Chapter 14

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you not fangurl that much in this chap ._.

-----guest room 7:47am-----

I sat up in my bed yawning and stretching arms in the air. I rubbed my eyes and stood up taking a glance at Natsuki and Syo, they're sleeping soundly. I chuckled at the view of natsuki, he was squeezing a plushie mumbling I don't know what and Syo snoring loudly.

Anyways I lazily went to the closet and took out a white loose tank top that had cute tiny violet flowers on it, some dark green 3 quarter jeans. Your thinking I said I won't show my legs but...this case, is exceptional. I walked to the bathroom afterwards, brushed my teeth, washed ma ugly face, took a shower and changed clothes. I came out folding the previous thing I was wearing and threw it in the closet and put on some dark blue flats.

I looked up the time, it was 8:12am. Break fast time! And by the way...Reiji would probably be the only one awake right? Since the others rise from their beds around 10 o'clock or something. That reminds me of last night's event..I blushed at the dreamy thought. Sometimes can't believe he's mine...all mine.

I strolled out of the room outside and went to the bar. I frowned when I didn't see who I wanted...instead a woman came from inside who looked in her early 40's stood and smiled welcoming me, "Morning dear, my name is Ema. I'm Reiji's aunt, and you must be Violet!" She said sweetly.

"Good morning Ema-san! Yes I am Violet....and where's Reiji? He's usually up at this time..." I greeted back.

"Oh that reminds me, he said to come to those bushy trees when your done eating!" She pointed to same place where Reiji did last night, saying he'd show me tomorrow...

"Where's Sai-san?"

"He's asleep, he's not an early bird!" She giggled. "Anyway, what would you like to eat?"

"Oh I see. I would like to have...2 apples only. I'm not hungry really."

"Aww, well, I can't force you to eat." She frowned slightly that made me feel a little guilty because of my appetite. She went inside and came up after few minutes of silence with two shiny red apples, neatly sliced  in her hands.

"Thank you!" I chirped and took a bite.

"Any time!" She smiled and went inside.

"God...I love apples...." I mumbled devouring the juicy apple flavour. I ate the last spiced piece and stood up from heading towards where Reiji said he'd be.

As I pushed away the bushes and reach the center of the place and looked left and right for him. He's nowhere to be seen! I'm forgetting the fact he's a far better ninja I am... "Reiji?..." I called out his name slightly nervous. I heard something shuffle in the branches and shot my head up the direction it came from.

All of a sudden someone came face to face upside down hanging his feet on the vines. I whimpered and fell back with widened eyes, I almost shit my pants for crying out loud! Its what that bastard Reiji..."Boo!" He peek-a-booed with his hands.

I sighed and got up to my feet. "Reiji! You idiot! You know its freaks me out so much!" I exclaimed. He laughed and got down from the hanging vines. "I ha--" he cut me off, embracing me tightly. My anger settled and faced up to him. He was smiling down at me with those shiny glamourous, grey eyes. I hugged him back and nuzzled my nose in his chest, closing eyes and taking in his scent. My cheeks started to taint pink at his warmth.

Reiji on the other hand traced his finger from my shoulder slowly moving down to my mid thigh. It sent shivers down my spine. I didn't expect anything like that from him..."My girl..." he mumbled sweetly. He broke apart, which I didn't want to. But just before I could hug again he lifted me up like bridal style... his hand almost near my butt. I squealed at the unexpected act. "Reiji! This is embarrassing! What if any ones watching?!" I exclaimed with my face flustered red.

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