of no sleep, he had a few tests today that he barely even studied for and now I'm worried that when he goes home, his dad will give him hell.
Maybe I could invite him over for the night...
I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of the bell ringing.
I began to shove everything on my desk into my backpack and quickly zipped it up whilst the teacher went on about tomorrow's test.
I stood up and slung my bag over my shoulder.
I made my way to the door along with everyone else.
I made my way out, nearly bumping into a few people.
Once I made it out into the hall, I quickly looked around for Craig.
Our classrooms were close together so I'd most likely see him on my way out.
I eventually did.
I spotted his hat through a small crowd and made my way over to him.
Once I had made it over there, he was standing against a wall.
"Hey" I said as I walked over to him.
"Hey" he replied plainly.
"I w-wanted to ask..... Do ya wanna spend the night at my house?" I asked.
"Sure" he replied.
"Nice, but... make sure you ask your dad..." I said before we finally started making our way out of the school.


We were on our way to my house.
My parents had came a few minutes before school was out to pick me up, so I asked them if Craig could spend the night.
They were cool with it, surprisingly Craig's dad was, too.
We were sitting in silence as we drove, we were almost to the house so we wouldn't have to be in awkward silence for much longer.
I stared out the window, as usual.
This would be the first night since I met Craig that one of us had stayed at the others house.
Usually we'd just hang out at the coffee shop sometimes, I'd go over to his place to study or he'd come to my house for a few hours.
I hadn't even planned anything for the night, really.
Was I supposed to?
I mean, we could watch movies and shit, but other than that, I have no idea.
I was honestly a bit worried.
Because of what happened the other night, I'm constantly afraid that Craig thinks I'm weird or something.
When are you never afraid of something, Tweek?
It didn't take long before we pulled up to the house.
We all got out of the car silently.
My parents made their way onto the porch, Craig and I soon followed.
Dad unlocked the door and everyone made their way inside.
I shut the door behind us.
My mom sat down on the couch while my dad walked into the kitchen.
Craig's dun I silently made our way upstairs and into my room.
"Sorry my rooms a mess..." I said as I shut the door.
"Eh, looks better than my room." Craig replied as he sat on the edge of my bed.
I made my way over to the bed and sat down next to him.
"So... anything you wanna do?" I asked.
He shrugged.
I looked down to the floor.
I noticed a few things laying there.
A few items of clothing that I still hadn't had the energy to wash, a few movie cases and my computer.
Once I spotted my computer, I decided to reach for it.
"We could watch a movie" I suggested as I grabbed it and set it on my lap.
"Or we could watch a show. I know exactly which one I wanna watch." He replied.
I opened my computer and turned it on.
I put in my password slowly, making sure not to mess it up.


"Okay, now that we finished season one, who's your favorite character?" Craig asked eagerly.
He had asked me that question after we finished episode three, though I kept telling him that I still didn't know.
The show we were watching was "Camp Camp"
He had talked about it some before, but I didn't see the appeal.
I sighed then took a moment to think.
"Eitherrr Neil, David or Preston" I replied.
"Screw Neil." Craig said jokingly.
"How dare you!" I exclaimed, pretending to be offended.
Before we started season two, my mom opened the door and peeked in.
"Tweek, honey. Your father and I are goin our for a while. We'll be back by nine or ten." She said.
I nodded in response and she left.
"Before we start season two, you want something to eat?" I asked as I looked over to Craig.
"Sure." He replied with a slight shrug.
I got up from my bed quickly and made my way to the door.
"I'll be right back." I said before opening it.
I made my way out into the hall and shut the door behind me.
I walked over to the stairs and carefully walked down them.
I'm always a little too cautious when it comes to stairs.
I never knew why, honestly.
Once I had made it downstairs, I wandered into the kitchen.
The house was pretty quiet, and I honestly hated it.
I always hate when my parents go out.
Usually, I'd come downstairs and my parents would be watching tv.
But when they're gone, it's just silence.
I hate silence.
I mean, yeah silence is nice sometimes but not when I'm thinking about all of my life choices up until now and it's just silent which makes it all worse.
Ugh, stop it, Tweek.
I opened the fridge with a sigh.
"What do we have today..." I said to myself as I looked around.
"Nope, Nope, boring, ew..." I repeated as I sighed.
"Well what the hell. Where's the god damn food?" I said to myself.
"Oh yeah, mom and dad forgot to go to the store earlier..." I sighed in defeat as I shut the fridge.
"Hey." A sudden voice came from the doorway.
"AH!" I exclaimed as I turned around quickly, jumping.
It was only Craig.
"For fucks sake!" I said as I sighed in relief.
He laughed a bit.
"I just wanted to see what was taking so long." He said as he shrugged, walking over to me.
I was still a bit shaken up.
Once I had finally calmed down after a few moments, I looked at Craig, realizing I had never replied to him.
"Oh, yeah uh... my parents forgot to go shopping earlier so we don't really have anything to eat right now..." I said a so placed my hand on the back of my neck, looking to the side.
"Oh well.." he replied.
I looked back at him, staring into his eyes for a moment.
Okay, Tweek. This is getting ridiculous! Just... just tell him, dumbass...
Should I?
I took a deep breath for a second.
"C-Craig...?" I said, my voice shaking a bit.
"Hm?" He replied.
You've got this, Tweek...
"I-I have to tell y-you something..." I said, not looking away from him surprisingly.
I took another deep breath, then a few more.
I guess he noticed.
"C'mon, you can tell me." He said.
"I-it's not really that easy.." I said as I finally looked away.
"C'monnn, spit it outtt" He said as he got closer to me, trying to get it out of me.
Fuck it.
I looked up at him quickly and grabbed the two sides of his hat.
I pulled him in swiftly and connected our lips.
No turning back now, I guess...

So, sorry if there's any misspelled words or anything, I wrote this at like one in the morning, again... Anyway, hope you like this one!

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