CH6 : A Confused Soul

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Ruby's POV
As we're all running towards Vale when I turned my attention to Weiss. We're sprinting towards The town square. We got to a two-way point.
"Ok split up, two on two!!" I say as me and Weiss goes left while Yang and Blake go the right way. Me and Weiss continue running in silence until I break the silence.
"So Weiss, why'd you say it" I asked her. I prepared myself to be hit and yelled at, but she just sighed and started talking, which is strange for her.
"I know he's had a hard time in his life, he had to fight to survive, he had to sleep in places covered in blood and other body fluids" I gag at the thought of me sleeping in a house covered with corpses blood and guts, the stench of a corpse and the thought of trying to sleep. She looks at me with that 'don't test me' face, then she continued
"I know he has killed bad people and saw multiple families die in front of him, and kill countless people and face the sheer terror of nightmares, but that doesn't give any reason for him to take innocent people's li..."
"NO WEISS JUST NO." She looked at me with surprise as I just realized I snapped.
" Those people were trying to kidnap him, and from the sound of it, they took someone very dear to him

"Tell that to Sona the Fox"

End of Flashback

"And it's not fair if he had to watch his whole family get torn to threads by his family, fight his own sister, TWICE, and kill people older and much more experienced and skilled!!" She takes a second to consider this, then I continue talking
"You saw the mad man in the shop yesterday! Afterwards, I asked Kato how he knew the man, he told me he was a honored hunter who protected the city he lived in along with some other people. The called him Father Gascogne. He was consumed by the job of hunting beast and it snapped his mind. His wife Viola came to stop him, but the only thing to Calm him was the music box that plays a small melody that is soothing and calming. Do y know where he found it?" She looked at me as  we did some parkour and climbed the rooftop and started jumping roofs.
"With his daughter." Weiss covered her mouth in shock as she realizes the story
"He killed his wife out of bloodlust, not even noticing what he has done, and Kato had to take a man he looked up to, a man that saved him, taught him how to detect the smell of beast, and put him down in front of his daughter and older sister, after the fight, with many wounds, no vials, he only sees the older sister. After some searching, he found her body. And he just sat there, and cried and cried, moaning over her death, and he trained the older sister, who became a little sister to him. He trained her to the point of perfection, untill those men in white took her away." Weiss looks down now realizing how evil these men were. She managed to open her mouth to speak
"S..Sona?" She manages to get out. I nod at her.
"And an imposter killed the woman YOU Reminded him of, and he murdered her out of rage, do you know how many people he's lost!?" I asked Weiss
"He's lost everyone he'd ever cared about in his entire life, the only ones who survived was the doll and Eileen, but you heard about to the I'm my opinion, he had every single right to kill those people" I said with a cold tone, as we stopped and looked at a small shop right below us
" and now he's found people he can trust. He's found us Weiss, and it's obvious that he trust you out of the four of us, and after all those lost and betrayals, he must have thought that it's finally over, untill these two came here, he must have wanted it to end there,knowing fully well it will come back soon, and for wanting to escape a Living Hell, you call him a Monster?!, you really are a Ice Queen" she looks at me as if those words hurt her. Then after some moments of silence, I point down at the roof top below us, to see Kato looking at the docks while talking to a messenger.
"You've gotta make it right" she  was about to jump off the roof when suddenly, smoke comes out of the floor in the form of a puddle, and Eileen comes out of it behind Kato as he DOSNT turn back and Ruby and Weiss listen to their conversation.

Weiss's POV
I was stupid ok?
What I said to Kato was unfair to him, but I didn't know they've put him though thought out his life, and it was my fault. As Eileen stands behind him with her crow mask on, she takes It off and let's her jet black long hair blow in the wind. She looks at him, saying nothing for a moment before she speaks
"May I?" She asks him. He Doesn't  say anything at first, then he speaks
" I'm no different from the beast I slay" he says. I feel so bad about what I did to him.
"If you were, you would have tried to kill me when we first met, and you would have let the Red head die" she says emotionless.
"Red head?!" Ruby whispers to me, I ignore her remark and continued listening. She  then sits down beside Kato and looks at him. I don't know if it's my eyes playing tricks on me, but a tear streamed down his face.
"It's not my fault I had to survive in a world where mercy is just a fairy tale, it's not my fault they took my friend, my family, everything from me, I HAD TO GIVE THEN THEM WHAT THEY DESERVED.....and Vicars next." He says as Eileen looks surprised at what he said, even me and Ruby were surprised. He stands up clutching his fist, tears streaming down his face.
"I'll kill them all..... ILL KILL THEM ALL, AND ILL SHOW THEM NO MERCY. MARIA,GERRMAN,DEJU,HENRYK ALL OF THEM, WILL DIE BY MY HANDS!!" I could feel the air becoming tense, as he hair tuned white and grew in length, I remember what told me about his beast form.
"EILEEN LOOK OUT!!" I use a Glyph and glide towards her and tackle her off the roof as it explodes. We roll on the ground as we both get up. She looks at me with a crazed look
"YES...WELL THATS NOT IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW, WE NEED TO GET THE REST OF THE TEAM" as I bring out my sword, she puts her crow mask on and takes her blades of mercy, that's when Ruby appears beside us and extends her Scythe. We look to see Kato blue eyes, grey smoke emitting from his body, his body glowing white, the skin turned hard, his attire changed, I see him with beast claws. He breaths in
"COVER YOUR EARS" we cover our ears as Kato roars so loud, it destroys Windows,Doris and throws us back really far. That's when he looks around and gets shot in the arm. Blood spats as he turns to see a guard. That's when Yang, Blake come with their weapons
"What was that loud noise back here?" Yang asks us
"I think it's that" Blake says as points at Kato who's arm is healed like nothing happened. Kato looks at the guard and roars, sending him though s Brick wall.
"That's Kato. Being called a monster kinda killed his reason and the beast inside him took over, now he's gunna fight his fears like a beast" Eileen said as he looks at the direction of the forest then takes off at incredible speeds.
"GET HIM!! IT COULD HAVE BEEN A TRAP TO  LURE HIM TO THEM" Eileen says as she takes off after him, everyone follows except me. I look down at my hand. I clutch it up. I use my Glyph and start chasing Kato

