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For you,
I'd do anything for you.


Two weeks later...

'Up next, we have none other than Demi Lovato with-' Before the radio presenter could even announce the song name, you thankfully switched the engine off and sighed in your seat.

Two weeks ago, you had walked away from the Future Now tour without so much as a goodbye to Demi. You hadn't meant to play her like that or lie when you said you'd give it the night but the judging stares, the harrowing attitudes of her staff and friends were just too much.

It was easier for you to walk away like that, easier on everybody. Or at least that's what you told yourself.

"Late night dear?" Mrs Crain from the apartment below smiled as she let her black kitten run into her homely apartment.

"Yeah. How are you?"

"I'm just as good as when you asked this morning."

"You know I like to check up on you. Call me if you need anything?" You reminded her, knowing she didn't have many family members that lived close by if she should need something urgently or even anything at all.

"You're too good to me, Y/N. You get some rest."

"Goodnight Mrs Crain."

"Goodnight dear. Oh and I think you missed a parcel earlier. A young woman visited but when I asked her if I could help, she ignored me. Quite strange."

"That is weird. I'll maybe check my cameras. Thank you." Flashing a smile, you waited for the elderly woman to return to the confines of her apartment and heard the click of the door lock before continuing to your own apartment. You didn't know who had visited your apartment but it slightly freaked you out that someone got in the building and to your apartment door. Everybody you knew knows you work in the day and would simply leave whatever they had at the front desk for you to collect.

Once inside your apartment, you crossed your living room to the makeshift office you had set up in the corner, you clicked on to the camera software that your landlord had installed and provided you with.

You couldn't help the thoughts racing through your head. Who the hell had visited? A burglar? A PI? The police? It's not like you had queues of family and friends that were dying to be with you.

As the video moved at a rapid face, fast forwarding to not long before you got home, you saw a flash of black and slowed the recording. Brown hair, that was definitely brown hair, you observed as the blurred figure crossed the shot. Slim figure, feminine build.

Slowing the tapes even more than before, you captured the exact moment the pixelated shadow appeared on screen and zoomed in as far as possible.

No way. It couldn't be. She's not here-

"Not quite as strange and mysterious as the woman made out below but you should really keep your door locked." You froze in position, not daring to turn around as the voice that you had only heard in your dreams the past couple of weeks penetrated your head. "Y/N, turn around." All that left your mouth was a near silent whimper.

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