Romancing With Rodents

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Chapter Twelve


When I first moved to the U.S. I was expecting a lot of bad and very little good. For the most part, my intuition has been correct. I've hung out with numerous groups of people since Maggie deemed me too untrustworthy and a "fake bitch." It seems I have quite the reputation, but keeping my head up and thats all that matters.

"Watch out!" I let out a highly unattractive sqeal as two foot ball players charged down the stairs in the opposite direction I was heading, causing me to almost fall face-first into the rough cement. Correction: I'm keeping my head down.

I quickly headed to class, sitting at the back to avoid everyone. At lunch I sat with Karen, a girl who talked a lot about a bunch of really boring stuff. Mostly school and politics and other things I should probably be worried about. Hey, at least I was reading. A couple of really corny love novels during school to keep me occupied while I hated the universe.

I kept looking across the cafiteria at the small table where Greg and Danny sat. I seriosuly hoped Danny knew what he was doing. I could tell Gregs weirdness had sort-of rubbed off on him, (He wore jeans that where just a little too baggy, and outfits that didnt quite match) but I hoped he knew what he was talking about this time. Today netheir of them had lunch, just an small box sitting between them on the table. Both where staring at it intensely, as if the thing might blow up. I sat down my book and leaned forword, doing my best to try and figre out what the hell they where doing. Karen noticed my interest.

"Spiders. I saw that Danny kid with them this morning. Freaks." She grumbled. Spiders? What would they be doing with spiders..?

I watched them for a few more minutes before turning back to my novel. Then I heard a loud pitch squeal, the entire cafiteria stopped and stared. I swear, everything interesting in this damn school happens in the caf.

Angela had practically jumped across the table into Lance's lap, a look of pure terror on her face. One small rat sat on her plate. Angelas entire table started freaking out, then the entire caf. For about 10 minutes it was utter choas, and the teachers had to come and "evacuate" the caf, so they could check for more rats. Danny and Greg where no where to be seen.

By the end of the day rumors where flying that someone had put a bunch of creppy pictures of possed people in Angelas locker, she was attacked by a frog and someone threw a blanket of her head to try and freak her out. I had a sneaking suspision I knew what was going on, and it had something to do with Greg and Danny. What ever it was, I wanted in on it.

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