Behind Lucas' facade

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sorry :3

"You wondered how you’d make it through. I wondered what was wrong with you. Because how could you give your love to someone else, yet share your dreams with me? Sometimes the only thing you’re looking for, is the one thing you can’t see. . ."

                                                                                                                                          -Vanessa Williams




Hours turned to days, days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months. 2 months to be exact, had passed since the day he told me those frightening words:

“Someone evil out there is back. . .

 And wants to have revenge over us,the McWolfes. I am afraid that he might successfully destroy us—destroy ME through hurting you.”


And every time I’d remember those words, a face of a man creeps into my mind. And that same face haunted my nightmares, always with that same scenario: The man torturing Joshua in front of me and the sad part is that I’d always be paralyzed, unable to move. It scared me to the point that I had to tell Joshua or else I’d be crazy in no time.

“Josh?” I uttered his name to get his attention.

“Yeah?” He replied with a grin on his face but soon perished the moment our eyes met and that mine reflected fear. “What’s wrong?” leaving behind his book as he walked towards me. We were in his room, me sitting on the edge of our while he was literally on his study table, reading Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code. “Is it one of those nightmares?” he asked again, now kneeling in front of me whilst cupping my face with his warm hands. I gave him a weak nod to confirm what he said earlier and as if on cue, my tears gushed from my now tired eyes and seems to me that it’s competing with the sobs that escaped my mouth. I could not stop myself from crying more when flashes of those blasted nightmares would flood my head.

What if they were bound to come true?—maybe yes, maybe not. But the thought of someone hurting my Joshua kills me, dream or reality. The way his face looked almost distorted from the pain that he would always receive in my nightmares and how useless and vulnerable it feels not being able to move a finger to protect him from those pains.

“J-Josh, I-I’m afraid,” my voice trembled, the sobs came harder now and I was left almost breathless. Immediately le locked me in his iron clad embrace.

“No, don’t be Mikael,” his voice sounded so velvety that it somehow soothed me a bit. I buried my tear streaked face unto his now damp gray V-neck shirt and inhaled a large quantity of his scent, not caring if I’d choke to death from doing so.

“T-those dreams J-Josh! They’re so vividly frightening. Seeing you hurt and that I could not protect you from whatever it is and all I could do is to cry my heart out and beg at the man who seemed to be the one holding your life.”

“Man?!” He sounded really surprised. Silly, I forgot to mention to him about the encounter 2 months ago. I did not bother doing so because I thought I was just being imaginative and all that or if he really was real, he wasn’t making any efforts to show himself to me.

“Remember that night?—2 months ago to be exact, when I asked you to go star gazing with me?”

“Yes, I remembered you suddenly changed your mind because you think that it’s too cold and that it was getting late.”

I smiled bitterly at him, “I lied Josh.” His face now confused. “When you went back to retrieve my cardigan, I saw a man. I thought he was just a figment of my imagination but he wasn’t, he couldn’t be. He called me using my name and said that we’d have fun together.”

Then Joshua’s face went pale.

“Lucas. . .”

Lucas was the name; Lucas Martin. Joshua told me that long time ago, Lucas fell for a girl named Rebekah. But sad to say, the feeling wasn’t mutual and that Rebekah left him for a McWolfe. Feeling very much betrayed he swore to get revenge sooner or later.

Deep inside my heart, I knew that that sooner or later would be sooner rather than later.

“Lucas Martin is a dangerous man Mikael,” gran Dorothy said, “He is a warlock whom possessed the blackest of all black magic.” Immediately she looked down and heaved a deep sigh. “But if it wasn’t for me, none of this would ever happen.” Pain and remorse found on gran’s blue eyes where much too overwhelming that I had to look away. “I was only 13 back when I first met him during one of the balls held by my father, the Duke. I was fully aware that he could be thrice my age because he possessed magic but that didn’t serve as a hindrance for my young foolish heart to fall for him and before I knew it we were proclaiming our love for each other.” Then she bitterly smiled at me. Even though we—gran Dorothy and I, have different perceptions over some things and that we lived in different times, somehow I could feel what she’s feeling right now, like I could relate to the hardships she’d undergone. “But then something happened, I shifted for the first time on my 14th birthday and got really confused. I decided to run away but before that, I promised him Lucas that I’d come back and then we’d get married and build our very own family.” She let go another heavy sigh then continued. “But then I found the real love of my life and he—I must add ‘rocked my world’ as you teenagers would explain it.” then she laughed bitterly, leaving me profoundly confused weather I’d laugh along or cry at her tragic story. “Lucas heard about my marriage to James McWolfe,” her face was filled with either guilt or regret. “That elevated his hatred towards the McWolfe—for stealing Rebekah, his first love and me—his true love.

Now I understood Lucas’ side.

He was a victim of a sequence of tragic ending love stories. . .

And was stuck, not moving on.

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