CH:11 Wrong Timing

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                                           Blake's POV

"SISI NOW!" I said as I ducked at a werewolf lunging at me. I brought out my blade and duck as a werewolf slashes its claws at me. I side roll when it tries the claw the ground. It backs up and lunges at me. I roundhouse kick the head up to avoid it hitting me and slashed its stomach open as its body glided over mine. As I tumbled to the floor, Sisi jumped and punched the head into the ground making a small crater, before killing it instantly. We land as Eileen spins at a overwhelming speed, slashing a werewolf's intestines out. As Eileen catches her breath, a werewolf lunges from her side. Before the claw could reach her, Logan whacked the claw away, before spinning and hitting he Head,this time charged with lightning. I look around to see more werewolves coming from different Angles.
"We don't have time for this. We have to get to Kato." I change my weapon to its ranged form and start shooting. Suddenly somebody grabs me by the waist. It turn to see Sisi.
"What are you do-AHHHHHHH" she throws me into the air with enormous strength. I steady myself as I look around for where I need to go. I spot the bullhead they took Kato in a few hundred meters below me. I start closing in when I hear noises.
"We die together motherfucker" I was very confused by this statement but decided to get closer.i start tilting my body, making me go faster as I kept my body straight with my katana at bay.
"Like brother like sister." I hear the recoil of and gun and decide to investigate. I spin with the rope attached to my weapon and lunge it at the ship. It hooks on the side and I continue diving. Suddenly, a bright light shines, seeping though all the windows and passages, and a gigantic explosion occurs. The force rocks me so hard I lose consciousness, but quickly regain it as I spin out of the way of the wing. I try to retreat but something hooks me to the ship. I look down to see my rope is intertwined with my leg. I try to pull it off the the air resistance is to great. I slowly hurdle toward the ground. I phase out of my rope but before I could react, the ship itself explodes, knocking me out cold.

"...ugh....what happend." I slowly bring my head up and look around. I burning inferno in front of me as I look at the crashed bullhead. I turn slightly to see a window. Inside, I can see 3 burning corpses, but one is crawling out. I try to move away but something stops me. I look down to set the bullhead on top of my right leg. I try pushing it off but I'm not strong enough. I keep going in and out of consciousness as I keep wondering what's happening. Suddenly I see a skeleton standing in its hind legs before getting on all fours. I look around and reach for my gun, but it's too far. I phase though the ship and roll out, but the throbbing pain in my leg causes me to tumble on the sand. I grab the gun and wait at the edge for the right time to intervene.

