CH7: A Road of Blood

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Eileen's POV
Me and Sisi land back on the ground as we dodge a Nevermore.We continue running through the woods. I tried following the scent of Kato, but the transformation marked his scent, so Sisi told me that her gauntlets can track powerful energy signals from a 10 mile radius thanks to the drones she sent out earlier today.
"How much further?" I asked Sisi as we start slowing down to rest.
"We're here" we stopped in front of a big tree as I looked at Sisi in confusion "So where's Kato" she looks down at her gauntlet before activating her weapons.
"My gauntlets can sense high energy signals, and if it's not Kato that is here, then that means theirs somebody else here" I quickly understand as I pull out my blades and detached them as we stood there. Suddenly, a guy with Blonde dirty hair came running towards us. Sisi roundhouse kicked him in the face as it looks like he wasn't expecting it. He flew back but back rolled as he turned to me.
"Your a Hunter right? I can tell by the scent of old blood" I was surprised that there were more Hunter's besides us that weren't....well let's say eager to kill us."Then let's work together, your looking for the old Hunter's right?, I just escaped from there, I can show you where to go, I'll tell you everythi..*BANG*"
Someone shot a round at us and before I could react, it went off. Everything went black
"Elle...Open your eyes" I open them to see that there's a pink force field around us that blocked the shot. I turn to the blonde Hunter, who is in the Ashen wolf attire.
"Your going to be fine, they won't get you, but your gunna help us find a friend in return" I turned to Sisi and nodded. And nodded back before she made the bubble explode, pushing all the things back.
"SISI NOW" I yelled as she clicked her boots and the black start having pink cracks, just like her gauntlets, except it has black cracks as I grab her arm. I look at the other people and I grab my Evelyn and I start shooting while Sisi is charging up. I look at he blonde Hunter who uses his own gun to cover us.
"What's your name?" I asked him. He turned to me before he did a smile.
"Logan... Just Logan" I smiled back as I looked at Sisi
"Let's gooOOOOOOO" Me and Logsn held on to Sisi's arms as we got shot into the air and landed in a very far place, she jumped again and we went like another mile. After about 3 Jumps. Sisi collapsed on the ground as her attire went back to normal. I picked her up. She was unconscious.
"You did well Sisi... LOGAN let's go" Me and Logan readied our weapons as we look at the Ruined castle in front of us. We look at each other before we defend down into the depths.

