Chapter 10!

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This dude will be reaaaaal long. Enjoy!

"Okay okay! It's my jam now!" I spoke in a creepy tone, smirking diabolically. Me and Mishka were playing Monopoly on her bed. I shook the dice in my hand and threw it on the board.

"Checkmate, 6!" I exclaimed with that smirk.

"Oh you won't be smirking! Just you watch!" She was pretty ticked off with a vein popping on her four head by ma moves like jagge!

Heh. I sent her dummy to the 'go to jail' phase. She ruffled her hair in frustration, "Aaargh! I give up!" She yelled agitated. Me and Haruka laughed. Well she was just watching us play.

"Alrighty! Time to count the money!" I took her notes and compared it with mine. I poker faced. "Oh joy, you won. Happy?"

Threw her hands in the air, "Yahoo!" She exclaimed.

"Well, now that the game's over, can we walk outside and explore the place a little?" I asked the two of them.

"Sure! We'd love to since there ain't anything else to do!" Mishka chirped.

"Why not?" Haruka agreed.

We three gals strolled off the bed afterwards.

~Outside behind the building~


We were behind the building, well more like above it since there was a hill. There was a huge tree dangling with cherries and some fallen around it. The fresh looking grass was moving by the breezes rhythm. We sat near the tree watching the scenery with a better view now. I sat with my hands on the grass behind me slightly leaning back and my leg spread and the other sightly lifted, moving my knee side to side and a small smile on my face with my eyes half lidded. Mishka sitting legs crossed and her hands in her lap while Haruka sitting with her knees to her chest and hands loosely hung around them. Well, this place is so peaceful and gives a romantic feeling...speaking of which, I think...I can confess Reiji here ... at night heart just raced thinking about that. Anyway, we silently enjoyed our view till lunch.

----inside building 2:14pm----

Well, we all were sitting in the dinning table, eating our food. I was sitting between Masato and Reiji. Surprisingly, the lunch went all silent. Well, after being done, I stood up and so did Reiji, "Vey-chan and I are going shopping! See you all later!" He announced chirping. We moved out of the dinning room and he grabbed my hand, "You ready? He asked looking inti my chocolate brown eyes with his greyish-silver ones and smiling. "Y-yeah..." I replied with a small smile with a faint blush tainted on my cheeks.

We exited the building and walked towards a black limo. He opened the door for me and I sat inside. He entered after me taking a seat beside me.

I faced him, "Reiji-san, where and what are you gonna buy?" I asked.

"Well, I wanted to go by the book store and a plushie shop. Do you want to go any where? I won't mind going with you!" He replied happily.

"Uhm...I..uh well...I wanted to visit a electronics shop to get new Headphones..." I mumbled looking down.

I ruffled my hair and chuckled, "Ne, ne, don't be embarrassed!" He chirped and let his hand fell on his side.

"Okay..". When ever he sits close, I can't resist grabbing his arm but, I should control that right now.

Anyway, we arrived at the bookstore first. He got out grabbing my hand pulling me with him and walked in the shop. I let go of his grip when I spot some 'loveless' series stack. I took a glance over Reiji, he was searching his own kinds of books. I picked up a book, "This looks recently released..." I mumbled to my self. I felt two hands on my shoulder to see Reiji smiling down at the book in my hands. "You want this? I'll pay it!" He spoke. "Yeah, but honagai, (please) I'll pay it!" I exclaimed and he just chuckled. We walked to the counter where several books were already there for Reiji and placed mine on it. Before I could give out the payment, he already did it. Owww! Why did he had to buy it? I feel weird! "Thank you for your purchases. Please visit again!" The man at the counter spoke. Se walked out the shop with a bag in my hands and one in his. I clutched the bag bringing it closer to my chest looking at him, "Thanks a lot Reiji-san...but why?" I appreciated him for buying. He chuckled, "Because you're so cute!" He cheered and I bushed at his comment. He held my hand, "the electronics shop gives idols free things here!" He said pointing towards the shop next to the book store. "Oh..." that's all I could say at the moment. "Anyway, I'll be going to that plushie store over there! I'll come back inside later!" He chirped and went to the opposite direction. My flush was gone, by now I was standing at the counter, "Excuse me ma'am, do you have Monster Beats headsets By doc. Dre?" I asked politely. "Yes we do!" She took out a plastic bag wrapped on the headphones. "Thanks!" I picked it up and saw reiji coming up in the shop. "Are you done?" He asked smiling. "Yes, I got what I need!" I chirped. He held my hand gently and let out to the car and took our seats.

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