CH8: A Really Messy Plan

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Kato's POV

We all sat in the bullhead in silence until I finally broke it
"Ok.. Let's discuss the info that we have gathered so far" I say as they all turn to look at me, Weiss still asleep.
"And let's finish this discussion before Weiss Wales her, I don't want her to know about this" I said. Eileen, Logan and Sisi nodded as we sat in a circle in the middle of the bullhead.
"Since Kato knows the most, I think he should go first" Sisi said
"Ok then" I inhaled my breath as I started talking.
"I've learned that the reason for my beast mode is by the efforts of my sister Vicar and she was behind most of the big events in my life, such as Sona's demise, the Church attack and the fact my blood is...well black" Sisi looked at me with a 'WTF' face as I sighed and I took out a throwing knife. I cut my arm a bit. That's when a drop of black blood dripped to the ground. She nodded
"Well compared to the stuff I've seen today, it's not really surprising"
"Anyway, the beast inside me, which I call Otak has gained control over his own consciousness and whatsoever. And I learned that my beast mode, my real beast mode is based off..."
"Taiwolf" Eileen said. Logan looked at her with a confused face so the explained more.
"A Taiwolf is a mythical creature that controls fire and lighting and is said to be the link between the two elements" she finished. We all nodded as I continued.
"The Beastmode.." Eileen put up her hand as she looked at me
"We should refer to Beastmode as Otak for obvious reasons" we all nodded again.
"Otak has many advantages in battle hats makes it impossible to beat with our worlds technology, but there's a solution." They all look up at me with hope in there eyes
"So you mean we can you without dying or killing you?" I nodded as I continued
"In the heart of my Otak body, my body is located in the place where my heart is to be, if you can cut me out, you can destroy my body instantly, but every cut will regenerate, so you need numbing gas" I said as I took out a spherical bottle covered by a white cloth and band
"This will prevent any type of regeneration from taking place, but it only works for a short amount of time on the outside, like minor cuts and anything to that degree. But if the cut is deep, such as a cut off finger, it's permanent, but it takes a lot of materials to make it, and with this, I have a way to kill Vicar" she all looked at me like I was crazy.
"But first, let's share all the info we have, so when we're done, we can compile everything to make the best plan against Vicar." Eileen clears her throat.
"I'll go next" she said as she stood up, besides from the other things Kato has said, I realized that it's very possible to be lost in the beast upon transformation, for example, When Kato attacked me in the church, the way he sluggishly moves and his way of walking, it shows that Kato is not strong enough to carry he burden of Otak yet, and If he's goes like that again, we might lost him, so we have to work on that." Eileen said. That's when Sisi stood up.
"So Sisi, what did you notice?" Kato asked
"Vicar has a new ability, and it's not a very good one" we all think but we can't realize it.
"It's not the beast mode, did you notice the Hunter's you fought were a bit , to easy?" We all thought for a second.
"Now that you mentioned it, I've fought Gerrman firsthand, and he seemed like he was recorded, like a video game boss" she turns to me
"EXACTLY, you see, Vicar has the power to make fake copy's of people she knows, and from the looks of it, she understands how we use dust and our aura here, so it seems her unlocking her aura made her unlock her semblance, Xopy, or so I call it"
"Nice one Sisi" Eileen praised
"Yea, I would have never noticed that" I said as I gave her a thumbs up. She smiled as she sits down. Logan then stands up.
" often is your sister at home?" They all turn to me
"Huh.......let me see.......because of training, I guess like only holidays"
"Thank you Kato, If my recommendation if correct, your sisters name isn't Vicar, that's a post in a church" they all looked at me as I scratched the back of my head.
"I never really thought of it that way..." Logan sighed as I continued
"If we can find her real name, we can use a Seal spell that Vicar used to seal the Moon Presence into the abyss" I look at him with digust
"You mean twisted Skittles?.." Everybody stops and turns to me.
"What the Fu.."
"CHANGING SUBJECT" I interrupted. I stood up as they all looked at me.
"So that does it, me and Sisi will take care of Numbing Gas while Eileen and Logan will search for her real name as well as the spell" we all nodded as we heard a voice.
"What's Numbing Gas?" We all turned to see Weiss looking at all of us while we all sweated.
" gas we used to help you regain all your energy" I said as I walked over to her
I have to do something before she has a chance to get suspicious
I hug her as she looks at me with a WTF look
"Um..Kato why are you hugging me?" She asked still confused
"After I tried to kill you, you still came back for me, and if it wasn't for you, we could have died." I said as she hugged me back as we parted ways. I looked outside and saw we were close to Beacon. I checked the time.
"For what" Eileen asked
"OH SHIT WHAT DO WE DO?!" Logan panicked
"I DONT KNOW MANY WE CAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Before I could finish, I was flinged put the window by one if Weiss's Glyphs. Everybody else followed as we starting flying towards the theater.
BRACE FOR IMPACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Yang's POV
"And this team will be know as Team LCPR(Lucifer)" the team high fives each other as they stepped out of the stage.
"Now the next team is Eileen,Sisi,Logan and the leader Kato in team KLSE(Kelser) Everybody looked around for them but no body could find THEM.
"Ughh, where are they" I say as I slouch on Blake.
"And we haven't seen Weiss Either!" Ruby pouted.
"And they better come fa... Yea I think there coming" Blake said as she backed up, and I go off balance and fall. Suddenly, Kato came bursting thought the ceiling and hit the ground. It caused a shockwave that pushed everybody except Ozpin and Goodwitch. He gets up fine as he dusts off the debree as he looks up and he grabs a Slug... The fuck?. Suddenly. His right arm glows blue as tentacles burst out of his hand, grabbing Sisi,Eileen and Logan and dropping them to safety. They all dust off.
"Amazing" Blake says fancinated.
"How?" I asked as Ruby listened
"Anybody would have gotten hurt from that fall, even Kato or Ozpin, and at such enormous speeds, I think he did it unconsciously, but his forearms became covered in very dense silver hide a second before impact, which is why he didn't get hurt." Blake finished. I just looked back at the Stage as he just finished telling them their team name and stuff
"ALL RIGHT IM LEADER!" Kato said as he jumped up in air. As everybody was leaving, Ozpin held Eileen back as the rest of us went to vale. We're all walking when we see Wheiss drinking tea at her favorite shop.
"Weiss? Where were you?" She looked up, she looked perfectly fine.
"Why I went to Follow Kato and Eileen and Sisi and I turns out nothing happend in the end. We just calmed Kato down and we were done."
Kato had with WTF face on until Sisi nudged him as he changed face.
"Yea, but Kato doesn't remember anything after he woke up" she laughed nervously. Before I could question her, my scroll rang. I picked it up.
"Who is it?" I asked as everyone listened
"Give. It. To. Kato" the voice was cold and harsh, and it creeped me, I handed it to Kato as he was listening, then his face completely changed to horror and fear.
"OMG IM COMING OZPIN!!" He summoned his butcher thing and started running at high speeds. Sisi and Logan followed as we all looked. As we turned, Weiss was gone.
"Well fuck it" I said as we ran after them.

