Miss. Popular

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Chapter two


I seriously hate my father. He couldnt have picked a better time to ruin my life. I swear, all that man knows is work and making life-changing descisons.  

Work he's good at. Decisons? Not so much. 

Yes, i know he is a single hard working parent of one, but changing contries in the middle of my 11th year isnt exactly nessasary. We couldve stayed in London. Theres tons of jobs for lawyers out there. But no, lets just move across the ocean to where theres 'better pay flow and easier studying.' 

My best friend Rachel went there on vacation once. The people talk weird, and the foods discusting. Thats all she had to say. I couldnt live on nasty food! 

"Carmen, are you ready for school?" My fathers voice pulled me out of my semi-panic attack. 

"Yes dad! On my way down now!" I slipped on my favorate designer heels, taking one last look in the mirror. At least I had taken a trip to my favorate London boutiques before moving. No one would be able to say I  had bad style. 

I walked downstairs, giving my father a tight lipped smile. 

"Cheer up. This is a whole new expirence for us. Who knows, maybe youll have a little fun." My father smiled. For a lawyer, he was pretty easy going. 

"I will." i assured him, giving him a hug before making my way to my car.

The school was small compared to the one I had attended in London. Only four levels, with a plain red brick design. 

I got some weird stares for my short shorts in november, but the warm texas air was almost hot compared to the dreary chill of London. 

I spent my first period in the guidance office taking care of some papers my father forgot to fill out, then my second getting a tour, even though I was confident I could walk the building easily blind folded.  

Before third period was lunch, I went straight to the cafitera. I was sort of scared of what kinds of food they'd serve, probably anything deep fried and smothered in butter. Instead, I was offered a salad. The girl in line infront of me invited me to her table. I gladly accepted her offer, glad to make some friends. Besides, it was sort of gutsy asking a total stranger from another contry to sit with you, although she probably wasnt aware of the later. 

My second period was with one of the girls I sat with, Maggie. She was super sweet and introduced me to another girl, who seemed sort of stuck up. My last period was math, and I sat alone. I did meet a few friendly people though.

After school i was ready to leave. It had been a semi-long day. 

"Carmen! Its carmen right?" A girl with super short sleek brown hair and cute wedges ran up to me. She was tall and slim, but was probably wearing four push-up bras. 

"Yeah. Who are you?" I asked, trying to sound as sweet as possible. 

"Angela. Angela toms." She flicked a peice of hair out of her eye and flashed me a super white smile. "I'm head of the cheer squad. I just wanted to welcome you Landford." 

"Oh thank you." I smiled. Head of the cheer squad? She looked like she fit the part. 

"I'm not sure if you heard, but I'm throwing a party saturday. You should come." She handed me a frilly pink invitation.  

"For sure." i smiled, taking the paper. First day and invited to a party? This place was friendlier than my last few schools.

"My numbers written on the back, so feel free to text me anytime."She smiled, walking away. I watched her leave, smacking a guys textbook out of his hands and yelling something at him. Wow, she seemed like a bitch.

Bye bye invite.

In the next few days Landford had gone from 'runing my life' to 'pretty chill.' Everyone seemed really nice and welcoming, although I had a feeling it was out of cirousity for my strange accent then genuine friendliness. I accepted etheir way.

Angela practically begged me to sit with her at lunch, dragging me by the hand over to her table. I had learned quickly angela was used to attention- and getting what she wanted. I sat at her table for a few days, and I had to admit it wasnt all that bad. Angela and her three best friends, Katie, Monica and Rose werent all air heads, but they all seemed to have amazing style. Shopping, clothes, style- that was my weak point. That and horses. I used to ride horses at my grandmas farm, before she died.

"You should come shopping with us friday, for party outfits." Katie suggested.

"Me and angie can pick you up." Lane suggested. One thing I'd noticed is how over friendly he seemed. And how he tried to peer down my shirt. I probably wouldve punched him, but i decided not to make any enemies within my first week.

"Thats alright, I have a car." I said. I already had a few outfit suitable outfits at home anyways.

"Yeah baby. She doesnt need a ride." Angela snuggled next to her boyfriend, shooting me a glare like it was my fault he was a pig.

"I have plans already friday though, sorry girls. Maybe another time." The bell rang, perfect timing. I quickly exited.

During math, I sat with Maggie. She was still nice, but I could tell she was skeptical of me after I spent a few days hanging out with the (and i quote, straight from sweet maggies lips) 'popular hag sluts.' Nobody really seemed to like angela much.

Besides agreeing on their hatred for angela, Everyone seemed shocked by how good i was in math. I guess you werent allowed to hang with her for a few days and still be smart.


The weekend arrived quickly. I aced my math test, so Greg decided we should celebrate. Which is unusual greg behavior. (It was most likely something that would benifit Greg.)

"Angelas party tonight." Greg said.

"Thats tempting." I snorted sarcastically. I refused to go anywhere near Angela, or her house, especally if she'd be drinking. Besides, Greg had'nt let up his gangster style let, and I didnt know if I could handle being seen with Greg in a gold chain necklace with an actual grill in his mouth. A plastic version of one he saw in a music video. Who the hell wears metal over their teeth as a fashion statement? Braces in 8th grade where bad enough, I dont think I could handle any more.

"Come on dude! Ere' body will be there. We aint missin' no parties. We a'int losers!" Gregs poor use of the english language was getting so bad it was to the point I almost was cringing. (Thats pritty bad, considering I can usually handle crazy Greg.)

"Man, yo hommie ova here is tryna do you a favor. Let up and help a brotha help you. Your man Gregs got yo back." Greg said. It was as close to a man-up speech I'd ever get. (Or that Greg would give, rather.)

"Seriously though dude, this is the last big party before winter! We cant miss it." Greg said, exasperated.

"You say dude waaaay to much." I told him. Greg let out a loud frustrated sigh.

"What will it take to get you to go? Fifty bucks? No homework for a week?" Greg offered.

"Youre not buying me into this. Besides, I wouldnt trust you to do my home work." I laughed. Greg wasnt exactly 'top of his class.' He wasnt really top of anything. Just an average, a lot like me. We where always under the radar.

"You know what, dude?" I said, practically forcing the word 'dude' out of my mouth. "We'll hit up this party tonight." Wait, did I seriously do what i think i just did? (Besides using the words 'dude' and 'hit up' in the same sentence?) I agreed to go to an actual party, with real alchol, and real girls.

Oh jesus I was screwd.

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