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jonahs pov

i sit on my bed watching netflix. its where i have and will spend most of this break probably. 

i hope zach is okay. i miss him. jack is probably giving him a real hard time. i just hope it doesnt get anymore physical. 

im just about to watch the third movie for the day when i get a call. i look on the screen and its an unknown number. i decline.

they call again. this time i accept since it must be pretty urgent.


'hi uhh jonah is it?' the womans voice is shaky and i can tell something is wrong. 

'yes? who is this?'

'this is zachs mom. uhh this is going to sound crazy but zach was out swimming but after a while we couldnt see him anymore. we called the lifeguards and they found his flattened floatie. they started looking around and they also found his knocked out body. zach almost drowned, jonah. luckily he is still alive but when they got him to the hospital he kept calling your name. we went through his phone and found your contact. we dont know if he is going to make it since his lungs are filled with salt water, but we figured you might be able to help him. please come here if you can. i already bought you a plane ticket to hawaii which i sent to you.'

'oh my god! i will be there as soon as i can. please call me if anything happens to him.'

'we will.'

i hang up and have a panick attack immediatly. i start hyper ventilating, wait. i dont have time for this. i try to stand up with tears falling from my face, staining my cheeks and my shirt. with shakey hands i grab a suitcase and stuff some clothes and toilettries inside. i dry my eyes with my sleeve as i start to calm down and grab a small backpack and fill it with snacks and my secret stuffed animal that i bring everywhere for comfort. then i get in my car  and drive to the airport.

i get to the airport and check my bags in. then i grab a water and board the flight. i spend most of the six hours sleeping. when im not sleeping im just worrying about zach. i wonder if jack had anything to do with it. most likely he did. 

when the plane lands i am anxious to get off first. i bud in front of a few passengiers and i can hear them get mad at me but i just run down the boarding thingy. i sprint to where you can pick up your bags and wait impatiently. come on, come on. youve got to be kidding me, this is taking forever. i wait about 15 minutes before i finally see the bright blue suitcase with the tag 'Jonah Marais.' with my bags i speedwalk outside and call an uber. i tell him where to go and that its an emergency so he will hopefully drive as fast as possible.

i get my bags and slam the door to get into the hospital. i didnt really think this through as i now have a big suitcase to carry with me. i rush to the front desk.

'im here to see zach herron?' i say impatiently at the girl in front of me.

'yes hes in room 415 on floor 2, section B. he currently isnt seeing any visitors though because the doctors are still running tests. you can sit in the waiting room in the section.'


i sprint to the elevator androll my suitcase inside before pressing the button. as soon as the door opens again i run out. i have to see how hes doing. i find his room and see his parents and jack sitting in front of it on the floor. jack looks up at me surprised,

'Jonah? how did you get here so fast?'

'thank god!' zachs mom says and pulls me into a tight hug. 'he wouldnt stop repeating your name. i was so worried about him so i had to get you to make sure he feels better.'

'thats okay. as soon as i heard about it, i knew i had to get down here to make sure he is okay. is he okay?' 

'the doctors are running some tests to see if they have to pump the water out of his chest. he might not make it since its a very dangerous procedure.'

'oh my god. please dont let him die.' 

'i will do the best i can.'

'so, are you and zach like, best friends?' zachs dad asks me.

'yeah, i guess you could say that.' i say as i sit beside jack on the floor.

about half an hour later i notice jack shifting uncomfortably.

'are you okay?' i ask him. as if i could care less.

'i need to talk to you Jonah, in private.' he says sternly as he grabs my arm and leads me to a different hallway.

'i think zach drowning was my fault, and i feel really bad about it.' he says.

'isnt that what we all suspected? that its your fault? youre the one always beating him up!'

'it wasnt supposed to go this far, okay? and it was an accident!'

'oh really? an accident? tell that to the boy who drowned because of you!'

'you dont even know what happened!'

'then tell me. tell me the whole story from the beginning.'

'fine.' he begins. 'we where out swimming and zach was on his floatie. he was out kinda far so i tried swimming after him. he only went farther in the water so i tried yelling at him and swimming after him. he started going way faster and i couldnt stop him anymore. so i went back to tell the parents and we realised we couldnt even see him anymore. we called some lifeguards and they found his floatie. a while later they found his body floating knocked out. i think he was trying to run from me. i think i made him so scared he didnt want to be anywhere near me so he went farther away untill he got caugth in a current or something. i was so worried about him. im so sorry jonah.' 

he looks down and tears start to fall from his eyes. 

'oh jack.' i say as i wrap my arms around him. 'you where actually trying to help him?'

'yes, but this is all my fault. and now he might die because of me. i never meant for him to die, i was only joking.'

'hey, hey, its not your fault. maybe just next time you should be a little more careful?' i say as i take his chin with my fingers.

'i promise i will never make fun of him, or you, or anyone ever again.' 

suddely we hear a muffled long beep from the other hallway followed by a doctor yelling. we immediatley panick and run over there as fast as possible. we open the door and see...

a/n lol cliffhanger again xD sorry if all this medical stuff is very medically incorrect, ive never been inside a hospital before, and ive never drowned before either so..

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