Kato's POV
I open my eyes to see I'm in a room looking at a copy of me, expect long white hair and blue eyes. I look around to see my memories around me. I'm in my mind, I try to move but I look down to see I'm chained down.
"What happend?" I ask my self. He looks at me, I see his blue eye flaring.
"FRIENDS?! YOU CALL THEM FRIENDS!?! THEY JUST CALLED YOU A MONSTER, AND THEIR ONLY FOLLOWING YOU TO PROTECT THEIR PEACEFUL LITTLE LIVES. THEY WILL ALL BURN IN HELL, I'll make sure of it..." His blue eyes flare as flames burst out of it. I try to break out but no use. I watch in horror as I watch myself jumping roof to roof towards the strong scent of old blood. Suddenly, I get punched in the face as I get launched into the ground. I look up to see Yang. After some time, I see Ruby, Weiss and Blake.
"Hunter, you got to calm down, it's us, your friends..." Yang says as she slowly walks toward me. I slash at her, Blake tackles her as the building behind her gets a deep cut in it.
"ENOUGH OF THIS" Ruby says as she launches herself at me
"Ruby...please" but I couldn't get out to her. She slashes her Scythe at me. But I dodge it and I land a powerful kick in her side, which send her into a building
"RUBY!!!!" Yang looks at Ruby flys into the building as her eyes change color to red, she turns to me
"YOU MONSTER!!!!!!!!" She yells at the top of her lungs. That when  blue flames burst out of my right eye as my claws melt away, the Ludwig appears in my hand as it glows Crimson Red and my eye color and my hair changes to that same color. That's when a new attire appears onto me. My beast skin fades away to show pure pale skin, my hair long to the lower back crimson red, my left eye is regular, but my right eye is completely consumed the red flame, a leather jacket that's white and black comes on. Demon marking on Ludwig comes in as my gunlet's do the same thing as red aura floats around me. I look at Yang with pure rage.
"Go. To. Hell." I slash at her. She barely dodges it as 7 building behind her explode. Everyone is shocked by this corrupted power.
"This feels so different from grim, more Sininster.." Ruby says as she get out from the hole. I put the Ludwig blade in its sheath and it turns into a Greatsword( the one that Cloud has in final fantasy 7) I look at them as i block thé don slashes from Eileen as I grab her by the neck.
"Ugh..." I start squeezing her as get blasted in the back by ice as I fly forward, letting go of Eileen.
"ITS ME YOU WANT" Weiss stands infront of me as she holds her blade. I get into a sprinting stance as we have a stand off, people have gathered, innocent people. That's when we launch at each other. I clash swords with her, but she gets thrown back because of the size and power of the blade. As I jump to axe handle her, she makes an ice ceiling, I slide to the opposite end and before I land I get gut punched by hand, I backflip and detach my Greatsword from the regular sword and I throw my Greatsword at Ruby, who dodges it, but it hooks her cape and holds her to the wall.( let's call the blade Senketsu yes it's from KILL LA KILL) I block the slash that Blakes give from me from over me as I backspin in the air and kick her, but Yang collides her punch with my kick, causing a shockwave that breaks the ice. Before I land Weiss strikes me as I fly back, but I backhand spring and screech as I look at them. That's when I red energy goes from my head to my toes. Everyone looks at me surprised
"ARE YOU SERIOUS, ITS NOW HE LEARNS DEFENSIVE AURA?!" Yang whines as I hold my blade in the way Weiss taught me. I rush at Yang, Striking her  about 57 times before spin kicking her into a building. As Blakes grabs my leg I land on my hand and yank her towards me as I front flip and axe handle her into the ground. As I do I grab the long scythe blade behind me as I turn to see Ruby, as she Kicks me square in the face. I don't feel it as I throw her into the air and before she could recover, I jump up and with my blade in my hand, the blade burst into red dense fire. I could see the fear in Ruby's eyes
"RUBY NOOO!!" But nobody heard. That's when A Glyph blocks me as the blast from my attack throws everyone back as I backflip off it and land of the ground unscratched. Ruby passed out from the fear as it was only Weiss left. She looks at me with fear as her blade is shaking. I look at her and smile
"My ice queen..." I said before I disappeared.

Weiss's POV
As he disappeared, I Fell in my Knees as I was breathing heavily as Eileen finished helping everyone and came to me.
"Weiss are you ok?!" She said as she calmed me down. When she said he been though a lot, I saw what she meant. That's when she gets up, and calls a name, that's when a girl with pink hair comes beside her.
"Don't tell me..." Eileen looks at me before ordering me
"You can't follow Kato, what lies at the end of his path, is worst the any Grimm you could ever fit, trust me" she said before dashing onwards north with the pink girl following her. That's when try getting up, but I was to tired, I managed to get up and I started mustering all my strength to dash towards where Eileen and The pink haired girl went

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