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So, how did you get here under my skin?
I swore that I'd never let you back in.


Two Months Later

This was a bad idea.

This was such a bad idea.

Why am I doing this again?

"Yo! Get your ass moving, the plane will leave you behind!"

"Yeah, I'm coming." Taking one last deep breathe, you head up the steep flight of stairs and thank the few airline staff members that wish you a safe flight.

"This is the LIFE!" Dan shouts, moving from seat to seat on the private jet they had sent for us. Nick had invited a few of you out to be roadies for the next couple of days on the Future Now Tour. Every part of you screamed no. You had kept in contact with Nick loosely since that night and he had been 'dying' to see you again.

But he wasn't the problem. It was the other Future Now headliner.

Ever since that night, you had scurried away from the beautiful house in the hills of Los Angeles the morning after. Both of you vowing to never speak of it, nor hope to see each other again. It was too risky and she just refused to betray her friend. You couldn't blame her but a part of you wishes that she fought for you, that she said to forget Nick and take you out herself.

And for a while, you told yourself that you had to stay away from Nick. This could never work after what happened with his best friend, business partner, childhood friend, co-actor, did you even need to go on? But Nick was sweet, he'd said the right things, offered you more than he needed to and made the effort.

Which is why you were currently on your way to Florida to spend the next few days with him. You needed to give him a chance, he deserved that at the least.


"NICK! My MAN! That was insane! I can't believe you sent the jet!"

"Yeah, that was a little present from us here. It's good to see you!" Nick grinned, hugging each one of the guys as you stood by and watched the interaction with a smile on your face. "The shows gonna be sick, I can't wait for you to see it. Where's- Here she is!" His eyes found yours and you grinned, stepping forward to allow him to wrap his muscular arms around your smaller figure.

"Hey you."

"It's so good to see you."

"It's good to see you too, I'm glad I could fly out and see the show. Thanks for that, by the way. Totally unnecessary but thanks."

"A girl like you has gotta arrive in style. Are you guys hungry? Catering is bomb today, get something." He told the overexcited guys, who all raced over to the rows of food, discussing lining their stomachs for all the alcohol they're gonna consume tonight. "Let me get you something."

"I'm not that hungry."

"Of course you are. I'll grab a few things for you to try. Take a seat." Knowing he'd never take no for an answer, you fell into the seat that he had previously vacated and waited for him to arrive back.

Nick had brought over an array of food, telling you his favourites and forcing you to try the gross stuff. You had allowed him to feed you, laughing when he missed your mouth and stole the last few bites of what you said was your favourite.

You couldn't deny that he made you feel good, he did make you happy. Around him, you had a permanent smile on your face. There was something missing and you couldn't quite put your finger on it but maybe that would come in time. You had to hope.

"Nick, Max said you took my pickles and I swear I'll beat your ass- Oh, I didn't know we had company." The second her voice was heard, your heartbeat doubled in speed. Obviously you knew you'd see her but you weren't quite ready yet. Memories of that night flashed behind your eyelids, bodies colliding, lips brushing, skin caressing-

"Lovato! I missed your cute ass!" Jesse jumped up, tackling the girl and throwing her over his shoulder. Using this as a distraction, you dared to lift your head and look at the woman you hadn't kept off your mind. Her hair was much lighter now, brunette extensions tumbling down her back in loose waves. Her make up seemed newly done and the top half of her looked ready to take the stage. However, the jeans and denim jacket that adorned her figure told you she wasn't quite ready.

"Put me down!" She giggled, regaining her balance on her two, petite feet. "Hey guys!" Greeting everyone with a smile, you almost hid behind Nick's jacked figure from her line of sight.

"I didn't eat the pickles but I may or may not have seen Joesph steal them earlier."

"That jack-as-" Before she even finished her sentence, her browns eyes met yours and suddenly, her face fell. Shit.

"Oh Dem, you remember Y/N, right?"

"I- I- Yeah." Gulping softly, you put your best fake smile on and stood up to greet her. "It's- um- real good to see you again."

"You too." The hug between you was more than awkward as you held each other too gently, far too aware of the audience watching you. "You look great."

"You too. I- I just finished meet and greet so I should go get ready. Guys, Y/N, enjoy the show."

"Yeah, we'll see you tonight Dem!" Joey whistled, the boys all falling into cheers and chants at the mention of tonight. You couldn't help but watch her retreating figure rush from the catering room.

This trip was going to be a disaster.

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