Angus MacGyver x Phoenix Agent!Reader

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Gif doesn't belong to me as always, credit to the creater who Wattpad isn't letting me tag. 

Requested by Kayame1234

Mac fiddled with the ends of your hair thinking about how your friendship and your eventual relationship had begun. While he hated what had happened between the two of you at the beginning, he was relieved it ended the way it did. He glanced down at his chest at your sleeping figure, he smiled when you moved closer to him. Mac thought back to how you had been his crush ever since he was young, you were the one person he couldn't ask out as he didn't want to destroy friendship. Mac thought back to his relationship with Nikki and how he had hurt you.

Nikki laughed, her smile radiating around Mac and Bozer's living room. Bozer glanced over at you, at the forced smile on your face, how only he or Mac would noticed that it was forced. Jack had over time noticed whenever your smile was forced. You leaned forwards to talk to Mac, you kept trying to ask him something, but he was largely ignoring you. You gave up after a while shaking your head and rolling your shoulders and placing a smile on your face.

You spent months watching Mac be happy with Nikki and spent those months being slowly pushed away from Mac, from Bozer, from Jack and slowly your happiness was beginning to leave you. You sat at your kitchen bench glancing through the various job offers you had from DC. Bozer knocked on your doorframe, startling you from your daydream. "What are looking at?" He asked, "Job offers in DC, I think I'm going to take this one." You waved the NCIS offer at Bozer. "NCIS, Naval Criminal Investigative Services." You informed him off his blank look. You had told Mac all this after the Nikki incident. He now knew how close he was to losing you, he was incredibly grateful that hadn't happened. Mac's mind filtered back to the fight that had almost destroyed your friendship.

It had been a few months since the whole Nikki thing, Bozer was now working at the Phoenix albeit in the lab. He had kept your secret about moving to DC, but Mac being Mac found out anyway. Mac noticed as you lead another woman, your replacement, around Phoenix handing her files and talking about something. Jack noticed his friend's stare, "You alright, buddy?"

"Why is she ignoring me? What did I do?" Jack rolled his eyes, "You did, when you were dating Nikki, you kinda ignored her and pushed her aside for months." Mac shook his head, "I didn't do that." Jack looked at the younger man, "You may not have noticed what you did, but you still did it."

Mac walked to your office and knocked on the door, when he entered, you were thankfully alone. "When were you going to tell me that you were leaving Phoenix for DC?" You shrugged, "Wasn't really going to." You faced him, with a hard look in your eyes. "I thought I was your friend."

"I thought I was too." You replied. "That's not fair." Neither of you were shouting it was a calm simmering fight, the anger hiding behind the steady voices. He countered, "No what's not fair, is you pushing me, your childhood friend away, for your girlfriend. Then still pushing me away, even after everything that happened. I tried to help you Mac, I stood up for you. I was there for everything and this is how you repay me." Tears began to make their way into both of your eyes. He stepped forwards, "So, yes, Mac. I decided to leave where I'm not wanted."

"I want you." He told you. "Oh, wow. What every girl wants to hear, 'I want you'." You scoffed, "I loved you, Mac and you hurt me. You really hurt me." Mac stepped forwards moving closer to you. "I'm sorry, I hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you. I've had this crush on you since we were kids, I didn't want to destroy our friendship and I wanted to in my life for as long as I could have you." His hands made their way to your waist. His nose began to nudge yours, he began to whisper to you. "I love you, I want you in my life. I am so sorry that I hurt you. I never wanted to do that. I love you, Y/N L/N." He tucked you under his chin, "I love you, Y/N." Your arms were wrapped around his torso, pulling him closer to you. The hug lasted awhile and the letter accepting the job was in the shredder.

Mac smiled as he was brought back into the present, he looked down at your sleeping figure. He kissed the top of your head, he trailed his fingers down your cheek and bare arm before closing his eyes allowing sleep to over take him. 

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