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Careful when you play these games,
You might find out the hard way that two can play.


"Nick's text me and said you can still stay in his room, what a gentleman." Demi spat out, her body tensing up as we both made our way into her bedroom. "As if I'd put you in his room, regardless of our situation-" The minute her feet crossed the threshold, you slammed the door shut and decided the only way to stop her ranting was with your own lips. Her mouth fought your own, battling for dominance but with her petite body pressed against the door, she soon succumbed to you.

"It's a good job, I'm already asleep then." You whisper, your lips barely parted from hers. She simply sniggered, playfully pushing you away and replying to the man, lying about your current state of consciousness. "You ok?"

"I'm fine." Demi shrugs, once she'd placed her phone on charge at the beside table. Her posture told you something different, her mood had dropped significantly and you knew the kiss is bothering her.

"Demi, the kiss. It meant nothing, I got caught up in the moment and I was trying to beat you at your own game-"

"You think I'm bothered by the kiss?"

"Yeah, are you not?"

"Oh Y/N. I'm not worried about that."

"You're not?" You were perched at the end of the kings sized bed, watching her saunter around the room, taking earrings off, removing shoes and extra articles of clothing that didn't need to be there.


"Oh... ok."

"I think I made it clear earlier, I'm pretty confident."


"About you, my impact on you, how I make you feel..." She listed off smugly, making you roll your eyes. Another game was about to be played and you didn't quite know how this one would work out...

"I mean, Nick isn't a bad kisser. It isn't like I didn't enjoy it."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah and I mean, he was drunk. Maybe when we kiss again, it'll be even better."

"Maybe it will, but I have a question for you." Now, you knew you were in trouble as she strolled on over, stripping the top she had worn tonight, nothing but a lacy bra left on her torso.

"Hmmm?" You gulped, barely being able to maintain any eye contact as she moved to straddle your lap. Her skin warm against your own. "Did he kiss you how you like it?" Her lips wasted no time in capturing your own, setting a steady pace off as all thoughts dissolved from your mind, giving yourself to her completely.

"Did he kiss you here where I know makes you squirm?" Her tender kisses lingered down your jaw, soft until they hit the base of your neck, sucking the skin softly as your body trembled in euphoria and desire. Breathless, the warmth of her affection moved back up to your lips, stopping just before they could connect.

"Did he run his hands under here, where I know makes you moan?" Her fingertips swept a path over your tan collarbones before tugging your shirt up, running along the wiring of your bralette. Her statement was followed up by her actions as you moaned softly, letting yourself fall against her.

She was so intoxicating, one touch and you were hers in a instant. She was your drug and you couldn't get enough.

"Did he make you we-"

"Fuck Demi." With a soft bounce, your body fell back into the luxurious sheets, locking eyes with the object of your affection still straddling your waist. No words needed to be said as the two of you worked together, like dance partners, ridding each other of clothes, letting your lips collide in natural rhythms as your hands explored the familiar territory you only had the pleasure of experiencing once before.

And you'd be damned if this was the last time you'd ever lay hands upon this goddess again.

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