Kato's POV

"Omg I can't believe this is happening, Vicar, just what the hell are you doing, your such a dirty bitch"
I was deep in my thoughts untill a hand touched my shoulder, I turn to see Sisi smiling as I looked at her, she nodded as we ran together as Logsn caught up as well, we went well out of Vale, until I stopped.
"If we go at this speed, we won't make it" I grunted my teeth as we wondered what to do. Suddenly, I hear a motor sound and I turned to se Yang on a mini Carriage.
"KATO COME WITH ME, EVERYBODY GET IN THE BULLHEAD" We all turned to see Ruby and Blake about to crash the Bullhead, but Blake took control and landed.
"HOW DID YOU GET THAT?!" I glared a Ruby as she looks away
The Pilot came out of the bullhead and went on his scroll, suddenly, he heard a cat sound in the bush. He walked closer and closer, suddenly a little girl in red tackled him into the bush
"Hey, stop STOP!!" Suddenly, he was tied up by a girl in Blake and a girl in red as hey looted him and took the keys from is belt hook.
"Lets do this"
Flashback End
"Oh that doesn't matter" Ruby said nervously, I shook it off as I jumped in the back of Yags motorcycle
"Let's go!"
Time Skip 10 Minutes
We were al riding when I felt something.
"LOOK OUT" Blake yelled. We all dived out as a cannon ball hit the motor cycle and it exploded. We all rolled as we withdrew all our weapons. I look up to see a familiar face, I face I hated. But oh no. It's not Vicar like you'd think I'd be, it's someone who broke me from the inside. I stood at I looked at him with pure bloodlust.
"Otak give me some energy" I said
"But he's yo.."
"OTAK!!" I yelled out loud. Sisi came beside me with her guns and blades out.
"Are you alright?" I turned to her as I shifted her back as red aura surrounds me as I take Otak's energy. I grip my blade as I turn to The man infront of me.
"Hello little brother" he said with a smirk as I grinned my teeth.
"Hello Zara..."

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