                                         Kato's POV 
"ARGHHHH" I charge towards the dark parrl beast and slash its  leg with my Ludwig blade, but it dodges very quickly before slashing me with its claws,pulsing with lighting. I back roll as the lighting grazes my garb. I shoot another cannon round but it evades it. So far it's been a game of who gets hit first. I quickly lost the game when the beast swayed me with a wide arc swing. I tumble but regain my balance as I screech. I jump and slash my Greatsword at its legs as it yelps in pain and jumps back. Before it can, I stab a poison dagger into its body and hold on as it jumps back. I let go so i can get flinged into the sky before I slash its skull with the fire blade. It screams before releasing electricity into its surroundings, including me. I fly back as my electricity is flowing though my body, activating every single nerve there is. I scream in pain as I hit my head on something which causes a concussion. I shake my head to reduce the affects, and it works but not for the major head ache. I look around to see I'm lying on a long seat. I observe to see I probably  smashed into an Old wagon. I landed in the seating black since I broke though the door and probably hit my head in the upper door when I flew in.the beast jumps into the air. I dive out of the wagon just as the beast lands, completing destroying the vehicle. I roll as I look around for my blade.
"Come on where are you Ludwig! If I lose that blade, I'd be a goner!!"
"KATO!! I'm here to help you!!"
I watch as Otak's Aura takes over my body. I look around and spot the sword inside the wall. I run and dodge multiple lighting balls and make it to the blade. I grab it and I jump off the wall and shoot my Greatsword at it. It inpales the neck as I grab the short blade version and light it on fire. I flip and stab the upper head. I look up at Vicar as she looks down and laughs before kicking the blade off. I grab a dagger and stab her foot before she can and push her. She falls back as I climb on top of the head. I run towards her and try punching her but she dodges. I turn as the red flames in my eyes leave a trail as my red demons marking cover my left arm.
"PHANTOM FLARE" I connect my hand with her arm as the force send her form the top of his head to the ground. I jump down but while I'm falling, she jumps up and tries hooking me. I use that same red marked hand and hold her arm from the wrist, crushing it. She tries to reel her hand for another punch but I I punch her again, while still holding her, which send both of us to the ground. I hold her down as I charge another Phantom Flare, when she starts laughing. I turn back. The beast hasn't moved since I've punched her off. I turn back but she just laughing.
"WHATS SO FUNNY?" She giggle and points up. I look up to see the dark Paarl beast above me.
"Fuck me" I attempt to dodge but I'm too late when the beast lands on me and breaks my left arm. It slowly gets up and goes back to where it was. I look back down to see this one was another stupid fake she made. slowly get up using one arm before realizing my blades are inside the beast neck and head.
"OH?, WHATS WRONG KATO, IS YOUR ARM DOING ALLRIGHT THERE?! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA" I hear Vicar laughing like a maniac from above. The beast slashes at me but I dodge and roll. I keep dodging until the beast uppercuts me, making a large gash across my chest. I breath in heavily as I check my blood vials.
"....No...." I stand there..dumbfounded. I slowly pull out stained blood shards out from my pouch. I turn to the beast as I feel only one emotion....FEAR.
I look around, but there was no where to run, or hide. My legs felt numb and I feel on my knees.
"Oh well.... I thought you would last longer. But I guess you've left me disappointed Kato." She said as the beast lowered its head for her to come eye to eye with me. She slowly pulls out her blade.
"We'll see yah" She holds my hair and slashes my-

.I watch as Vicar's body slowly flys off the beast and into the sand. Blood painting my face as I spot a hole through a spot above her ear. I turn to see a familiar Fanus I know. My fear slowly turns to happiness as I realize who it was.
"BLAKE!" I get up and hug her. She flinches in pain and I look down to see her leg pretty burned. I look back at her as I help her stand.
"It's ok now..." I turn to see the beast not moving and Vicar's body slowly disappearing. But it suddenly stops. She slowly lifts up her head and smiles. Her body starts emitting bluish smoke. I turn to the burning bullhead and take out my beast roar.
"ROAR!!" The fire extinguishes as I grab Blake and slowly drop her on the seat. I turn to leave but she grabs my sleeve.
"Where are you going?!" She asks
"I'll lure my sister away long enough for evac to arrive....we do have evac right?" I ask with desperation. She nods her head.
"I'm coming too..." She says as she tries standing up, but lies back down due to the pain.
"Please just stay here... Let me end all of this." I stand up but she drags me back.
"Wha-". She smashes her lips against mine. At first I'm very surprised. But I soon give into it and kiss back, because this might me the last time I'll see her again. After some time we part and look into each other's eyes. She pushes me away.
"Now go dummy and don't die on me" she says before passing out from exhaustion. I smile.
"I promise." I get up and search the bodies and fine a blood vial. I stab it into my blood stream and watch as my compound fractured arm heals. I get up and change change into my beast claws. I slowly walk out of the bullhead to meet the beast I've killed before, and I will slay it again. My hair becomes white and it reaches out my back and my skin becomes a hard hide. I look at the pendant before putting it in my pocket. I won't need it. Not this time. I activate my beast pellets and watch as dark smoke flares off my hide. I turn at the beast in front of me as we have a stand off.
"Vicar...what is your real name..."
I get into a battle stance and watch as the beast roars at me.

"My name is.....Amelia..."
She roars as her white-ish silver hair glows. She gets ready to pounce and I reel my arms back. At this stand off. Time doesn't seem to pass. Only the tension between me and her. I will defeat her and make it back to Blake. To Beacon. To EVERYONE.
We charge at each other at she lunges as me....
And the battle begins.

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