A Day Without Sunshine

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Chapter eight


When you watch shows on t.v. where they show the inside of jail, 99.99% of the time its a dirty, dark scary place with big thugs carrying switch blades sneering at the protagonist from the inside of dark holding cells. And of corse the entire t.v. audience thinks its all crap, because jails are paid for by the government and t.v. is crap and blah blah blah, but I can tell you from personal expirence that jail is very,very scary. Now yor probably wondering how my over-acheving ass got locked in jail. (There, I swore, now you know I'm being serious.) Carmens fool proof plan did'nt go so fool proof. A couple of fake witnesses rallied up by Angela said they saw me place the "exposive materials" in her locker and that Carmen was behind it. (I swear, its the smartest thing Angelas ever come up with, and I doubt it was even her idea.) It was enough evidence for angela to charge me with breaking-and-entering, (even though its technically the schools property.) On top of that, The school gave me 100 hours of community service and I have to pay for the special paint remover to fix Angelas nasty locker.

In other words: I've shaken off my goodie-two-shoes persona and kissed my college degree good-bye. (Who needs college anyways?)

Two hours of waiting in a nasty holding cell and a phone call home that resulted in a lot of screaming from my father and enough tears to flood the sharah desert from my mom, my parents came to pick me up. I am now 400$ in debt to my parents and am probably never leaving home again. I guess can kiss my freedom away too. (Not that there was much to kiss away.)  

And surprisingly, I'm not mad. Well actually, I have enough hatred rallied against angela to feul another rocket launch to the moon, but I'm not per say angry that she ruined my perfectly clean criminal record. Despite Carmens reasurance nothing would happen, I knew I was bound to get in some crap. At the momment however I think I'm about ready to give up. Angela seems unbeatable. Theres no way to make her pay for what she did without atleast going to jail first.

And thats when it hit me. If you cant beat 'em, join 'em.

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