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I was in the lounge still sitting with my brother I looked at my watch, tick tock! It was 7:48pm by now, I had to reach the Academy at 8pm. "One-chan, (brother) its time for me to go now..." I mumbled and sighed, I wanted to spend more time with my dear Reno... I stood up from the couch and lifted up my bag beside it. He looked at me making a gloomy expression with puppy eyes puffing his cheeks. "Can't you stay a little longer...?" He said softly. I shrugged my shoulders, "Wish I could." I replied. He got up from the couch and crashed onto a hug with me. We stayed like that for a while and parted away. I took out the present (the guitar remember?) from the bag which I holding for a while and handed it to him. "I bought this for you!" I chirped and smiled broadly gleaming my eyes out of sad silence. "For me? You didn't have to yo!" He smiled and took it from me. "Oh well I HAD to yo!" I chirped. He chuckled and tore off the wrapping. His eyes widened at the lovely shining guitar. He rowed the strings, "Not bad yo! I like it." He sweetly smiled at me. "I'll be going now, have fun with it!" I chirped and stood on my toes throwing my arms at his neck, kissing his cheek, "Bye, hope I see you next week." I whispered and back away. He kissed my cheek and rubbed his with mine. I giggled at it, "Bye yo, hope I do too." I said. I walked towards the exit door and took a last glimpse at him smiling, I waved my hand and closed the door and went up to my bicycle. I sat on it, wore my helmet and pads and strode of the road to the Academy.

--------At the Academy-------

I stood outside the living room, it reminded me when I it was my first time here I was too nervous to open the door! Shy times! Any way I opened the door, "I'm ba--" I was cut off by sight at all the starish members including Haruka were standing in a line facing Camus who had a stick in the air, standing on one toe and the other in the air and the other free hand on his waist. They didn't notice me and I stood there staring at Camus. I burst into laughter holding onto the frame of the door. "On my way to steal your girl eh Camus?" I said in between my laughter. His face became red at my comment. The juniors joined my laughter. "AHEM." He fake coughed out load that snapped us out of laughing. I was still covering my mouth with my hand snickering. "Any way, okaeeri (welcome back) Violet-san." He spoke still a bit flushed. I stopped snickering replacing it with a goofy grin, "Yeah I'm back... and what's with the act Cam?" I said. He made a disgusted face, "I was teachi--" Some one jumped from behind at me and before I could even look, "Okaeri Vey-Chan!" I recognised it was reiji hugging and rubbing his cheek over mine. I almost lost my conscience there for a second! I blushed a little, "Hai( yeah) I'm b-back and... get off me." I tried not to stutter so I said the last part sternly. He let go of me and Camus continued lecturing something about dancing to the starish. "Violet-chan, (I have many nick names .-.) I don't know if Saotome-san ever mentioned this to you, we are going for a one month vacation in the forest near a huge lake! And that's tomorrow at 9am! Hehe its gonna be fun, ne?" Reiji notified me sweetly smiling and placed his hand gently on my head ruffling, God I love its when he does that. He was wearing his usual brown jacket a white shirt saying 'My Girl' with a smiley and with dark green jeans. I stared in his gleaming grey irises, pink began to taint on my cheeks again, "I-I didn't know that...I h-hope it'd be great." Trying not to stutter, I gave a goofy smile while eyes closed. He smiled back and his hand fell from my head to his side. I opened eyes, "I'll be going to my room to pack now!" I chirped excitedly. "Yeah, when will you eat dinner?" He asked out of blue. "Um...I don't take long packing so... probably I'll be eating at 9 pm or so?" I answered thoughtfully my index finger and thumb under my chin. "Why do you ask?" I questioned him. "I wondering to eat with you~ that's all!" He said in his childish sweet tone. My insides were now going crazy, melting, "See you at the cafeteria later!" I chirped and dashed to my room.

----------our dorm-----------

I was going through the closet and throwing in the suit case some clothes, shoes, undergarments, and bla bla. "Alright. Last one!", I said relieved. I checked if there was anything missing...nope nothin'. I look up the time, 8:56pm. I made a blushing poker face, Hold it together will ya?! You a star Vio! I yelled mentally. I gathered courage and left the dorm room to the cafeteria. I could see Reiji sitting near a window looking out there. The gleaming light of the moon falling over him, the very scene made him look so, so, hot. My steps were jerky, but thank God he didn't notice me. Just when I got near him, "Reiji-san, I'm back..." I said. I turned his face to look at me with his big warm smile, "Hey Vey-chan! You're a little early bird! Shall we eat?" He spoke happily. "S-sure!" He got up, and I followed him to the counter where the food was lined up. I got 2 pieces of fatty tuna, 2 onigiri packs and an apple. I love apples, just they remind me of death note! Reiji got ramen and few onigiris. He walked  back to where he was sitting and I followed. He turned to face me with a frown, "looks like some else took our place, and I don't see any other free tables... how bout we sit in the living room's balcony?" He asked. "Its fine, we can sit there!" I chirped and tilted my head slightly to the side, smiling. I swear I saw him blush!....or its my imagination..

