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Fuck my bad habits,
Don't act like you got none.


"Here's your soy latte, extra pump of cinnamon."

"Thanks Nick."

"No worries, Y/N. It's the least I can do, I brought you out here and we've barely spent any real time together."


"But we can make up for that." His hand comes to lay softly over your own, that's resting and slightly shaking on the sticky table surface. "So, what did you wanna talk about?"

"That's the thing. Nick, I don't think this is going to work out."

"Y- You don't?"

"We've tried twice now and well, there's nothing there."

"But the other night, at the club-"

"I know but I was drunk, you were drunk and we just got caught up in the moment. Maybe subconsciously I thought I could make myself feel something. I like you, as a friend and I don't want to mess that up by forcing this thing between us."

"But you kissed me?" The hand that was resting over your own is snatched away, retreating to his own body as his eyebrows furrow. "Is the relationship commitment not something you want? We could work something-"

"No, no- I shouldn't have kissed you. I'm sorry and I probably should have told you sooner but there's just been so much going on. I hope we can stay friends."

"I- Umm, yeah. I guess we can." No longer knitted in confusion, his face relaxes as he sighs. "It's gonna be weird but if this is something you want. I won't push you."

"You deserve someone who can give you what you want Nick."

"And that's really not you?"

"I'm sorry." A soft shake of the head follows and he smiles, sadly. It hurt to do this, to upset him but it would hurt so much more to not be with her.

"Well I hope it's not too soon to say if there's anything else friend..." Playfully rolling your eyes at his suggestive words, you let him have his fun, praying that it would lift the guilt settled in your stomach. "Well, if that's all. We should head back. You mind if I run to the bathroom?"

"Go ahead." His figure disappears into the male restrooms, leaving you with the coffees and phones. Grabbing your iPhone, you send a quick text to Demi, knowing she'll be out of her mind with worry.

To Demi:
it's done and he took it well! can't wait to see you❤️

As soon as the text delivers, his own iPhone illuminates with a message. A part of you wants to ignore it and just let him know when it gets back but maybe it could be an emergency at the venue...

Curiosity becoming too much, you hover over his illuminated screen and feel the anger boil inside you at what you read.

From P😍:
Flights booked, see you soon baby.


"Ready?" You scoff back, lifting your gaze to the man that's just returned. "Who the hell is 'P'?"

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