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Chapter seven


I was pushed down the stairs twice by one of Lane's football buddies. Apparently I had gone from "invisible" to "hated", since I hung out with greg. Screw them. 

I was seriously glad I wasnt Carmen, however. Her english style was starting to get some serious criticism, since Angela hated her now. She looked normal enough to me, but everyone seemed to think she was a walking fashion disaster. (When did fashion disaster join my vocabulary?) I tried not to avoid her like everyone else, shooting her smiles in the hall. (That was pretty daring on my part, seeing as i only had like two friends and the only other female I talked to was my mom.) After school i hung out with greg. My mom shot me a dissaproving look when she saw him walk through the door behind me. It was like she thought we where friends just so i could piss her off. Sometimes, I'll admit, I'd considered calling him to do just that.

We played C.O.D, World of Warcraft, and even a few racing games. (Remember Gregs car addiction?)  

It wasnt until around 6:30 when greg threw down his controller (Greg has a history of throwing things when he's trying to get my attention.) "okay dude, whats going on with Carmen? Did the girl stand you up? Have you even asked her out?" Greg demanded. 

"What are you talking about?" Was he snorting crack? Since when was I "asking out carmen"? We barley even talked.

"Sorry I forgot you dont have any balls to ask a girl out." He let out a throaty (and very sarcastic) laugh. 

I glowered at him. "Whats your point?"  

"She hasnt talked to you since the bathroom incident? Its been two weeks, she should have come up with some kind of idea by now. Maybe shes making fun of you, in some sick, twisted way." Greg said seriously. 

"I'm so sure. Shes probably...plotting." (I think I was trying to convience myself more than Greg.) I was starting to wonder if he was right. 

"Did you even get her number?" Greg asked, sounding exasperated.  

"No! She asked me to help get revenge, not go to prom." I muttered. I wished we would just stop talking about it entirely. 

"Fine, whatever. Your just a wus, is 'alls I'm saying." Greg said with a shrug. I think he could tell i was getting pissed.

Friday Gregs questions where awnsered. We where sitting eating lunch when carmen sat down right beside Greg, her tray noisly landing on the table. 

"Okay, heres the plan.-" She paused, looking at Greg uncertainly. (He was turning cherry tomato red. Looks like someone else could barley handle the presence of an attractive girl.)

"He's cool." I assured her. 

"Okay. Listen up children, I have the coolest fool proof plan ever." Carmen grinned at us, looking excited. "Are you ready boys? Where going to ruin Angela Toms reputation forever."


The plan was simple. We where going to prank Angela. (It wasnt as ingenious as I'd hoped, but we where just testing how much we could get away with.) I just had to figre out how to get past the lock on angelas locker then rig it.

Judging by the thud, smack and blood curling scream, I had done a pretty good job.

The hall was deadly silent as I approached the crowd slowing forming around angela's locker. There was yellow goo slowly oozing out of her locker. I covered my mouth with my hand to stuffle my laughter as I caught sight of angela. She was covered in discusting, yellow slime. It smelled nasty, and the salesman had assured me it would take three days to wash off the dye and smell.

"OH MY GOD!" Angela screeched histerically, "What is going on? What am I covered in?!"

One of her minons squealed and slipped, taking Angela to the floor with her.

Perfect. Just perfect.

Lane, whom had been there to witness everything, took the note I had placed on the door of her locker.

"From your favorate nerd, slut and weirdo... Karmas a bitch." Lane read aloud.

"I'm going to kill that bitch! Someone help me up!" Angela screamed.

The princaple quickly appeared, followed by the secretary and a janitor, probably following the huge crowd.

"Angela... Angela Toms?" The princaple seemed to be in disbelief. The secretary was stiffling giggles,(high fives to her.) She seemed to be the only person finding this humorous, everyone else looked shocked and horrified. They all knew if someone was caught they'd be suspended and murdered personally by Angela. (I was suddenly glad the school did'nt have security cameras.)

The crowd quickly cleared, and I was forced outside so they could clean up. Greg found me doubled over out side in the grass laughing.

"It worked? Thats awesome!" Greg sounded surprised, but was grinning.

"Your welcome boys. Ready for our next ploy?" Carmen grinned.

"Already?" I asked wearily. This one wss hard to pull as was.

"Angelas going to retaliate, so we need to back ourselves up. Be one step ahead. Besides, if I get supended you need to know the plan." Carmen was serious about this- we where going to get Angela back, one nasty, smelly ploy at a time. 

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