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zachs pov

most people say that right before you die, your life flashes before your eyes. im not most people, so this didnt happen to me, but i did see a bright light.

im talking to my mom when i start coughing profusely. a haze takes over my sight as i look up. its beautiful. i can hear my mom talking to me but i cant make out what she is saying. i look at my heart rate monitor which is slowing down. then i look at the clock. 11:23 pm. i look back up at the light and keep staring.

minutes later i start coughing really badly again and the light suddenly gets brighter and my body starts tingling. i reach out. i want to touch it, but my senses are being blocked out. the light gets so bright i cant see anything anymore.

this must be it. the moment i die. zach herron, the boy who died in a hospital after almost drowning. thats a lame story. but its too late to change it now. 

suddenly with the little control i have over my ears i hear a familliar voice. i hear it again, louder this time, and i lightly feal my hands being touched. the voice is there again, but its not talking, its screaming. oh my god its jonah! wait, what am i doing? i cant die now! i have so much to live for! 

with all my power i try to get control back over my full body and block the thought of death out of my head. i feel someone pumping my chest, and someone else hugging me. i hear alot of people talking, some pacing. i smell medical stuff. the person pumping stops. i hear cheering. i feel jonah laying his hand on mine, and i lay my other hand on his.

i open my eyes. everyone looks happy. then i see a face i didnt expect. 


my mouth immediatly starts trying to protest his presense by talking but all my throat will let out is a devilish screech. i start coughing again but theres sounds coming out of my mouth as well. 

'whats wrong honey?' my mom asks, crouching down beside my bed. since my voice has a mind of its own now i just point at him. him, the boy who let me drown. 

'its-its-its all his-his fault!' i squeek out as everyone turns to him.

'what? why? what did he do?' my mom asks.

'okay, zach, im sorry.' jack says,'but i tried to save you! believe me, i saw you get dragged by the current, so i started yelling and swimming over there but it was no use. you just kept going farther.'

'y-yeah right.' i say.

'zach, believe him.' jonah says. 'its true.'

jonah believes him. now everyone is looking at me like im stupid. i stare at my hands, and let the tears fall into my lap. 'hes in shock' i hear a nurse say, which only makes me cry harder. then jonah comes and wraps his arms around me, and ive never felt safer.

a/n oof this is pretty bad, but since i dont really have a good ending for the book its kinda to expect. so plz dont judge xD what do you think will happen next? will they forgive each othere and be friends? or will zach totally ignore the appologies and let them all go? read it in the next chapter <3

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