Kato's POV
You might have been wondering what the hell I've been doing to get control of my body back. After some time into the forest, the transformation starting taking a toll on my body. So it became unstable, and my chains flickered, which was enough to punch him in the face. I grab him and push him down into where I was, as the chains come back on. I look at him
"You can't run form your destiny Kato.." It said as it glared at me
"How the hell is hurting people my destiny, man you high on blood" I sat down and closed my eyes. I woke up in front of a ruined castle . I looked at myself to see I'm all out of energy. I looked at my Ludwig blade.
"Come on....just give me some of your power" I ask myself, let's call him Otak. I clos,y listen for a response.
"Go beast mode for all I care" Otak said as he went silent again
"Come on, you and I know that I will die if I go there unprepared, and if I die, you die!!" I told him. Suddenly, my hair turned Crimson red, and so does my eyes, but nothing else.
"So when your in control, you go all out, but when I'm in, you make me a Saiyan?" Otak laughs, which is pretty damn rare
"When you need more, I'll give you more, just don't go dying there, I don't care about you, but if you die, I die, so SONT DIE" I roll my eyes as I take out my Ludwig blade and I walk into the castle. I walk for about a long time when I hear a voice.
"Hey Kato.. There's a energy signal close." I nod as I sit down and deactivate the Saiyan hair. I sit down and rest
"Nice idea, you rest, I'll sent a shock down your whole body when you need to wake up" I smile before I fall asleep. I open my eyes to see Otak chained down to the floor. I sit infront of Him.
"Hey Otak, I got some questions to ask you" I wait as he looks up
I realize the chains from him as he rubs his wrist and looks at me confused.
"You know I can take over your body and kill everyone you love right?" He said as his blue flame grew a bit brighter.
"Yea, but if we're going to live, we need to have each other's back, so it's your choice, you with me or not?" I say as I reach out my hand to him. He studies me before standing up and handshaking me
"Yea your right." We sat down on the table opposite of each each other
"Why did my hair turn Silver?" I asked him
"When the Beast DNA, Aka me was awaken, it flowed across your body until it got into your blood streams, and spread thought out your body. It changed your eye color to silver and also your hair from their original blonde and blue colors." He said before breathing again
"Was it The...."
"No need to tell me, I know everything about you, like how you once had a crush on..."
"WE DONT NEED TO RELIVE THAT MOMENT!" We both laughed before I cleared my throat.
"So then from Eileen's story,at first my fur was silver, but then turned white, why?" He sat and looked up before answering
"Well let's see... The transformation pushed your hair to a certain level of neutral for example gray, but when you original hair turned silver, it pushed it all the way to a Snow White shade of white" he finished
"Then why doesn't Vicar have white hair?"
"I don't know a hard core answer, but I'm guessing if she could turn into a beast and turn back, via your fight with her, you must have injured her real body in the process. Lemme show you" he puts his hand forward and the room changes into the chapel thst I fought Vicar. I turn to see me dodges and rolling out from attacks.
"You see that place there?" He points at the chest, as soon as I slashed it, it fell on one knee as I repeatedly beat it. I saw the other wounds, but the one that was weird was the chest wound. It wasn't just a cut, it was a deep cut.
" When y turn into your full beast mode, your human body is located where the heart should be, and that means that if they damage you to much, you and e beast will die, for example, the dark parrl beast was a very old skilled Hunter in your bloodline from long long long ago that went into his beast mode to become immortal, but lost control and killed numerous Hunter's for years" I look at him amazed as I watch as we go back to the room.
"When you went over the edge back then, I wasn't really accustom to this body of yours, and I wasn't careful, so I let to much beast blood flow around, and it transformed you to your final stage, the Taiwolf" I looked at him confused before he changed the setting to the place where Sona died. I see myself turn into a giant wolf with a red and blue arm, one fire while one is lighting, attacking Eileen, until she started slashing me. But it kept healing
"your beast body, along with dark parrl,Vicar and every body else have healing abilities but it takes a huge amount of stamina to do, that why you lost this fight and didn't lose another friend" I watch as she pulls me out and falls to the ground as my body evaporates into blue smoke
"Wait so then what is Aura?" He changes the seen to when i was fighting Weiss the night before. After a lot of hits, I managed to get on her, white embers covered her to her head and to her boots, then vanished
"In the world we live in, over the past millenniums, we have found different ways to harness the Chi that dwells inside every human being on earth. In Yarhnam, it's Arcane, which is used for performing powerful magic attacks. But a presence of Quicksilver must be there, now, magic is preformed with the use of dust, which I don't completely understand yet, but from the data I've collected, it can be manipulated into any element, for example, the fireball Weiss shot at you came from dust" I nod in understanding as I think of more questions.
"Last thing... What are you?" He looks at me before I starts talking
"Out of all your family members.... You were the only one unable to reach this beast transformation. As you can see, Vicar is trying to take you for herself. And she even attacked Eileen to do it, before you open your mouth to but in, this happened during your fight with Megro wet Nurse. Anyway she saw potential in you, and she knew you would be a very helpful liability, so she needed the blood of your family to give you this power, so she lead an attack that killed your family and she gathered their good, the dark parrl blood, the lava dog in the dungeon and last but not least, her own blood, and to quicken the process, she poisoned Father Gascogne and took his blood before he went beast mode. When she knocked you out, she sent her associate to minster that blood to you, which is why I am here today, but it is unclear whether I am under her control, so I suggest when we go in, you chain me, it will stop me from taking control and I'll give you as much power as I can" he smiled as I smiled back.
"Someone's coming..wake up " His hand turns blue as his blue flaring eyes glow as he touches me. I wake up to see Eileen and a pink haired girl over me. Eileen rushes and hugs me as I hug her. Back. Before I could talk, she ducks as the pink hairs girl hits be DIRECTLY in the face with a plank.
"OWWW what was that for?!" I said rubbing my cheek
"That's for choking me asshole" she said before helping me up. I look around before I look back at them
"It's time to go guys." I turn to the pink haired girl
"Who are you?" She looked at me surprised before she turns back to normal and begins to speak
"My name is Sisi Hachimitsu(hehe)" I nod before I turn toward the direction and bring out my Ludwig blade.
"Let's go Otak" as I say this, red aura surrounds me as my hair and eyes turn Crimson red and my attire changes and so does my blade. I hold the blade and I look at them, but I notice Eileen is smirking
"You look good in red" she says. Suddenly I blonde hair guy comes down. I dash at a very fast speed and I keep my blade at his neck.
"Don't worry Kato.. He's with with us" I lower my blade and I turn to the big door as I smirk
"Time for my big entrance"

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