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The next day.
I haven't felt like this in so long. I look at myself in the bathroom mirror. I feel free, happy and confident. I smile. I hope he feels the same as I do. He is the reason I ended it with Kyle. I really did like him but my feelings for Kenny kept growing and growing until they overshadowed all my feelings for him. I couldn't stop thinking about him. Everytime we're in the same room my eyes instinctively search for him. He's magnetic. Breathtaking. Wonderful.
I shake my head. I can't keep thinking about him. I have to get back out there.
I walk out of my bathroom and down the stairs. I can't be late to school or I'll be grounded. I hurry out the door.

I walk into the school and there he is standing by his locker. Kenny McCormick. He's talking to Kyle and Eric. I don't really want to talk to them. If only I could get him alone.

"Hey, Butters!" Eric shouts towards me. Darn. I walk over to them.

"Hey, fellas." I say. Kenny and Kyle look at me.

"What's up?" Kenny replies.

"Not much really." I answer and smile.

"We need to hurry to class." Kyle says as he grabs Eric's sleeve and walks away.

"But class doesn't start for another 5 minutes." Kenny says, but they've already gone. I'm alone with him. I should say something.

"So, uh, what did you do after school yesterday?" I ask. What a lame question.

"Oh, I just did some homework and Stan came over to play video games for a while." He says and smiles. Oh jeez, that smile of his completely melts my heart. I smile back and gaze into his eyes. My gaze then slowly lowers to his lips. They look so soft. I feel my heartbeat get faster. If I could only touch them, just for a moment.

"Dude, Butters." Kenny is looking at me.

"Huh, what?" I blink my eyes and look away.

"Class is starting so we should get going." He says and starts walking. I just nod and go with him.
We're in biology. I was really lucky to get so many classes with him this semester. We sit next to each other so we often help each other out with assignments. That's really nice.

After class we have a 15 minute break. I go with Kenny to meet up with the others. Only Eric and Stan are there. We sit down beside them. He starts talking to Stan while Eric starts telling me about something he did last weekend.

"Brah, I totally made out with this one chick at Bebe's party last weekend." Eric says and smirks.

"You weren't even invited to her party, fatty." Kenny cuts in.

"So? That didn't stop me from going."

"Of course it didn't." Stan said and rolled his eyes.

"She was super hot too." Eric continued. I just tuned him out and looked over at Kenny. He seemed a bit irritated. He's kinda hot when he's angry. I just can't get over how perfect he is. I adore everything about him. His personality, his looks, how he dresses, his distinct smell. How can a guy be so amazing. I smile wide and start daydreaming.

"Butters?" Stan waves his hand infront of my face.


"We gotta go to class, dude." He says as he stands up and walks away. I stand up and hurry to class.
I can't let myself space out so often. It could start getting obvious.

After class I go to the cafeteria. It's lunch and I'm starving. I forgot to eat breakfast this morning. I sit down at the table with the guys. I see Kenny isn't here yet. Wonder where he is.
I eat my food and then stand up. Kenny didn't come by at all. That's weird.

South Park Butters X KennyWhere stories live. Discover now