CH 6.5 Sona the Fox

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"Hey Katoshi!!" A voice calls him as he wakes up from his sleep. He looks to see a girl with blonde hair. He gets up looks at his surroundings. He looks back to see he used his coat as his pillow, he looks around to see he's in the church where he fought the blood starved beast the previous time, since there's it's always night there. It was a long fight, after some hours it finally ideas and they decided to sleep for the night
"What's wrong Sona? Couldn't sleep?" She nods her head as she buries her head into My chest as I wrap my arms around her head. We hear a noise and l peak from behind the big altar they stayed behind. At the door, the were wolfs looked around and started walking in
"Shit, looks like they followed our scent" I said as I grabbed my coat and I looked at the young girl, about 3 years younger than me, she's been trained, but for support, not for full on battles, she's not ready yet. I bring my head back to the back of the altar as I grab my Saw Cleaver. She looks at me and clutches her Blunderbus and projectiles with both hands. We look at each other and we mouth the words
"3" I reach into my coat and throw a pugent cocktail at the opposite direction as the scent causes the werewolf to turn around.
"2" I extend my butcher cleaver while she loads her blunderbuss
"1" we got on opposite comers of the altar
"Go!!!" I came out and started charging towards one werewolf before it could turn around, I slashed down at its head with my saw. As the others turn around. I tried bringing my cleaver out of the head ur it was stuck. One of the werewolfs look at my with pure rage
"......fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck" before it could bite my head off, it got shot in the head, that's when I took out my threaded cane and stabbed it. I pulled it out and I use the dead werewolf to run across its body diagonally as I spinned over a lunging beast, that's when in mid air, the head tears off with my cleaver inside as I fall to the ground and tumble to the ground. I side roll when a werewolf tries clawing me. That's when it gets a knife to the eye. I grab the knife and stab it in the eye. I duck as I turn at the young girl
"SONA NOW!!!!" She grabs the blunderbuss and Hunter's pistol and starts shooting at the beast as one of the bullets almost hit me. After about 7 shots, it dies. I get up and I pull my butcher cleaver out of the severe head and I look at Sona
"Sona lets g...*BANG*" Suddenly I get shot in the left shoulder from behind. Blood splatters everywhere as I fall on my one knee holding the wound in my arm.
"Katoshi are you ok?!" I look at her before I give her a broken smirk.
"We gotta go now" she helps me up as I use the threaded cane to support me as we start walking towards the lamp.
"Where do you thing your going?" We turn back to see 18 men in white cloaks
"The choir.." I hissed under my breath. I put my arm into my coat, I look at her,
"Run..." She drinks the blue exlir and starts running towards the lamp.
"SHOOT HER!!" The men take their various guns out when I pull out two Cannons.
"Take it" I shoot 2 shells, the choir members dispersed as I took out the butcher cleaver and charged at them. As one came to the door, I back kicked him and slashed him, which he dodged. After some time, the gunshot healed and I looked at Sona
"TAKE THE WINDOW" I grab my Hunter's axe as I do a spin attack as they all jump back. I look back to see Sona climbing out the window. As she shoot a cannon shot at her, I grab the wooden shield and I look at it
"This is still gunna hurt like hell" I jumped infront it the shell as I flew back and the shield broke as I hit the wall. I look out the window to see she's out of sight. I get back up and I change to my Kirk Hammer and slam some throwing knives when someone stabs me in my side. I turn and slash at the man who dodges back. My sight becomes blurry as I realize.
"Poison Dagger" I try to remain my balance but I fall on one knee. The Choir members hold me up as the leader put on gauntlets and started jabbing my gut. I take in all the pain until I can't take the pain and I go limb
"Atleast I know Sona is safe, all that left is for me to die...." After afew hours, the leader stops to ready while the men switches places. As I knell their in bruises and pain. The leader gets on one knee to my level
"Hello Kato..." I look up at him
"What. The. Fu.UGH" before I could finish, he jabbed me in the stomach. He looked at me as he ran his finger down my chest.
"It was so funny how a little "mistake" took your family away, if only I had know their was a secret exit in that church, I would have sent much more to make sure you died in the process" my eyes widen when I slowly realize what
He's saying
"If only I hadn't laced his drinks and food with tainted blood, maybe he wouldn't have ended up a monster" I start tensing up as I feel something burning inside me. I start shaking with anger as I glared at him
"If you put it that way, yea"