--Our living room's balcony--

We were sitting in the balcony eating, the sensation of night breeze hitting my skin felt good. "Ne Vey-chan, even if we ate in the cafeteria, it would've been noisy ne?", he asked out of blue and munched on his food. "Yeah... I guess your right..." I took a sip of water. An awkward like silence fell and I was blushing a little. I couldn't help but take glances at him, he was so adorable after all. And he could look at me the same time too, which was causing me to blush harder every second. He finished his dinner got up from his chair across and sat beside me. He threw an arm around my shoulders, ruffling my hair and pulled me close. OH. MA. GAWD. He started chucking, it confused me, "You look so cute when you blush!~" he cooed (thank God he didn't whisper it in my ear). I just stayed silent since my throat dried up. He grabbed the onigiri from my plate, "Say ahh~" he chirped. I puffed my cheeks and shook my head. "Ahaha, c'mon Vey-chan~! One bite!" He cooed and poked the food to my mouth. "Pretty please?" He pleaded with a frown. I gave up seeing that and ate from his hand. He chuckled, I love the way he laughs, its like melody to my ears. I hope I could confess to him when we go for the trip... gotta gather courage Vey... "Reiji-san we gotta wake up early tomorrow and I have to do some things before I sleep..." I mumbled and just as I was about to stood up he pulled me back and made me sit between his legs. Oh my God, oh my God! My heart was racing faster! I squeaked at the sudden act and he laughed. He had his hands wrapped around my waist and his chin on my shoulder. "Can't you stay for a minute~?" He whispered in my ear tightening his grip pulling me closer. OH NOW YOU DONE IT REIJI. NOW YOU DONE IT. "But-" "Shhh~" he placed his finger on my mouth cutting me off. He started rubbing his cheek with mine, "Your so soft ne..." he whispered again. "Ow look the time I gotta go..." I tried to protest. I felt a soft kiss making a 'mmm' sound on my cheek. I was now redder then Otoya's hair. "Haaaa..." I said (not moaning if that's what you think) so flushed and my eyes like going round and round! That wasn't the first time he did that though! "Awwe kawaii (cute) little Vey-chan!" He cooed. "R-rei I....g-gotta go..." I mumbled out of the delicious sensation sizzling down my poor spine my eyes turning back to normal. He chuckled and let of my shoulder and waist. And I stood up hesitantly and almost jerked my foot then  he grabbed me by the arm. "You okay Vey-chan? You look like you have a fever~" i swear his voice had a hint of sarcasm! He was doing it on purpose! He placed a hand on my four head, "Your head isn't that hot.." Oh joy the sarcasm! He was... smirking? I don't know I'm too dazed to see properly from that yummy kissy he did. Dream came true!...maybe not yet...I thought. "Bye Vey-chan~!  See you--" I cut him off grabbing his face to my level kissing his cheek, I had to get revenge...I never kissed anyone's cheeks except Reno's. I just couldn't resist to do so. After that I ran as fast as I could away to my room before someone could see us or... ya know, I was melting to my limit. But before I could run off I SWEAR HE WAS RED LIKE... CHERRIES!

-----------my dorm-----------

"Oh God! Misho I can't believe I did that!" I exclaimed. "SHH! Haruka is asleep you quacking duck!" Mishka hushed her voice almost above a whisper. "Hai hai(yeah yeah) komen! (Or gomen? Idk , it means sorry)" I said.

"So... how far did you go?~" she wiggled her brows and narrowing her eyes. "Ya know what I mean~"

"Well....not far I said I only kissed his cheek! And he did too! I love the tingling sensation when he ruffles my hair, oooh! And when I was just about to stand up, he pulled back making me sit between his legs, grabbing my waist and his cheek rubbing mine...ahh.." I said thinking about what just happened and giggling.

"Wow you go girl! I'm also fallen!" She cheered.

I snapped out my fantasy hearing that. "You too? That's great! So tell me who is it!" I asked excitedly.

She brought her face closer, "its syo-chan!" She whispered giggling.

"I thought you'd like someone like him one day, haha!" I giggled as well.


Well after all the girly and giggly conversations, Mishka was asleep making cute 'coo' snores. I was lying in my bed looking out the window at the misty gleaming moon and twinkling stars thinking about today. My cheeks heated up faintly showing pink. I love you so much Reiji... so much that I can't express it in words or music...but physically, if you let me that is... <3

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