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'Cause space is just a word made up for someone who's afraid to get too... close.


"Hey! It's so good to see you!" Averting your eyes from the duo you had been watching perform on stage, and by duo you meant the brunette in the very tight and very see-through jumpsuit, to the blonde beside you.

"Kelsey, hey!"

"I'm so glad you could make it!"

"Me too, the show is incredible!"

"It is. I see it every night and I'm still in awe of them both."

"I can't wait to watch it all over again tomorrow!"

"How long are you staying again?"

"Just a few days. Probably leave Friday."

"Are you staying with Nick?"

"Um, I guess so. He said he sorted arrangements..."

"And by arrangements, the very comfy and tight space of his bed-"

"No." Laughing at the blonde, you turned back to the stage to watch the two stars share a hug as the song came to an end. "Well, I don't know what he's sorted. I believe he's sorted a hotel tonight?"

"Yeah. The hotel is incredible. We stayed last year and it's just this penthouse suite with loads of bedrooms so we're all sharing I guess. By the tone of the guys, it's going to get messy."

"Don't set them off. The plane journey over here was the worst."

"Well, I should get back to work. I'll see you later, yeah? Don't be afraid to come to Demi's dressing room and hang out. Nick's team is mostly dudes so come on over."

"Thanks. Maybe I will." Definitely won't.


After the show, you had fawned over Nick and told him repeatedly how good the show was. It really was an incredible show and he seemed to love the attention. "Shall we head back to the hotel? They've moved your case to my car."

"Yeah, sure." Smiling, he grabbed a bag of his things and held his hand out for you to take. Not thinking twice, you let him intertwine your fingers and lead you down the empty corridor.

"Hey!" He yelled into a dressing room as a mob of people came into view. "We're heading back. See you there!"

"Bye!" There was a chorus of replies as everyone turned to wave, but one person clearly stood out. Her eyes shot from your face, to yours and Nick hands before turning away.

"We killed it again tonight Dem." Nick hollered, everyone cheering in agreement.

"Yeah, you guys were incredible." You spoke up once it went quiet and a few people's eyes lingered on you. "You were amazing, Demi."

"Thanks." She simply said back, shooting you a smile for the show before disappearing into the en-suite of the dressing room.



Nick had kept you entertained the whole while back to the hotel, sharing funny stories about his past few weeks on the road and showing quite a lot of interest in your own life.


"Yeah?" Turning around from the gorgeous view you had been fawning over for the past few minutes. The sun had set a while ago and the sky had turned black, the lights in the city flickering until it hit the beach. Once arrived at the hotel, you had changed outfits and re-applied your make up where needed while Nick showered. The two of you were in a bedroom and it almost felt unspoken that you'd been spending the night in here with him.

Wildfire (Demi Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now