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You better stop messing around,
'cause you gonna get caught.


24 hours of discreet escapades, make out sessions in closets and lingering touches.

Last night, you had panicked with the thought of having to share the tour bus bed with Nick but Kelsey and Demi had saved you from any ideas that he had and called girls night. You could tell he was annoyed but he didn't want to argue with the girls and the guys had dragged him off with the promise of cigars.

"Well, I'm ready to sleep." Lauren yawned, untucking her feet from her body as she stretches her limbs. "Are you sleeping on the spare bunk tonight?"

"I- I don't know." You laugh, no real sleeping arrangements had been decided except that you were on Demi's bus.

"It's covered in our crap, we should go move it." Jill pointed out, starting to gather the mess we had made, always the mum of the group.

"Don't worry about that, it's late and you're all tired." Demi intervenes. "Y/N can bunk with me."

"Are you sure? It won't take too long, we can just throw it in here for tonight."

"It's fine. I have a much bigger bed than you guys so it's not like we'll be struggling for room. Although I am a cuddler, I hope you don't mind."

"Big spoon or little?" You can't hide the smirk on your face and you can only pray the others play it off as banter.

"Depends on the mood."

"Then I guess we'll find out."

"There's spare blankets in that cupboard if she smothers you and you want to jump on the sofa for the night." Lauren tells you before disappearing to her room. The others all start to filter out as you distract yourself with your phone, seemingly acting unbothered as possible.

As the sliding door shuts, signalling the last person to leave the room, you look up and see amused, brown eyes staring straight at you. "What?"

"You're cute." She giggles, almost acting like she knew something you didn't.


"Come on you." Still giggling, she stands from her seat and holds her hand out to pull you up from the sofa. Taking the invitation, you allow her to lead you through the rather messy tour bus and into the secluded room at the back. "Hi, MTV, I'm Demi Lovato and welcome to my crib!"

Playfully rolling your eyes at her joke, you move further in the room while she clicks the lock of the door and pulls out two t-shirts. "Another tour t-shirt? I am spoiled."

"Add it to your collection."

"You still think I have the other? Babe, I sold it on eBay." Although she knows your playing, the twinkle in her eyes dim and you know exactly why. "I am kidding, you know? I wear the old shirt you gave me most nights."

"You did keep it?" Her vulnerability mode was in full and you just wanted to wrap her up in your arms and hold her close forever.

"Of course. I thought it was the last real contact I'd ever have with you."

"And now?"

"And now I don't think I even need the shirts." Pulling the fabric from between her slender fingers, you threw them over the shoulder as they added to the mess covering the floor of the moving bus. Once free, you circled her waist with your arms, tugging her against your body. "When I have the real thing to wrap myself up in."

"I think that's the best thing you've said all night."


Demi's POV:

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