The Condition

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"Cursing is invoking the assistance of a spirit to help you inflict suffering. Swearing on the other hand, is invoking, only the witness of a spirit to an statement you wish to make. . . "

                                                                                                                                                           -John Ruskin




“Joshua!” My voice echoed in the silent hall. My eyes searching for something, thanking silently that the hall is well lit that you could actually see the dust motes dancing in the light.

“Josh!” I called again, dismayed that no response came. Tears now started to blur my vision as I ran, oblivious to the path I’m currently taking. My heart summersaulted when I heard a deafening scream of a man in tremendous pain.


To run was the only thing in my mind; I don’t care if I’ll trip at something or worst, fall inside some hidden holes on the floor. All I really need is to find him.

Another scream came out and I pushed myself to run faster despite my rugged breathing. I followed where my feet was taking me—to a familiar door. Sweat covering my whole body, tear streaked face and extreme panting; I reached out for the door knob, twisted it and gave it a push with what was left with my strength. I inhaled sharply as clear view of what was inside greeted me. I felt my heart being stabbed by millions of dull knives as the sight of Joshua was too overwhelming for my system to take. He was topless and smothered with blood, his blood. His hands tied with a rope that was connected to the ceiling making him stand against his will. But what bothered me the most was that his scent was entirely covered with the smell of Wolfs bane and each breath that I’d take was full of it, making me woozy a bit. I took a step but felt extreme vulnerability when I couldn’t. I couldn’t even move my fingers—I’M PARALYZED.

Another scream escaped from Joshua’s mouth when a cloaked man suddenly appeared and threw a bucket of wolfs bane essence straight to Joshua’s body, making his bare skin burn and him writhing in so much pain.

“No! Please stop!” I screamed, still unable to move even a finger. My head swam for ways to help Joshua and escape here but the only thing I could think of was to beg and cry my heart out.

“Please! I beg you! Stop it please you’re hurting him.” I begged again with a broken voice. I felt useless, helpless and hopeless.

“M-Mikael, j-just leave,” Joshua managed to choke out, wincing at every word. “I-I can m-manage m-myself.”

The cloaked man laughed menacingly

 “Silly boy!” he said as he removed his cloak and to my complete astonishment, it’s Lucas.

Lucas. . .” I whispered. He must’ve heard me for he looked at me with a bemused smile.

“What took you so long to know me Mikael?” he said as he raised a brow at me, still with that sinister grin on his face.

“L-Lucas, p-please stop this, p-lease.” But without a word, he threw another bucket full of wolfs bane to Joshua making him shriek in so much unbearable pain.

“No!”  I inhaled sharply and open my eyes, only to realize it was one of those reoccurring dream. Once again, the nightmare managed to wake me up in the middle of the night, panting like a tiger after a long chase. I quickly looked to my side, thanking silently that I hadn’t awoken Joshua. Feeling really uneasy, I got up and went to the bathroom to take a look at myself. Distress is evident in my green eyes and cold sweat covered my face. I decided to wash my face but while doing so, I realized that my hands were shaking lightly. I heaved a deep sigh and continued washing my face.

After calmed myself in the bathroom, I went out and saw Joshua still sleeping soundly on the bed. I compared him now—sleeping innocently, completely unharmed, to him in my nightmare—bloody and hurt. I realized that it was a bad idea when a small sob escaped my mouth and warm tears gushed from my tired sleepless eyes. I felt really terrible that even in my dreams I can’t even protect my Joshua and even had the guts to call him mine. Now feeling really confused and messed up, I donned his leather jacket and went out. It’s midnight anyway, I think it’s late enough that no one would bother me outside. I cold night breeze greeted me immediately as I got out. It felt silly that the night matched with the way I felt right now, extremely gloomy. The stars were hidden beneath a thick sheet of dark cloud, luckily the moon survived but its shine was not that bright. Thin fogs were emerging from the forest giving me that nostalgic feeling when I remembered that I used to play with Zack and dad in the fog while mom stood closely whilst laughing at us. Out of nowhere, an image invaded my mind; it was that of the time I saw Lucas for the first time here. Then a stupid idea struck me. I know that I would get hurt after this but it’s worth a shot.

“Lucas.” I called, but there was no response. Suppressing all my fears and hesitations I called again, feeling really determined to end this bullshit.

“Lucas, show yourself!” I waited another full moment but no response came. Thinking that it was a stupid idea I gave up but was startled by a cold touch on the nape of my neck. I spun around to see who it was.

Lucas. . .” I took a step back. I hadn’t really anticipated this encounter, though I called upon his presence, I was expecting that he wouldn’t respond.

“So you decided to call upon me instead.” He said with his teasing voice, making my stomach flip. “I would’ve showed myself to you later but it seems like you want to see me sooner.” Then he guffawed, surprisingly making me pissed rather than afraid.

“Stop it Lucas,” I spitted out, with my voice full of venom. He stopped circling the place where I stood and looked at me with a raised brow.

“Stop what?” he innocently said, as if he was innocent at all.

“Stop the dreams Lucas,” I glared at him. My earlier fears heated up and I could feel it boiling into hate and anger.

He chuckled darkly, “Awh, don’t be a bad sport!” He pouted at me and I glared at him more making him laugh again. “Besides,” he said as he recovered from his laugh, “Those things were bound to come true, I’m just giving you a preview of what it’s gonna be.”

“Fuck it Lucas! Just leave us be!” I shouted at him, not caring if I’d wake everyone here.

“I can’t do that,”

“Why not?!” I spitted back, I can taste that metallic taste in my mouth, indicating that I’m so pissed that I can morph any minute from now.

“Well,” he said while a scheming smile appeared on his face, “I think I can do that, under one condition.”

“What condition?”

“I’ll leave everyone be, including your precious Joshua if. . .” he took a step towards me, “If you’d come with me.

You may now rot in hell.” I venomously muttered at his face but he just laughed and took steps backward, still looking at me.

“Think about my condition, I’ll make sure you won’t regret if you’d say yes.”

“Fuck your conditions Lucas, I’d never fall for your stupid traps,” I said, disgust all over my face. He laughed at my words while he was slowly swallowed by the fog and the darkness.


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