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Maybe you shouldn't come back,
Maybe you shouldn't come back to me.


When you woke, the sheets were cold and the sun was only just rising along the skyline. An alarm was ringing in the distance, a dull sound dissolving into the soundscape while inside the hotel room, it was silent. Besides the annoying tick of the clock above the bedside table, alerting you to the time of 5am. A shiver ran through your body and you gently grasped the sheets, stretching your arm out to find the source of heat that you had been pressed against for the past couple of hours but there was nothing.


The dull ache in your thighs and the sun beaming into the all white bedroom from over the sandy mountain tops woke you up the next morning. Oh and the scratching of little paws against the wooden door. And that's when it hit you.

Nick. Demi. Pennywise. Batman. You almost laughed, but the peaceful brunette that was clung to your arm kept you still and silent in fear.

Almost like she sensed your conscious state and the profuse feeling of uneasiness, a groan escaped her barely parted lips and her clearly restless legs stretched across the mattress. Holding your breath, you hoped the brunette would simply roll over, sink back into the comfort of her bed and fall back into a tranquil slumber. But of course, you weren't that lucky.

So when her tired eyes opened and her mind became clear, small hands grasped the colourless duvet and tugged it to hold against her naked form. "Shit."

"I- I should go." Stuttering, you slipped from the edge of the mattress and grabbed the nearest thing to cover your self with; a grey, fur throw that had been hurled to the floor when the two of you had finally made it to the bedroom, too invested in each other to care.

"Yeah." Her voice was yet to speak above a whisper as she started to busy herself, almost sprinting to her walk in closet. Of course, this would happen to you.

You gave a stupid little speech, opening yourself to someone about how you were scared to get into a relationship, about how you have no friends, drowning in your own loneliness. Yet you follow her home and have her in bed within a couple of hours. Relocating your clothes, you slipped on the skirt you had worn yesterday and the merchandise t-shirt Demi had given you as night wear, you brushed a hand through your tangled hair and sighed.

Were you meant to just leave? Were you to speak to her?

Deciding it would be best if you just headed out, you opened the bedroom door and the miniature dog came running at you, jumping up and yelping loudly. "Sh, Batman! Sh."

He only seemed to take your noise as playing as he got louder, running circles around your legs and diving up and down from the bed. "Batman, hey! No." Her voice made you jerk, you were pretty sure she wasn't going to resurface from that closet until you were at least a mile from her house but here she was.

"I'll just go." You told her, finally meeting her eyes and noticing she was now sporting her own work-out line. "I-"

"Y/N, last night shouldn't have happened."

"I know." You mumbled, bowing your head almost in shame.

"Nick likes you, he-"

"Demi, I get it. We just got caught up in the moment."

"We did."

"I won't tell him."

"Neither will I." What else was there to say?

"I guess I won't see you round." Although there was a hint of humour in your voice, her face didn't crack a smirk, staying in a rather strict expression. "...Ok, bye then." Batman ran to your feet and you dropped down quickly, all too aware that her eyes weren't leaving you. Her expression had changed but you didn't dare look at her long enough to attempt to read her. "Bye cutie."

He barked in reply, wanting more attention but you were far too conscious that you had outstayed your welcome, so merely headed out of the luxurious mansion on the hills on Los Angeles, deciding to get well away from the star's home until you called an Uber.

A night of celebration and amusement had gone way too far and it was something you weren't about to forget for a while.


She hadn't left you, had she? Had she decided that you weren't worth the hassle, that everything she said yesterday was a lie just to prove she could take you from Nick and get you into bed once again?


"Holy sh- Don't do that." You demanded, not only holding the sheets to your chest but pressing the skin above your heart that was pounding harshly.

"Sorry. You looked away with the fairies." Her tone was light and soft, not full of embarrassment or regret which made the loneliness you felt when you woke up sink away. "What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing." You replied, a little too quickly. She had thrown on a t-shirt that was clearly from her merchandise line as her face was plastered in black and white on the front.

"I thought we established you couldn't lie to me months ago?"

"I'm not lying. It doesn't matter-"

"Did you think I left?" She took your silence as the answer. "I wouldn't have done that. If I did regret what we did, I still wouldn't have left you to wake up alone."

"That's good to know... I think."

"It doesn't matter to you, does it?" Giggling at your confusion, she laid across the bed on her stomach as you let yourself fall back against the comforting pillows again. "I had no plans to leave you, I have no plans to do so. We're in this together now." Between the tangled sheets, her fingers found your own and clasped them together while the fingers on her spare hand idly traced the smooth skin on the back of your hand.

"We are." You confirmed, watching her face in the barely illuminated room. Something flashed beneath the surface, her expression shifting to one of guilt. "Hey."

"Hmm?" She hummed, lifting her head to make eye contact. Deciding no words you could say would probably make her feel better, nor change the situation, you simply leaned forward. Like she could read your mind, her actions replicated yours and your lips met in the middle, all unspoken reassurances translating to each other.

Both of you basked in the early morning light, blissfully ignorant in the confines of her room to even think about what was yet to come.

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