Chapter 11

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A/n: I'm Soo sorry I haven't updated please don't hate me.....I promise I'll update a lot these next few days..I'll be going back to school soon Soo I'll probably update on Friday nights, or weekdays ❤️ back to the story now....

(Don't forget to vote and comment on what you think so far !!)

P.S if any of you have questions about the fanfic follow me on twitter ! @kvthiee (I don't have a fan account) and tweet me the questions you have (it could be about anything) I don't get notifications on here so I can't see

Okay now seriously back to the story...


-Austins POV-

"Austin where were you ?" Alex asks as I walk in the house.

"I was visiting a friend" I say as I drop my bag on the floor.

"Well, we gotta talk about what happened back there" he answers back as he crosses his arm waiting for an explanation. I plop myself onto the couch grabbing the remote turning on the television.

"I'll explain Tomorrow, they invited me to a party....maybe we could go" giving my undivided attention I say looking at him to see his response.

"Where ?"

"I don't know I just wanna crash...wanna go ? I need to get things off my mind" I reply Playing with the buttons

"Alright then let's go"

(Few hours Later)

"Yo where is this place at ?" Robert asks as were In the car heading to the party.

"Some chick I met during lunch before everything went down told me about it" I explain.

"Maybe she wants something from you" Zach smirks.

"We'll see if she gets it" I grin as my inner fuckboy came over me.

(Amy's POV)

"Come on Amy let's go to the party" Jay begs as he pouts like a little kid

"Jay, no."

"Come on it'll get things off your mind, maybe you could meet someone" he winks playfully.

I put thought into it. And gave up at his annoying pleads I gave in. "Fine ! But I swear if I get bored or something we come right back to my house and watch movies like we planned."

"Yeah alright grandma" he sarcastically said

"Why all of a sudden call me grandma ?" annoyed I roll my eyes

"Because you always want to stay in, you never go out" he claims

"I just don't like dealing with drama" I scowl explaining while I playfully mest his blonde soft hair up.

"With no drama there's no fun." He mischievously says while his shoulders went up.

"Yeah ok whatever get out my room so I could get ready" I say pulling him by the arm so he could get up from my bed and push him out the door.

"Okay I promise if you don't like it I'll take you out to a movie, just the both of us" he leans against the door entrance as he gives me a flirty smile.

"Yeah yeah I'll be out in 10" I close the door and go straight to my closet. As I search for a cute yet comfortable outfit I go through everything that happened today. 'You still love her don't you ?' I hear Jimmy's voice say again and again in my head. I shake the thoughts away.

"Get yourself together Amy. He's not the austin you fell in love with at a time, so that means you don't love him at all" I whisper to myself and go back to looking for an outfit.

"Heyy Imma eat your food !" Jay shouts from downstairs

"Alright !" I respond back not caring what he does. The more entertained he was the more time I had of getting ready so it was a win, win situation.

I kept looking for the clothes and I found some highwasted jeans with a crop, 'I guess I'll wear this' I think to myself as I strip off my clothes and take a quick shower, walking out my restroom," Jay ! What the hell are you doing in here ?!?" I scream as I grab my towel and pulling it closer to my chest becoming cautious of myself.

"There wasn't anything to watch on tv downstairs and your room is the only one that has netflix so I came in here" he smiles in a cheesy way. Completely ignoring the fact that I was in a towel

"You idiot what if I came out naked !"

"That would've been a nice view" I scowl at his stupid remark. He simply winks at me.

"Just shut up and go outside and get the car ready"

"But you still have to do your hair." He claims not wanting to leave.

"Get in the car and listen to music"

"Ugh, fine !" He stops what he's doing and goes out the door as he screams

," by the way !!! You look good in a towel !! Maybe I should sneak in more often !!"

"Do that again I swear you'll end up with a broken nose and a busted lip !" I threaten. As he walked downstairs.

"All talk no action !!" He shouts back.

"We'll see about that !" I loudly say as I laugh.


Short ? I know I'm sorry I'll update at least another two chapters later today :) love you guys ❤️😁

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