Eve Moneypenny x Wife!Reader

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You cooed at your child while Moneypenny made tea, Q was sitting near you with your son's favourite toy, a little cuddly cat. He was making the cat prance up and down, occasionally he would make the cat kiss your son on the nose. He was giggling as his cat danced along the carpet, there was a knock on your door. Tanner moved from the kitchen where he was plating some snacks. He moved over to the door, waving at your son on the way over. He opened the door and greeted Bond as he entered the small house you shared with your wife and son. Bond sat on a chair after greeting Moneypenny and helping her hand the tea around the room. Q danced the cat along the floor recapturing the toddler's attention.

The four of you continued a conversation about Bond's latest mission, you discussed the mission in Italian, so your son couldn't pick up on what you were saying. You discussed possible associates and motives. Q discussed his tracing of the money and the computers that had been left behind. Tanner and Moneypenny discussed the links to other cartels. Bond mentioned what he had found. You would all on occasion talk to your young son, and Q hadn't stopped moving the cat around. Your son had been saying "Meow," several times throughout the visit. You all ate the snacks that Tanner had plated, and Moneypenny had made.

You feed your son some snacks as he sat on your lap. Moneypenny stood, moving towards the kitchen to get a drink for your son. She knelt and cooed at him, seeing her eyes copied perfectly in his face. "Do you want a drink? Milk? Apple juice?" He gurgled, "Apple juice." She decided and stood moving towards the kitchen. "Shaken not stirred." Eve dropped the cup she was attempting to place the lid on. The plastic clattered to the ground the lid popping off and spilling the light gold liquid everywhere. You all stared shocked at the small boy in your lap. Moneypenny was mouthing words attempting to get the words out. You peeled your eyes away from your son to stare at Bond. "What have you been teaching my son?" Moneypenny's voce was dead calm, you looked over at Q who wasn't fond of conflict or tense moments. You handed your son over to Q who was immediately distracted by the warm wiggling boy in his lap. He danced the cat along his belly. Bond stood recognising the look in Eve's eye. "I didn't teach him anything, that bad." He attempted to justify what transpired. You stood, "Bond." He attempted to apologise. Bond then played off that he had to go but you and Eve giggled, Q spoke up. "What are you going to do to get back at him?"

You and Eve glanced at each other, "Nothing, let him squirm for a bit." You shrugged. Bond chuckled before sitting back down. Tanner laughed, followed by Q as well as Eve and yourself. Your son giggled along, not understanding what was happening. The five of you went back to playing games with your son, laughing throughout the afternoon.

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