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zach is a 16 year old boy who has just moved to a new city and a new school. the school is a hardcore catholic school and does not accept gay guys at all. he hasnt even come out yet to his parents because he knows they will disown him the second he does. his mom is a doctor and his dad is a lawyer so they have quite a bit of money. they live in a big house and they are a pretty wealthy family.

jonah has just turned 17 and is starting to question his sexuality. he doesnt know yet if hes into girls, boys or both. his parents both are engeneers, and are usually away on buissiness trips to work on big ship systems and he doesn have siblings so he usually is all alone at home.

a/n this is my first story, please give me feedback if you have any <3 i take requests too so yay i guess? have an amazing day/ nignt/ evening or whatever time it is for you :3

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