Chapter 7

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--------my dorm 7am---------

I woke up by the ugly blasting sound of the alarm clock. "Nanda yo?...(What the hell)" I spoke sleepily and threw the alarm across the room making a huge bang. Haruka and Mishka sat up to their beds. I just rubbed my eyes harder and don't bother to say sorry, well what? They had to wake up at the same time! I threw the cover away and swung my legs lazily off the my bed and sat up. I was wearing a cotton nighty pajamas and a t-shirt. I stood up yawning loudly as ever. The two laughed. "So who's going in the bathroom first?..." I asked still sleepy. "Uh... I will!" Mishka replied. "Don't take long or I'm gonna kill you." I warned. "Hai hai(yeah yeah) I won't take long!" She chirped and dashed to the bathroom with her clothes. I sighed and fell backwards on the bed. I snapped out of my laziness and greeted Haruka, "ohayo (good morning) I just snapped out of my sleepiness and forgot to greet ya." I nagged. She chuckled, "Ohayo sempai! Its fine!" She spoke sweetly. "Blugh~" I made few random noises. I sat up again deciding to call my on my bro. I dialled his number and after few beeps he picked up, "ohayo nii-chan! (Brother)" I chirped. "Ohayo, yo!" He spoke lazily, "why'd you woke up early yo?" He asked.

"Well....I'm sorry I forgot to tell you before that.. we're going for a month vacation on some forest with a huge lake today..

Komenasai! (I'm sorry)" I mumbled like a child.

"Ahhaha its okay yo! Have lots of fun! And I mean 'fun'. And send me lots of pictures yo!" He requested.

I blushed at the fun part but put it aside, "will do! And you should really get a girl now! Your 22 years old! When you gonna get married? When you reach your 80's?" I mocked, smirking.

"Yeah yeah but I can't find the type I want, ya know yo!" He... protested? "Any way have fun! I'm gonna get busy now, bye yo~" he spoke.

"Oh, sorry I called you this time! Bye...yo!" I giggled.

"Nah nah you never a prob yo. Chill. Matanei~(later)" he cooed.

I giggled and he hung up. "Who was that on the phone just now?..." Haruka questioned. "Oh that was my older brother. Why do you ask?"

"Well, it made me curious when you said, 'when you gonna get a girl'" she smiled.

"Oh.. yeah haha!" I laughed.

Then the door opened revealing Mishka in her flashing pink lingerie. "The hell you wearing?! Didn't you take clothes with you? You never know if someone's watching dude!" I said agitated.

"Aw sorry my view is nasty and all but I took the wrong clothes!" She protested.

"You could've covered yourself with a towel at least..." I mumbled narrowing my eyes to the floor.

"Hmp!" I heard her say and she took off to the bathroom again.

Haruka giggled and I laughed. "What goof..." I commented. "HEY DON'T TAKE LONG! WE AIN'T GOT MUCH TIME!" I shouted. I walked to my closet looking for what to wear. After few moments I took out a black T-shirt with a wide neck and Quartet Night chibis on them. I stared at the Reiji one in awe. I shook my bead grabbing out some light grey jeans with dark grey flowers at the ends, a black belt and last but not the least, a red tank top. I placed the clothes on my bed and went to the dressing table to see some accessories. I found a friendship bracelet in different shades of purple that Mishka made for me when we were younger. Good old days... Mishka came out with a towel on her head ruffling it. "Haru-chan, me or you next?" I asked. "I'll go, I'm in an 'emergency!'" She squeaked. "Yeah yeah go!" I laughed. She went running real fast! Wow... "See, I didn't take long!" Mishka stuck out her tongue at me. "Whatever, do you remember this?" I held the bracelet in front of her face. Her eyes softened and gently touched it, "yeah... good times ne?" She said lost in her memories. "Yep...good times!" I chirped. I took it away and gently placed it on the bed. "Huuuu I wonder what Reiji doing~" I cooed standing on my toes. "Keep day dreamin girl!" She giggled.

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