How does pathetic feel?

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Chapter One


I was hiding again, sitting in the corner of the cafeteria avoiding the loud group football players and evil girls. I practically cowered behind my Alegebra textbook when Angela walked into the room. The girl with the posse of powerful, (did I mention evil?) girls. They had made my life a living hell in 10th grade, (along with a host of other students) and now I was forever hiding.  

"Hey beautiful." The entire cafeteria seemed to stop and watch as quarter back of Landfords football team stopped and gave a quick kiss to head cheerleader, Angela Toms. She was incredibly rich, one of her family members was rumored to have founded Toms. The toms. The kind of shoe I was wearing at that very momment.  

"Hey." Angela replied, gazing up into Lanes (Mr.Hotie quarter back's) eyes.  

If only I had muscles like that. Or maybe a pea sized brain would do it. (I'd take the muscles before the brain, thank you.) Girls would flock me like mad. 

"Theres a party at my house saturday." Angela continued loudly, holding the cafs attention as she sat down. "Exclusive invites only." She handed out a few pink cards to her friends, probably invatations. That was pointless, everyone would be at her house saturday anyway. (Except for me, I'll be in my room studying for my Alegbra test.) 

"Cant wait!" One of her right hand girls giggled, tucking the invite into her bra. Jesus, I wondered how she'd even get it out, you could loose a text book in that chest.  

The cafiteria seemed to loose interest at that point and everyone lapsed into normal conversation. I watched as my best friend Greg entered the room, nearly tripping on the uneven tiles. He sported baggy jeans, a top at least two sizes too big and a ball cap turned side ways. I nearly burst out laughing.  

"Yo Dan, my man." Greg greeted me as he sat down across from me. 

"Whats....With the clothes?" I managed, trying not to laugh. (Greg goes through stages thinking that one "look" may be his.) 

"T-pain wears this shirt brand. Dog." Greg said, trying to sound...Gangster?  

"Whatever. Just please don't come dressed to school next week as a girl. As funny as it would be, I think I'd have to switch schools." I said, trying to muffle my laughter.  

"What ever! G, this is my look." Greg said, looking serious. He was always serious. 

"Okay, I get it. Your the next white rapper. I have to study now." I said, flipping open my text book.

Thats when it happened. She walked into the room. (She's just a she because I had no clue what her name was. She was a new student to Landford.) 

"Dude, do you see what I see?" Greg said. 

She was short. Not that short, but short enough to not be average. Average is 5'5 and up. She defiantly wasn't- (Okay, done nerding out.) 

She wore black short shorts, a crop top and tall high heels. Her hair was golden brown, and long. At least, compared to angela's and the rest of the populars, who's hair was cut above their shoulders. (A weird look. Angela could almost pass for Lance if it wasn't for her huge chest.) 

The girl walked straight into the lunch line, looking bored. The girl behind her asked her name, and I could barey hear her reply over the chatty cafeteria.  


So, goregous had a name, and an accent. British was my best guess. 

"Dammmn." Gregs eyes where glued to the new girl like she was some new fancy car. (Greg loved fancy cars, almost as much as his mom.) 

"Eyes out of the gutter." I said, smacking the side of his head and turning back to my text book, although I didnt blame him. I had learned the hard way girls like her didnt go out with guys like me. I had learned to accept that, but Greg apparently had not. He oggled Carmen for the rest of lunch. 

"I bet she needs someone to show her around." Greg muttered wistfully as we emptied our trays. 

"Dream on greg, Angela will be all over her before lunch is over," I muttered. Once angela had her in her talons, Carmen would become an utter bitch. Every semi attractive girl that she talked to did. (Carmen was beyond semi attractive though so she was definatly a gonner.)

As it turned out i was right. I caught carmen and angela exchanging numbers after school, as i walked past. 

"Out of my way dork wad." Angela sneered as she passed me, intentonally smacking my textbooks out of my hands.  

Note to self: Start lifting weights so you can defend text books from girls with faker personalities than teddy bears.

I am a complete loser.

A/n: Thank you for reading, this story has gone further than i thought, and thanks to everyone who has submitted a cover, commented or voted it truly means SO MUCH. Like...... To the moon and back. So remember that. <3

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