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I can't explain what's going on,
Something happened when you came along.


Since your earlier interaction, you hadn't spoken to Demi again. More often than not, your eyes would always seem to find hers on the dance floor and you could tell she was trying to get under your skin. Whether it was a extra shake of her hips, a hair flip to reveal more skin on her chest and neck or a simple look that made your cheeks flush.

In an attempt to get the woman off your mind and out of your head, you had danced with Nick for a while and let his hands roam your body. If she could be suggestive and provocative to you, knowing full the impact she had on you when you were here for her best friend, you could play that game too.

Turning around so your body was flush against Nick's, your arms winding around his neck as his rested a little too low on your lower back. "You're so hot, fuck." Nick mumbled against the skin on your neck, his words slightly slurred from the vodka that his friends had been forcing down his throat, the minute he had come off stage.

"You're not so bad yourself, Jonas." You teased, creating a little distance so you could meet his eyes. You don't quite know what provoked you to do what you did next, maybe it was the atmosphere of being pressed against each others bodies in a sweaty club, maybe it was the guilt that overwhelmed you every time you met Nick's eyes or maybe it was the fact you had the undying want to walk across the dance floor and take the girl who had been teasing you all night home. But you still covered his mouth with your own in a hungry kiss, knowing full well you was in plain sight to everyone and anyone.

He immediately responded of course, his mouth warm but tainted with the taste of alcohol as his tongue invaded your mouth. He wasn't a bad kisser, certainly the sloppiness wasn't great down to the alcohol consumption but he just wasn't her. Her lips were so soft, so consuming that the world would fall away. Her hands would caress your skin gently, moving from brushing the tangles in your hair to stroking just below your ear. Drunk on endorphins, the desire and need to have more was immense. Like you couldn't get enough of her, like even having forever would be too little time.

The hollering and cheering brought you back to reality and you suddenly broke the kiss, your breath shallow as Nick trailed his wet lips down your jaw and neck. Opening your eyes, the sight that greeted you made your heart flip. There she was, her brows furrowed in what seemed like hurt, like she was physically pained by the display of affection. All to aware of the leech on your neck, you abruptly pulled away from the man and took a step towards her.

However, she took one back before you saw her lips move as she spoke to her assistant but the pounding on the music in your ears overpowered her speech. Nick suddenly took your hand confused at the sudden standoffish behaviour you were showing. "Babe?"

"I- I need some air."

"Let me come with-"

"No, no. You um- stay here." Simply leaving him with that order, you rushed over to Kelsey as you noticed the absence of the brunette. "Kelsey, where did Demi go?"

"Bathrooms, I think. I couldn't really hear her." She laughed, continuing to dance with the other dancers that were clearly competing with each other. Ignoring the stares and calls of your name, you blindly headed through the hordes of people that were surrounding you, you saw the weak light of the female toilets and raced through the door.

"Demi?" You spoke, checking underneath the toilet cubicles and finding her shoes. "Demi, I know you're in there. I-" Before you can finish, two party goers came in, laughing at something they'd seen in the club.

"Hi! I love your outfit!" One squeaked to you, making you cringe at her behaviour. You just wanted to speak to Demi.

"Thanks." Managing a weak smile, you knocked on the door of the toilet Demi occupied while the two drunks started fishing for make-up in their clutches.

You couldn't have been waiting longer than five minutes before the door finally opened and a barely composed Demi appeared. "Demi, I-"

"Oh my god, you're DEMI Lovato!" God help, these girls. Before Demi could distract herself by talking to the two of them, you took her by the hand and dragged her from the bathrooms, finding a much larger disabled toilet and almost throwing her in. You just wanted to explain.


"I need to speak to you."

"Don't you have other things to be doing? Like putting your tongue down his throat?" If you didn't know any better, you could have sworn her eyes were watering.

"Demi, listen-"

"No, you listen. You don't get to do this. You don't get to come here on MY tour to visit MY best friend and pull this shit when months ago, you were in MY bed. Do you realise how much Nick has done for me in the past? How much he's been there for me? And what have I done for him? Slept with the girl he's liked-"

"Demi, calm down." Lifting your hand to grasp on to her shoulder, she batted it away in disgust.

"No, I won't calm down."

"Yes, you will. Get your shit together, damn it!" You spat, deciding to take the hard approach to stop the singer from having a panic attack. "Yes, we slept together. Yes, we betrayed Nick but what good is it bringing it up like this? Huh? We can't take it back and quite frankly, if I could. I still wouldn't."

"You wouldn't?"

"No. And we can sit here and wallow in self pity or go out there and flirt like we did, testing each other all the time because there's this god damn undeniable attraction here and I can't spare a minute to think about him because you're on my mind, all the damn time!"

"I am?"


"But Nick-"

"Nick's great, he's a good guy and he deserves someone who can give him the love and attention he deserves. But that's not me. I thought I'd come out here and we could forget about what we did and I could give it a go with Nick. But the minute I saw you, you just consumed me." Like two magnets, the distance between the both of you evaporated as your bodies crashed and lips clashed. Your hands clawing at her skin, hers messing up the curls you had styled in your hair. Lips hungry against your own, you couldn't do anything but simply let her overwhelm you with lust.

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