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You can touch me with slow hands,
Speed it up baby, make me sweat.


Once I'd composed my thoughts and headed downstairs, Y/N had taken residence in the corner of the couch with the faux fur blanket I previously had covering her slim figure.

"What's your favourite film?" I questioned, collapsing into the spot beside her.

"Umm, I guess I don't have one." Shrugging her shoulders, she watched as I picked up the television control and searched through the movies list.

Underneath the new category, the new IT film was advertised and I grinned mischievously, turning to Y/N, who's faced had drained of all colour. "Oh, we have to watch this!"

"Demi, no! I'm petrified of clowns!"

"I've heard it isn't even scary! I've been meaning to watch it for so long but I daren't watch it alone."

"I daren't watch it, even if I was in a room full of MMA fighters to protect me."

"Come on, please." I pouted, crawling closer to her and sitting just to the left of her thigh. "I may not be an MMA fighter but I'll protect you." It seems pouting and puppy dog eyes work a treat because she flopped back against the cushions,
with a defeated sigh.


"Yay!" I cheered, pressing play then turning off the lights. "You can hold my hand if you-" Before I could even finish my sentence, her slender fingers were intertwined with my own and pulling my body beside her.

"If you're making me watch this, you're also being my human shield slash pillow."

"I guess I can live with that." I teased, feeling my body heat as she leaned her head against my shoulder and threw the blanket over my legs.

"I have goosebumps already."

"You're such a wimp."

"Whatever Lovato. Do you bully all your new friends?"

"No. You must be special." I didn't miss the grin that appeared on her face from that comment.


Half way through the film, Y/N was basically on top of my body as she shook in fear. Every time Pennywise appeared, she would whimper like a hungry puppy and bury her face into the warm crease of my neck.

"You owe me for this." Whining, her right hand clenched my t-shirt in her fists as she quickly turned her body away from the screen like the clown would reach out and grab her from my grip.

"Oh yeah? Add it to my bill."

"It is getting rather long." Moving her face so she could look up into my eyes, I watched her lengthy black eyelashes flicker against her tanned cheeks.

"It is. Have you decided on a payment suitable?" Shifting away from her slightly, she copied my movements and sat up so her torso is equal against my own.

"I have one in mind." She whispered, her eyes fell lower and lower until they reached my lips that told me all I need to know. "Only if you're brave enough though, Ms Lovato."

Like two magnets, our faces inches closer and closer as I breathed on to her lips. "I think I can handle it." The shadowed room suddenly felt thick with tension, the only traces of light were from the film being ignored in the background. The tip of her nose nudged against my own as she tilted her head ever so lightly and captured my parted lips between her own. Her mouth felt warm, her lips soft as they caressed mine freely. Increasing the pressure ever so slightly, she followed my lead and ran her fingers up to my neck and gently pulled me closer, our bodies colliding.

This was so wrong but it felt so right.


note: so i kinda cheated and stole quite a bit of the last part from my 'muse' imagine hahaha i just hated all the alternatives i wrote, sorry!🤷🏻‍♀️

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