Khan x Starfleet!Reader

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"Just calm down!" Khan's calm voice bounced off the steel walls of lift you were stuck in.

"My leg just dematerialized, and you want me to calm down!?" You shrieked at the man who was fiddling with the controls. "I can get it back."

"Oh, now you sound like Kirk. I can save the ship. Seconds later, boom" You made the explosion noise just to see if it would annoy him even more and to drive your point home. "I am nothing like him." Khan spat. "Arrogant, ego driven jerks. Yeah, I see no comparisons there. Although, Kirk does care about his crew and would die for them."

"I care about my crew." You raised your brows. "Actually, you care more about the power you and you people could have." He turned to you, eyes dark and foreboding. "I care for my crew I did everything, will do anything in order to protect them." You shrugged, "Kirk isn't always arrogant, you on the other hand..." You waved your hands in his direction. "I am not arrogant." You rolled your eyes. "When are you getting my leg back?"

"When I get us out of here."

"Who says you can?"

"Do you always talk this much?

"Yeah, annoys the hell out of Spock, Nyota loves it. She says it helps with her translations, mostly because I keep flicking into Klingon and the other languages she speaks." You sniggered. Khan kicked the controls, "Oh yes that totally works." You told him sarcastically. He growled, "Touchy." You commented. The doors slid open, phasers flashed making Khan drop to the floor. "Can someone get my leg back please?" Kirk laughed. Sulu used the equipment and your leg reappeared. "Oh, thank god, well Sulu." Sulu smirked. "What took you lot so long?" You asked as you left. 

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