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Just hear me out before you run away
'Cause I can't take this pain.


"Dem, I'm gonna go grab some food. You want anything?"

"I'm good, thanks ba- buddy." Smirking at her slip up in front of her team, you simply nod and wander down the glum corridors and into the mini catering room, where you recognise some of the dancers and your friends crowded round a table.

"Hey guys."

"Hey." Barely sparing you a glance, they turn back to their conversation like you didn't even exist. How weird.

"Am I missing something?" The nervous laugh that follows feels way too fake but Jay takes pity on you and moves you off to the side. "Seriously, what's going on?"

"You tell me, what the hell happened between you and Nick?"

"He's an ass-"

"Y/N..." In under twenty seconds, you give him a quick run down of the situation as you're all too aware of the stares that are burning into the back of your head.

"...That's so unfair, right?"

"It's shitty but I don't get why it matters when you don't wanna be with him. You've really pissed him off."

"Oh boo hoo-"

"He was in a foul mood earlier, kicked everyone out of his dressing room, refused to join us for the workout when he never misses a session-"

"So what? Everybody hates me because little diva Jonas is having a temper tantrum?"

"They don't know the full story but they know you've pissed him off. Angry boss is a shit time for everyone."

"Well, what can I do?" Helplessly, you glance at the others, who are mid eye roll just at your presence.

"Nothing, literally nothing. Don't piss Nick off anymore."


"-It wasn't your fault, I get it and it isn't but they're not seeing it that way."

"I guess I'll just grab dinner and be on my way."

"I'll talk to them Y/N, don't take it to heart."

"I knew this would happen."

"Go chill with Dem."


"I'll talk to them." He repeats and you nod, with a sigh. You can feel your eyes burning with the build up of tears but you refuse to let them fall. It wasn't your fault. "See you soon."

Suddenly not feeling all that hungry, you scampered from the judging minds and harsh glares and back down the corridor to the dressing room.

Just before you opened the door, the mention of you name stopped you abruptly as you stood outside and listened.


Wildfire (Demi Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now