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Being so bad,
Got me feelin' so good.


"We can't do this to him." She breathed on to your lips but you didn't stop kissing her to reply. "We really shouldn't." Her hands found your shoulders and pushed you, like she didn't trust herself to be in such a close proximity.

"Demi, you forget he apparently slept with another girl while on this tour. I'm not saying this makes it right but he's not all that into me either."

"So what? We're meant to go out there and declare our feelings for each other?"

"So you admit you like me?" Smirking, you raise an eyebrow which just makes her roll her eyes.

"When did you get that? When I literally said I had a crush for you? When I had my tongue down your throat or when we was rolling between my bed sheets a few months ago?"

"Well excuse me for being a little confused when you treated me like shit when I first got here!"

"I was confused!" Arguing with her was going to get you no where so you let up, taking a deep breath to clear your head before deciding what you should do.

"If- If you want to pursue this..." A part of you never felt so vulnerable and exposed, your body was quaking with the fear of rejection. "I'll tell Nick tomorrow. I'll tell him exactly how I feel and how I want to be friends. I'll wait these next few days out if it isn't awkward-"

"You can bunk with me, if it is I mean." Her eagerness made a smile break out on your face. You never expected her to seem so comfortable with this, so quickly. "I mean it's a bit unfair to send you all the way back when you just travelled out."

"Sure." Her cheeks were blushing and you saved her the embarrassment as you continued to explain. "Then when you get back next month, maybe we can pick up where we left off."

"In the comfort of my bed?" Teasingly biting her lip, you feel your body heat double in temperature as you stalk closer.

"In the bed, in the shower, on the counters-"

"Oh my, you do have big plans." Giggling at her playing coy, you bring her into your arms and place soft kisses along the side of her neck. "How am I meant to resist you?"

"Who says you have too? I'm sure the others are a little too drunk to even notice our departure?"

"You want to leave?" Her perfectly arched eyebrows kinks, her gaze dropping to an expression of mischief. "We shouldn't."

"But I'm so sick." Playing pretend, you head over to the sink and sprinkle some water on your face and chest. "The club is too warm and I've had way too much to drink. I think I need to go to bed."

"You are something else." Demi laughs, linking her arm with your own as you head towards the door. "Ready?"

"Born ready."

Linking together, the two of you head out with poker faces like you hadn't had such a passionate moment in the bathroom. Putting a stumble in your step and a subdued expression on your face, Demi wound her arm around your waist in an illusion that she was holding you up.

"Dem- Holy shit, what happened to you?!" Lauren gasped as you simply groaned, hunching over slightly.

"I found her in the bathroom, she really isn't well."

"Oh my god Y/N!" It was Nick's turn to gasp this time as he ran over, roughly jerking you into his own body. You could practically feel the anger and annoyance radiating off of Demi. "Are you ok? You didn't even drink that much!"

"I think it's the jet lag. She said she hadn't been sleeping well and the plane journey probably took a lot out of her. Adding alcohol to the mix has just made it worse."

"Do you think she has to go home?" Nick questioned, almost looking annoyed that he may have to take you home and look after you than stay and make himself a more incoherent, drunken idiot than usual.

"Of course she does Nick, she can barely stand." Demi pointed out. "But look, I'm super tired and I'm kind of over it so I'll just take her back."

"No, I'll take her." He argues, although his voice is borderline monotone, showing he clearly does not want to leave the club.

"Nick, you're drunk. You could pass out the minute you hit the bed. Let me take her home, she can sleep in my bed-"

"Put her in mine-"

"You'll wake her when you come in. Just stay, have a good time! Don't worry about her, she's gonna be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am. I don't mind and you guys are all pretty drunk so yeah." You felt like she knew they wouldn't question or protest when it came to anything to do with her sobriety and simply let her be.

"Do you want us to come back with you?" Kelsey questioned and you were starting to get bored of the questions but Demi's arms were sliding back around your waist and tugging you back against her body, showing she was done with the barrage of questions.

"No, stay and have fun! We'll be going straight to bed anyway." You didn't miss the nip Demi placed upon your hip.

After an excess amount of 'goodbyes' and 'feel better soon Y/N!', Demi took you out of the club, keeping up the sick appearance until you were safe and secured in the back of the black Range Rover that would be taking you back to the hotel. "Wow, quite the actress I must say."

"Well, I'm no Sonny Munroe." You're both aware of the driver just sat metres away, therefore settle for longing gazes while your hands intertwined in the dark. The atmosphere in the car was thick with sexual tension as the two of you temporarily resided in the leather seats, counting down the minutes till you were back in the hotel, safely tucked away in the privacy of Demi's room.

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