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Zachs pov

It's the next day and Jonah isn't anywhere to be found. He didn't drive me to school which is also different. Jack is finally staying away from me, which isn't bad, except all the other guys are too. I thought we where friends, I guess not.

right now im in first period and the teacher is checking attendance.

'Jonah Marais?'

'sick, ma'am.'

'okay. Zach Herron?'

'here. Can I go to the washroom?'


I stand up with my backpack and walk right out of the school. I need to find Jonah. I need him. I know he's upset and shit about his parents, but I just need to know why he's skipping school. I walk all the way to his house in the freezing cold air of the winter, and knock on the door.

Jonahs pov

I was just about to slide the blade across my other wrist, when I hear a knock on the door. Shit shit shit. It better be Zach. I run out of the bathroom with a paper towel against the bleeding cuts, feeling dizzy from the loss of blood. I open the door and immediately fall on my knees from the sight. I see a tiny red nosed kid with mittens and a tuke. He looked so cute and innocent, he is just a child and doesn't deserve to see me like this. He doesn't deserve any of this. And I certainly don't deserve him. he deserves the world, and I could never give him that.

'OH MY GOD JONAH!?' he screams while immediately closing the door and wrapping his arms around my almost lifeless body. I turn away from him as tears start flowing from both of our faces.

'no Zach go home!' I yell. 'I'm disgusting don't look at me!'

He completely ignores me as he takes my wrist in his hand an uncovers it.

'how could you do this to yourself!?' he runs to the kitchen and grabs some bandages and a glass of water. He then holds my wrist above the sink and dumps the water on it to clean the cuts. That hurt like hell. He then wraps my arm tightly in bandages. 'why the hell would you do this Jonah? Please promise me you'll never do this again!'

I stumble towards the couch and let all my weight drop on it at once. 'I'm sorry Zach.' I say sobbing. 'please just go home!'

'Jonah please, I want to help you! Why did you do this?' he says calmingly as he snuggles up to me on the couch. 'Im so happy this boy is here, I would've actually killed myself if it wasn't for him.

'I-I just feel so worthless now that my parents are gone. I cant take being alone all the time. I n-need you.' He stares at me with wide eyes while I cry into the arm rest. What I said didn't make any sense, he was there for me the whole time. I just cant take being without him, I wish his parents weren't such dickheads and that they'd just let us be!

'I – I'm so sorry Jonah! I will be there for you in the future?' I can tell he's really confused by me.

'no Zach, its not your fault at all. Im so sorry for making you think I was okay, im not. Im a mess! Please- just- please go home. I don't deserve you at all.' I did mean that. Why is he being so nice to me? He can do way better.

'Jonah stop! You mean the world to me! I would do anything to spend every living second with you! Please don't hurt yourself ever again okay?'

'okay.' I dry my tears and we snuggle up on the couch.

Zachs pov

I see Jonah has fallen asleep and I snuggle closer to him. I feel so so bad for him, I cant even imagine what he is going through with the loss of his parents. But then again if I spend the night at Jonahs right now I would be a dead man the second I step into my own house tomorrow. But I decide to do it anyways, for Jonah. I love him so much I'll take the beatings for him. He's my everything. 

a/n this is rlly dramatic, but we love a drama queen. also do yall like this book? 

just a reminder: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS

im sorry

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