CH3: New Friends

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Hey,let's count all the bad things that has happened to me so far today
The broken left arm
Maria and the dream
Future traveling
Bite in the left arm that isn't healing regularly
Hit fourteen yards into the snow
Kicked straight in the face
Now let's look at the good things
I'm alive
I met a badass red girl with an even cooler scythe
Eileen is still alive
There's more bad then good but numbers don't count right?
Back to the story
"I think he's waking up" a voice said from my left side
"Don't be so loud Yang!,let him rest"another voice said in the right side
"Well if he's waking up,there shouldn't be any reason to keep quiet"a blank voice said from behind me
"Shut up he's opening his eyes" a familiar voice said
I slowly opened my eyes to see four girls around me.i saw one so close to my face that I jumped back,causing pain in my arm to shoot up,causing me to groan .i rested back in the bed I was in,I looked at the red headed girl
"You need to ease up,that injury was bad,you don't have to be afraid of me"
The red headed girl said with a smile.i looked at her with a smirk
"A girl who can kick a strong bodied boy straight in the face and knock him out my mistake is someone to be feared" I said.the blonde girl snickered while the girl in black started laughing until she could barely stand
"Rub....Ruby you kicked this poor boy in the face after everything he's been though?,HAHAHAHAHAHA"the black girl laughed before falling onto the floor
"Um Ruby.." I called
"Yes...." She replied with her hood down
"Your face is bright red" I laughed as she dashed out the room, before I could even realize it.A girl in white sat down beside my left shoulder.Almost immediately,I remembered Iosefka and her sweet voice behind the door.I could only see her white hair,but the care and love in her voice was so nice that I would just side down against the door and listen to her teach me about blood and everything.After breaking out of my flashback,I noticed the white girl was now bright red,until I realized that I was hugging her.turning bright red myself,I pulled away from her.
"I'm so so so sorry,you just reminded me of someone"I said as I bowed my head.she looked at me with anger but sighed and smiled
"It's ok,just bring your shoulder dummy"I lied down as she took care of my this times,Iosefka..I mean white girl turned to me
"My name is Wheiss Shnee,you have probably heard the name"she said proudly.i guess Ruby hadn't filled them in on my situation.The blonde chick stands in front of my bed and looks me in the eye
"I'm Yang,this gothic girl here is Blake"I turn to the black haired girl.she looks at me and waves.i wave back.thats whenYang pulls up a chair and places it backwards face to me and sits on it
"What's your semblance?"she asks
"My semb...what?"I asked her
"Don't play dumb,you should know it"she told me
"Ok just so we're all on the same page here" I announced
"Wait Hunter"Blake said
"HUNTER? My name is...."
"Yea yea Hunter lemme go and call Ruby" Yang says
I look in dismay before I sigh. That's when Yang brings out a small device,then opens it,light emitting from it
"WHWT IS THAT?"I shouted in surprise
"It's a scroll dummy"Wheiss said like I was a idiot. I took out a stake Driver and looked at Wheiss  with a smug smirk on my face
"What is this?" I ask her.she looks at me like she knows it.
"It's obviously. A grappling hook"she said with a smile. I laughed as I turned to her with ease
"It's called a Stake Driver idiot" I said with a smile.she looks at a button and clicks it
"No don't cli...." But it was too late.the Stake a Driver was charging an impale,as the gears were moving. If I didn't move, Wheiss could end up dead,so I stood up and turned to the wall.i pointed my right hand and gestured my arm,the blade came out at full force,sparks hitting almost everything as I flew al the way to the wall,where Wheiss looked at me in amazement
"Your right,that is not a grappling hook"she says as she giggles.a really cute giggle.i laugh as I was getting into bed,a dark presence hit me at the back
"You forgot me right?"
I turn back to see Blake smiling behind me.I turned red as I looked at her
"Sorry"I said weakly.As I said that,she sat down with a book,but it was covered by a black book cover.she looked at me,like a cat at a mouse
"It's cool,don't beat yourself up"she said. I eased up as I sensed something
"There back!!" Me and Blake said at the same time as we stare at each other blankly.we both turned to Wheiss who was looking at us like we turned into Monsters
"Am I the only one without super hearing?"she joked. As if on cue,the door busted open to see Ruby and Yang with another all red headed girl,a pink headed girl,a blonde boy,and a black-purple haired guy.they looked at me
"So this is the guy who you were telling us about Ruby?" The blonde guy said
"Yea His name is....umm"
"Hunter" Yang finished
"No it's not" Wheiss said. Could I be,she realizes my name is not Hunter?!
I wish
"It's probably something French or British like hunta" She says.i face palm myself
"My NAME is Kato" I said to the hearing of everyone
"Kato you say?" Wheiss says
"Now that we're all here,let me tell you guys my past up till when I met Ruby"
They all sat down and listened to my tale as I told them about Hunter's dream,Maria the doll,the Moon Presence,Vicar,Yharnam,My Beastmode,The fact that I am a half-God due to the insights of great ones I have gathered,And the history of the church,the Scorage of the beast,and most importantly,the Hunt.
"Now that's why it sounds familiar!" Weiss says as she brings out her ...well .scroll yang calls it and starts searching.After finishing,the room Atmosphere was Brim
"Sorry Kato about your family"Ruby said. I smiled and I patted her on the head
"It's all right,all I have to do is find Maria the dol..EILEEN!!!" I look left and right as everybody looks at me like a retard.thats when Ruby opens the door and I see a black haired girl in crow feathers but without the mask,walk in,as we set eyes on each other,I run and hug her,she hugs me back.As Ruby sits on the bed watching us.Yang whispers something in her ears which made her turn red,but it didn't matter,I came off and I looked at her. She looked at me
"Are you ok?" I asked her
"Yes I am Mr Demi God"she said with a smile.that when someone cleared their throat and I turned to introduce everyone to her.
"I'm Ren" the purple black haired guy said
"I'm NORA"the hyperactive pink hair girl said
"I'm Pryrha" the calm red haired girl said
And I'm Juane Arc,sweet rolls of the tongue ,ladies love it".Everyone in the room looked at him and had smug smirks on their faces
"Do They?" They said and laughed as Arc turned bright red and hid under his hoddie.then someone knocked on the door.i turned and grabbed my cannon
When Nota turned at me and looked at the cannon in surprise
"That cannon in ancient,how do you have one of those? "
"What" I said as Elle looked at her confused.  I took out the single Ludwig blade and Ludwig pistol,that's when my Hunter gear transformed into s church garb,which made my silver hair silver eyes shinned bright as Nora looked at me for the first time with pure seriousness in her eyes.
"Your the chosen one"

A/N this is my first book EVER and is solely fueled on the love for RWBY and Bloodborne so please enjoy

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