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I look at the water down below me. Its going very fast, and with such a high drop, it would definitely kill me. Should I do it? I wipe my ice cold nose on my sleeve, and carry my right leg over the railing. I look down again g, and that's when I stop. I shouldn't do this. I have so much to live for, In a year I don't have to see any of these people again. What am I thinking? God I'm such a dramatic mess. That's when I reach my breaking point. I fall down to my knees and curl into a ball while sobbing into my hands. I hate myself so much, but I have to make this right.

After what seems like hours I run back to school and get in my car and I drive. Far away. Well not that far, just to my favorite restaurant on the other side of town. Its space themed and I really like to learn about space and stuff. I walk in and see a face I don't necessarily need to see at the moment, but I just ignore him and sit at the bar and order a tall coffee. I feel his eyes burning in the back of my head and I hear him whisper my name to call me over. After three times I turn around and say 'what do you want Corbyn?' I closely examine his face to see that his green eyes have turned a red and his bags are far beyond his cheeks. He is also sniffling and his normally perfectly kept blond hair is all messed up.

'please, will you sit with me? I just want to apologize. I feel so bad for doing what I did to Zach.' he says as he bursts out in tears.

'If you feel bad you should apologize to Zach, not me.'

'I k-know but I- I just... I'm so sorry. Please come sit with me.'

'fine.' I walk over to him and sit down in the booth beside him. I wrap my arm around his shoulder. He seems even more broken than I am already.

'what happened Corbyn? I want to know everything, don't leave out any details.'

'okay, well... I guess it started when Jack wanted to get you back for taking Zachs side instead of yours. He pushed Daniel and I into joining him and I did, because I knew he could easily get new friends, and that we are basically already outcasts, and we would even more without him. so we had to. He wanted to know what you guys where doing so he sent me to your house to spy on you. I know, its horrible, and I shouldn't have done it. He also told me to video, so I did. I came back and immediately sent him the recordings. Before I could even say the word sabotage he sent it to everyone at school, plus Zachs family. I knew that what I was doing was very wrong, but Jack made it seem so... right. He rewarded me for doing the wrong things and... he shouldn't have. The next day we found Zach at school and Jack decided to beat him up, and we just went along with it. I am so sorry Jonah, I feel so bad about everything. You can beat me up if you want to.'

At this point he is crying his eyes out.

'no Corbyn, that's wrong. And besides, it happened and there's nothing you, or anyone could do about it.'

'that's true. But I'm really sorry Jonah. What you had with Zach was such a precious thing, I'm so sorry I took that away from you.'

'so was Jack really the one behind this whole mess?'

'I guess. But it was also partly my fault. I'm so sorry.'

'no stop saying that Corbyn. Its not your fault at all, Jack is the one who should pay for all this.'

I look into his eyes, and suddenly, I feel his warm lips on mine. I pull away as I see his tear stained face looks at me with a look of happiness, before dropping after turning his face to something behind me. I look over and there he is. The boy of my dreams. I don't know for how long he was standing there but Zach definitely saw the kiss because he immediately sprints away. I look at Corbyn who is now crying again.

'dude, what the fuck?' I say as I stand up.

'I'm so, so sorry Jonah.' he says while the tears are pouring onto his sleeve. 'I-I don't know what got into me. You-you looked so handsome... oh my god. I ruined your life!' he is now full on sobbing into his sweater. He looks so different from the happy boy I remember him as.

I run out of the café and see him running down the street.

'Zach wait!' I scream after him, just causing him to run faster. Oh god, what have I done.

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