Supposed Acquaintance

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heyy! sorry for the very late update, this week is preliminary exam week and schedule's a lil hectic but since tomorrow's gonna be the last exam day so back to the 2-3 days span of no updates :))

"You know you're getting old when the candles cost more than the cake."




I awoke from the hug I received from my back. I turned my head and saw Joshua smiling mischievously at me.

“G’morning.” My voice was hoarse that it muffled the words. I turned my back at him again and felt him nestle his head on my shoulder.

“You overslept.” He whispered, still having that smile on his face. Overslept? I looked at the window, seeing that the sun is shining so bright that there’s no way it’s still early in the morning.

“What time is it?” I asked as I tried to flex my arms

“Minutes ‘till 9.”

“WHAT?” I abruptly stood up. Realizing that I am naked, my cheeks heated up as I quickly grabbed the sheets to cover myself up. I heard Joshua laughed teasingly as he approached me and wrapped his arms around my waist then pulled me closer.

“Babe, you’re blushing.” He whispered, his nose touching mine.

“Yeah, I noticed,” I said sarcastically, bothered by the fact that he’s fully clothed whilst I’m only wrapped in a thin sheet.

“You look tired,” he said while making circular motions at my back making me feel relaxed.

“Just a little.” I smiled at him as I remembered what happened last night. He smiled back than gave me a peck on my lips.

“Go get yourself ready, I’ll wait for you.” Letting go of my waist so I can get myself ready for my late day.

After I took a bath, I was surprised to see a cute sky blue sundress with a white cardigan and some undies on the bed. I don’t know if it’s sweet, that he got me a little dress, or awkward, ’cause he had gotten touchy-touchy over my undies. Also I found a white wedge sandal below. The wedge and the dress matched in a way that made me thought that Stephanie prepared this.

Shoving all stupid things off my mind, I donned the little sundress and the cardigan; I decided to braid my orangey-bronze hair to the side, tying it white a silver-ish ribbon that came with the dress, completely covering the mark and happily went out.

“Adorable.” Joshua said the moment I stepped out of his room.

“Stephanie brought my clothes?”

He shrugged. “Had no choice,” then smile at me. “C’mon let’s go.”

Fire And IceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon