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The day I first met you,
You told me you'd never fall in love.


"Dem! Demi, are you ready? Everyone's waiting!" God damn it Kelsey. For the past hour, she had been nagging me to get ready and only distracting me from the process. Tonight, myself and Nick had invited the tour crew and some family and friends out for one night of freedom and fun before we took to the road and travelled the states. "DEMI!"

"All right! Damn, I'm coming." Leaving the cramped en-suite, I flash an innocent smile when I see my best friend and assistant waiting for me, a grumpy expression on her face.

"Don't give me that look Lovato. I told you we need to be leaving ten minutes ago."

"You've worked with me long enough to know I'm always going to be late."

"Unfortunately, yes I do." She playfully sighs, opening the door for me to leave. "Half of them have already left." Kelsey tells me as we head down the venue corridor and out into the evening sun, which is slowly starting to set amongst the horizon. Waving a polite hello to the few that are scattered across the carpark, I quickly pull out the compact mirror to check my appearance one last time.

"Ms Lovato, fashionably late as always!" Nick teases, heading over to me with a unfamiliar girl stood by his side. She was undeniably beautiful but there was something so simple about her. A bashful smile was painted on her ivory skin, captivating eyes squinting in the sun. Who the hell was she?

"You know me Jonas."

"That I do. Dems, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Demi as you probably already know."

"Y/N." I repeat, having heard her name come up a few times when discussing with the others but having never met her. I knew I'd never forget her face.

"Yeah, she's friends with those losers." He teases, pointing to our shared friends that are now gesturing rudely to Nick.

"It's so nice to finally meet you." She smiles, moving forward and apprehensively holding her arm out. Her smile and timid behaviour was too adorable and I pull her into my gentle hug, squeezing her thin body.

"It's nice to meet you too. Those guys talk about you all the time."

"All good I hope." She giggles and it melts my heart. This girl was such a sweetheart.

"Maybe." I wink, standing back so I can look at her again. Her hair was wavy, falling down her tanned shoulders and blowing slightly in the light wind. Her figure was also to die for, toned but curved in all the right places.

My thoughts were broken when I hear a loud whistle and see Nick race off after another member of the group, only then realising one of the guys had thrown water over his suit. Boys clearly never grow up.

"So, I hear someone's on a date..." Kelsey teases and I frown, looking up to argue but notice she's not talking to me.

"It's not really a date." Y/N blushes. "My friends tried setting us up a lot but we've always been busy so I thought I owed it to them to at least agree to tonight. That's if you guys don't mind. I'm sorry I just showed up." She sweetly apologises, looking to me as if she offended me.

"Oh honey, don't worry about it. The more the merrier! Any friend of those guys, is a friend of ours. Right Kels?"

"Yeah. Maybe you and Nick could finally hit it off..."

"I'm not sure about that." Y/N laughs to Kelsey but she's still blushing. She doesn't seem like she's all that into Nick and she gave the impression she was forced into it. Don't get me wrong they'd be a cute couple but I'm not buying it.

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