Sona's POV
After I arrive in Yarhnam I see Eileen sitting by a bridge, I run up to her out of breath as she looks at me worried
"Hey Fox you ok?" I grab her hand and I start dragging her while explaining everything. Finally we got to the large stair case as we looked at he church
"So he's here right?" She said looking at me
"Yea she is" I responded. As she walked down, she took apart making her Blades of Mercy as I locked and loaded my Blunderbus, as we got closer, we say sparks and gunshots and blood flying everywhere. As we got to the door, we were shocked at what we saw. We saw Kato, but with short Grayish hair, and his skin looked rougher as he used his cleaver with intense speed and was killing Choir members left and right. Just when he was about to get stirred in the back, Eileen drop kicks him as she rolls and looks back at me
"WE GOTTA SUPPORT HIM!!" She yelled at she protected Kato from gunners while I took care of the ready. I shot afew guys when one Choir member grabbed me by the neck
"You little piece of ah.." I bring out my throwing knife and stab him in the hand, as he lefts go, o sweep him and in mid air I put the gun under his head and pulled the trigger, watching his blood and brains fly everywhere.after awhile. All the choir members were dead except for the injured Leader.
"Please I'm just a squad leader, I know where you can find the big shot" Kato slowly limped towards him as he dragged his long claws on the ground.
"KATO SNAP OUT OF IT!!" Eileen yelled, but to no effect
"Please Kato, don't leave me" upon hearing this, his hide slowly started to evaporate as he looked at the leader.
"I'll spare you, only cause I have good friends" as he turned back to come to us, the Leader pulled a gun out and pointed it at Kato.
"KATO!!" I push him out of the way and the Hunter pulls the trigger, and the gunshot makes everything around me woozy and I look down to see a wound on my left cheat, it must have perched though my heart.

Kato's POV
I catch Sona as she falls to the ground. The Hunter tries shooting again but he's out of bullets. I look at her as i hold her wound
" It's ok Sona, it's ok, you'll walk out of this, stay with me please....please"
Tears began to dropped from my eyes As she brought her hand up to slowly touch and trace her fingers upon my lips.
"" She takes out a pendant and puts it around my neck, it was light shiver.
"Nonononononononononononono please Sona" suddenly, Sona goes limp
"Please Sona Please..." As I closed her eyes, everything went black

Eileen's POV
I place my hand on Kato's shoulder as I watch Sona's last moments on earth before she died, suddenly the beast mode came back, except much more unpleasant. after that a huge explosion rocks the church, I turn to see a giant wolf with one fire arm, and one lighting arm. He picks up the lead and crushes him partially in his hand as he continues to eat him alive. He slowly chews him as he looks at me before spitting him out
"Awwww fuck" I said before it lunged at it and I grabbed my blades and I ran towards it

(A/N these .5 chapters is something I'll use to reveal parts of Kato, Sona and the feast of the teams past, I'll complete this one in the next .5 chapter, I'll publish tomorrow, it's preety late and I gotta sleep so peace, and if your on point, thank you for reading my book, since it's my first and if you have any suggestions on a character or you own Hunter and custom weapon, than please, message me about it, it would be awesome to meet some bloodborne or RWBY fans, so good nite...or morning....or afternoon...or what timeline your in(hehe undertale)
P.s forgive me for my GRAMMER errors and misspells, my iPad I'm using has a lot of fuck ups with its keyboard so you'll get use to it or I'll get over it, which ever comes first, PEACE

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