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Cause this is my game,
And you better come to play.


"Your show really was incredible tonight."

"Thanks." Her line of vision was on her fingernails, picking the chipped nail polish that resided there.


"So you and Nick seem cosy."

"I- I don't know how to reply to that."

"I was just saying."

"I know. God, this is awkward."

"You're telling me." She sighs. "I don't want this to be. Can we just forget what happened? Nick seems pretty happy with you and you seem content too. I don't want to mess things up."

"You're not messing things up. I just don't know how to act around you. I don't want to set you off or-"

"I'm not mad at you. I know what happened made things different but I do like you, you're a great girl and you'd- you'd be good for Nick."

"I- Ok. Thanks, I guess."

"So friends, again?"

"Friends." You confirmed, hooking your little finger around her own as the two of you shared a smile. A smile that you hoped wasn't too enthusiastic like the butterflies that were in your stomach. You didn't know what it was about her but she set something off in you, nobody, especially Nick, did.


After the discussion with Demi, the night had done a complete flip. Nothing felt awkward anymore and the two of you shared jokes and laughed with the others like two old friends, nothing but friends.

Once the guys were satisfied with the amount of vodka they'd consumed, we left the hotel and went straight to a club that clearly was expecting the stars. The paparazzi were out in full force and the staff were immediately attentive, leading the group of us straight to the VIP area and bringing out champagne bottle after champagne bottle. You had stayed relatively sober, you had a few drinks to make you feel a little looser but you weren't interested in drinking your body weight in alcohol like the others and making a complete fool out of yourself. Especially not in front of Dem- Nick. You were here for Nick.

Speaking of Demi, she danced along with the drunks, snap chatting herself and others and rapping along to the songs that blasted from the speakers. You didn't know how she had the control but you weren't questioning it, you simply admired it.

"Y/N!" Speaking of the devil, she crumbled into the booth beside you and held her phone out in front of your faces. "You're the only person I haven't got a picture with yet!"

"No! No selfies." You whined, turning to face the brunette in the flashing lights of the club and were immediately thrown back to the night you met.

"Come on! Friends take pictures." She teased you, making you laugh however the wink that followed set something off within you. "Please!" Fluttering her lashes and smirking flirtatiously, you caved in and moved your body closer to hers to fit into the camera frame.

Stationed beside her, you allowed her to snap a few pictures as you changed poses each time. The final one took your breath away. She turned her body into your own, leaning in so you suddenly became enveloped in her scent as her nude painted lips pressed against your flushed cheek. Internally, the butterflies were going crazy enough to make you nauseous but you smiled through just as her thumb hit capture. "See, these are so cute!" She beamed, tapping the screen on the final one and writing a caption.


"You've been practising." You observe, watching her tap away at the screen before uploading it to the already minutes long snapchat story. "Wow Lovato, it's almost like you're trying to impress me."

"Oh please." She scoffed, although the smirk on her face told you something different. "Why would I try to impress you?" Narrow eyes flicked to your own, leaning slightly to close the distance so nobody else could hear. "-when I've already had you?"

"Maybe once wasn't enough." You commented, shrugged as she attempted to strut back into the crowded dance floor. She clearly heard your comment as she came to a halt, looking back over her shoulder, a smirk still etched on her face.

"Let me correct myself, when I already have you."


"Yeah, great song by the way. You should buy it on iTunes."

Wildfire (Demi Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now