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Chapter elven.


Whats your mortal fear? Im sure everyone has one. That one thing that scares you more than anything. Mine is colslaw, but thats totally irrelavant. Monday morning I had one mission: find out Anegla Toms biggest fear. I had a feeling it wasnt going to be easy, (this was going to have to be a mastermind plan,) but I had a good feeling and I was trusting it. However when I walked into school that gut instinct died totally.

It seemed as if Angela had stepped up her game. Everyone one was going to have to have to "pay" for what me and Carmen had done, wedgies for the minor niners, hateful notes from Angelas friends in people lockers. Everyone was glaring at me as I walked down the hall to my locker, and I noticed Carmen leaning against it, applying lip gloss with a little mirror and a stick of... gloss?

"I still dont understand why girls do that."

Carmen jumped, as if I had scared her. She simply smiled. "Didnt notice you there, stranger." She said, putting away her mirror in her bag. Noticing my serious expression, her smile quickly fadded. "So your seriously going through with this?"

I unlocked my locker and opened it. "Yes, I'm going through with it. I have no other choice."

I shut my locker. Carmen was facing me, arms crossed and foot tapping. She was wearing a skirt and button up shirt, showing off her long legs and nice chest.

"Now that your done checking me out," (My cheeks quickly started to tun red,) "I think I'm going to go ask Greg what he thinks of your marvelous plan." Carmen turned swiftly, but I caught her by the arm.

"No! You can't tell Greg, no matter what. He'll think I'm betraying him." I looked down at my hand, and quickly let go of Carmens arm. Arm grabbing... Did our relationship just move forward a step? (Maybe into the direction abuse.)

"Well are you?" Carmen asked.

I frowned. She rolled her eyes. "Just what I thought. Your screwing things up, Danny." She warned, eyes squinting at me she strutted away. God, she was so-

"Look who's back from jail." Lances deep voice laughed from behind me, intrupting my thoughts.

I turned to face him. He was hand-in-hand with Angela, who looked livid.

I didnt say anything, just turned and headed to class. I wasnt sure if it was because I didnt have the guts to say anything, or because I was just so "mature" I wouldnt respond. (If I was being honest with myself, I'd say the first was more correct.)

At lunch Greg was unusually quiet. He was wearing all white, with a grey beanie on his head. Greg hated hats.

I waited until lunch was almost over to ask him what the hell he was wearing, and he simply replied with, "my talent isnt meant to be shared." Etheir he's been smoking too much weed before class, or he wants to be shakespear. (Im starting to wonder about the pot smoking.)

The end bell rang and I dumped out my tray. I bumped into a girl on her way out of the cafiteria and tried to pull a spiderman and catch her falling textbook, but it was too heavy and it dropped to the floor anyways. Jesus I need to start lifting weights. (Knowing my luck, I'd still be the same scrawny loser.)

Greg of course was pratically on the floor laughing by the time I had apologised and walked away. At least he had'nt lost his sense of humor.

After the uneventful day at school I walked home alone. Finding Angela's fear was going to be harder than I thought. This was actually going to involve effort, which was a little disappointing. I was sure ruining Angela's life would make it all worth it.

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