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You're my new obsession,
Let go of any hesitation.


Sauntering towards the crowded dance floor, an extra sway in her hips that keeps my eyes glued to them before somebody blocks my view, she flashes one last smile before allowing herself to be pulled into the arms of a friend.

While she danced the night away with her friends, I couldn't help but stay seated and watch her body move. She had completely mesmerised me. It was only when a rather intoxicated Nick had made several advances, that Y/N had subtlety moved out of reach that I snapped out of it. Maybe she hadn't even realised or maybe she truly wasn't interested. I prayed it was the latter.

"What were you two walking about?" Kelsey asks, passing me a cold bottle of water as she falls into the sticky booth beside me.

"Nothing Kels. Just getting to know her a bit. She seems sweet."

"She does. I think her and Nick would suit."

"Do you think he really likes her?"

"We all really like her Dem. She's super nice. But I heard the guys talking earlier and it maybe not be a relationship Nick is after."

"Typical man." I groan. Although it was unlike Nick, I saw where he was coming from. He never had a lot of fun with girls unless he was in a relationship with them. But I already knew Y/N deserved better than that, just from how we connected earlier.

"Yeah but I think he'll fall for her. We all know how he gets when he starts to like a girl and she's a great catch." Kelsey shrugs as I nod my head in agreement. She is a great 'catch' but she should be my catch.


The night had come to an end for some of us and all I wanted to do is go home and curl with with Batman until I gave into a peaceful slumber. "Are you sure you're not coming Dem?" Kels almost pleaded but I shook my head softly.

"I'm super tired and everyone's drunk so I don't really want to be around that."

"I understand. Shall I ring your car?"

"No, no. You're not working tonight Kels, go have some fun!"

"Thanks D, I love you."

"Love you too Kels." Watching as the hyper blonde skips off towards the group that are all chanting a indecipherable sentence, I smile and wait beside the bar security from my own car. However, I couldn't help but search the crowds for Y/N and my heart almost dropped when I saw her off to the side with Nick.

The two had them had their phones out, clearly exchanging numbers. I still hadn't spoken to Y/N but I got the impression she wasn't carrying on with the rest of them.

Nick looked back up at her, his eyes darkening as he clearly was besotted with her. She was an attractive woman, I couldn't deny that clearly but they had barely spoken tonight. He didn't seem to get to know her so I knew it was just lust.

His muscled arm gripped her tanned one and she almost flinched under it, smiling gently but looking as uncomfortable as I felt watching it.

"I'll see you soon." I stared as he quickly moved in, placing a chaste kiss on the corner of her mouth which she didn't return before squeezing her hand and leaving to go back to the crowd that were now climbing into the back of an Uber.

Waving her goodbyes, she took a deep breath as the Uber left the carpark and leant back against the chilled, stone wall. With a soft sigh, I made my way over to her petite figure in the dark shadows.

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